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Recap / Pokémon Wack

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Part 1: Team Wack / The Pokémon League

    1) Introduction 
This game starts off like any other Pokémon game, with a professor asking you your name and gender. This time, however, the professor's name is "Not Professor Oak", and when he asks you "Are you a boy?" there are 6 options: Yes, No, Maybe, I Don't Know, Can You Repeat That Question, and Attack Helicopter. Yes and No have you play as Red and Leaf, respectively. Maybe has you play as a femboy, I Don't Know has you play as a hybrid whose right half is Red and whose left half is Leaf. Can You Repeat That Question has you play as an Eldritch Abomination, and Attack Helicopter has you play as an attack helicopter. After you choose your name and gender, you wake up in your room, just like most Pokémon games. You walk downstairs and talk to your mother, who gives you a Pokédex and Running Shoes. After that, you go to the professor's lab to get a starter. The starters are Woot, the wood-type, Maggie, the magma-type, and Steamin, the steam-type. The professor says, "If I had a grandson, he would probably want a Pokémon around now."

    2) Glacie City 

Once you leave the lab, you are able to find a Poké Ball in Wack Town (the town you start in). Once you get onto Route 1, you are able to battle Zaydolf, your rival. He introduces himself as a "humble beginning painter just starting his journey," and while he doesn't have a starter, he has an Electrike and Artsy. Right from the beginning, this game establishes that it isn't as easy as official Pokémon games, as both of Zaydolf's Pokémon are holding berries and his Electrike is using a paraflinch set. However, you do not need to battle him now, you can go up to Glacie City and buy more Poké Balls and Potions to make battling him easier. After you beat him, he congratulates you and leaves. After that, you go to Glacie City, a big city where it is snowing. Right when you enter, a strange group known as Juvite makes an announcement making people buy their products. This city also contains the first gym, home of the Ice-type leader Crost. Some people are blocking off Route 2, and they tell you that they will leave once you beat the first gym. You don't have to beat the first gym yet, though. North of Glacie City is the Frosty Forest, where you can catch many ice-types, including a shiny Smoball. You can also find a kid in a cave, trapped by a Pokémon known as Iceis. Once you defeat or catch the Iceis, you can talk to the kid, who escapes back to his mother. Talking to his mother in Glacie City, she gives you a ticket. You can take this ticket back to Wack Town to a guy who takes you to Liberty Island, where you can catch Victini. When you fight Crost, he admits that Ice is weak to all 3 starter types, but that this battle still won't be easy. For example, his Snover's ability is Snow Warning, which makes it hail, and since this game uses gen 5 mechanics for the most part, that hail will never go away. Snover also has Wood Hammer, which hits Steamin super effectively and Wood Hit, which hits Maggie super effectively, as well as any ice types you might want to bring to take advantage of that hail. He also has a Smoball with Ice Body, which regenerates HP while in hail. All his Pokemon have Snow Bank, which lowers speed and hits Woodie super effectively if you evolved it already.

    3) Seaside/Gourmet City 

Once you beat Crost, you can continue onto Route 2, which has you go through Miam Cavern and fight some trainers. However, this cave can be skipped by cutting the tree blocking the two outdoor sections of Route 2, since trees can be cut down without a Pokémon knowing Cut. The next destination is Seaside Village, where you receive a Stando. There is also a sidequest involving a group of thugs who stole a baby Lapras from its mother. They are insisting that the owners of the Lapras pay a ransom, but you go in and defeat them with your Pokémon. After you beat Zyklon, the leader of the thugs, he does a Heel–Face Turn and brings the baby Lapras back to its mother, and talks about getting the money they need “a different way”. When you talk to the mother Lapras, she gives you an egg which hatches into a baby Lapsy. North of Seaside Village is Gourmet City. When you enter Gourmet City, Zaydolf tells you about how he is applying to the Juvite Corporation to become an artist, and then he battles you. After you beat him, you are free to explore the town. In the south, there lives the Cutting Man, who gives you the HM for Cut (not like you need it). If you go to the Pokémon Center, there is an old man near the PC. Talking to him sends you to Heck, a dungeon which you can only escape by blacking out. And black out you will, as all the Pokémon there are like level 80. But the main attraction of this city is the Food-type gym, which is also a kitchen run by Chef Lomar. Battling Chef Lomar gives you the second badge, and after you beat him, you can see Zaydolf sitting on a bench in the middle of the city. He tells you that the Juvites rejected him, and then talks about his plans to eliminate them, and then he leaves.

    4) Ankh Desert 

The next route, Route 3, has the Ankh Desert splitting it in half. Inside the Ankh Desert are the Ankh Ruins, which have been invaded by an organization known as Team Wack. Many of the Team Wack grunts look similar to the thugs who kidnapped the Lapras, but this time, they are talking about themselves being the superior “Mustard Race”. When you go deeper down, you find Eva, an admin of Team Wack, holding a Juvite child hostage. That is because the boy’s father knows the location of a certain rare Pokémon that Team Wack wants. But you defeat Eva, and the father thanks you and tells you that the rare Pokémon is in the next room. The rare Pokémon is Kawaidesha, which you can catch. When you exit the Ankh Ruins, you also find some fossils.

    5) Side/Latex Town 

At the end of Route 3 is Side Town. In Side Town, there is a sidequest where a boy lost his sister in the woods. You can go to the woods and find a Celebi, who gives you a glimpse of your future. You are in a room full of machines, and your friend is talking to you about being cleansed and erased. Once you catch Celebi, the boy’s sister comes back, but while she was only gone for a week, she has aged many years. She also gives you a Lucky Egg. Side Town also has a daycare, and the owner gives you another Lucky Egg. The next route to the west, Route 4, connects Side Town to Latex Town. When you enter Latex Town, you feel an urge to go to the basement of the Juvite Mart. When you go to the basement, you meet a Juvite girl who is trying to figure out something involving the Juvite corporation, as her father is a high-ranking executive. She battles you, and then she tells you to keep her presence a secret. Latex Town also has a gym belonging to the Rubber-type Claire. Again, beating her gives you a badge. You can also go west to get to Faroff Town. This is a pretty small town, with the only things to do is get the HM for Fly. You can also visit Zaydolf’s grandmother and see some of Zaydolf’s paintings, as this is the town where he grew up.

    6) Romero/Surfin City 

If you go back to Side Town, you can go north to Route 5, which connects to Romero City. Romero City has zombies roaming around everywhere, and the gym is also Zombie-type. The gym leader, Vlad, is himself a zombie, but when you defeat him, he becomes alive again and gives all the zombies a proper burial. Romero City also has a department store where you can buy lots of things like evolution stones, as well as a Game Corner. West of Romero City is Rektown, a town reduced to rubble by Team Wack because Juvites lived there. West of Rektown is the Safari Zone. From Romero Town, you can go east to Route 6 to Surfin City. Surfin City does not have a gym, but it has the HM for Surf. If you go north of Romero City, you get to Route 8, which lets you surf up to Cybergate City. A virtual simulation of reality and a space program are in development there, but they are both inaccessible for now. On Route 8, there is a man who takes you to an ancient library on an island for a sidequest. In that library, Juvites and Team Wack are fighting for control of a rare Pokémon known as Bookly. If you defeat the Juvites and Team Wack in that library, you can catch Bookly.

    7) Seaside Cavern 

North of Surfin City is Route 7, which connects to Seaside Cavern. Seaside Cavern also has Juvites and Team Wack fighting each other, and at the end of it, you meet Zyklon again, who has become an admin of Team Wack. He condemns you for fighting against Team Wack and threatens to eradicate you. After you beat him in battle, he reveals that he thought the Seaside Cavern was a Juvite base, but that he was mistaken. When you exit the cavern, you meet that Juvite girl again. She was following Team Wack and the Juvites in the cave to try and figure out what they were doing. She reveals that her name is Anne, and then she battles you. After you beat her, you can surf up to Synth City.

    8) Synth City 

Synth City has a mansion, and the door is locked. There is a Juvite outside the mansion who tells you that you shouldn’t find a key. East of Synth City is the junkyard, which has a lot of trainers and items, one of them being the key to the mansion. You can go inside the mansion if you want, which has you fight Juvite grunts. At the end, you fight the Juvite admin Schlomo, who tells you the Juvites’ plan to use an ancient force to get power. Synth City also has a gym run by Duette. However, it specializes in two types, Glass and Plastic. West of Synth City is Abandone Town, which has an abandoned gym. You can enter the gym after beating the fifth gym and the mansion. In the mansion, you can find John Cena. He tells you that he was a former gym leader of the Wack region, but he had to quit after all the new types were introduced. If you beat him, he gives you a Mist Stone, which can permanently Mega Evolve one of your Pokemon. Abandone Town also has a Pokémon Center, and it connects to Upgrade Cave. An NPC in Synth City warns you that Upgrade Cave is long, so you should stock up on Potions and Repels. He’s right, Upgrade Cave is a long dungeon. It is full of Tech and Cyber types, and it’s so long that there’s a Pokémon Center in the middle of it. At the end of Upgrade Cave, you fight Zaydolf again. This time, he is depressed and secretive about his motives. He has given up on painting, and he plans to return his Canvast to his grandmother in Side Town. After you beat him, he tells you he has important business with the Juvites.

    9) i City 

At the end of Upgrade Cave is iCity, a technologically advanced city. There are many shops here, like a berry shop and a Poké Ball shop. There is also a Juvite HQ, which is closed for now. Finally, there is the sixth gym, run by the Tech-type Jeeve Stobs. Once you beat him, you can now enter the Juvite HQ. Anne is there again, and she challenges you to a battle because she wants to train her Pokémon. You then discover that the HQ has been invaded by Team Wack. After fighting your way through, including fighting Eva again, you see a TV broadcasting a video of a strange yet familiar man giving a speech in front of a crowd. After that, you and Anne learn that her father, Goldberg, is the mastermind behind everything the Juvite corporation is doing. He reveals that he plans to use the power of legendary Pokémon to rule over the entire Wack Region. Anne gets mad and promises to defeat the Juvite corporation. You and Anne battle Goldberg and Silvermann (another Juvite admin). After you beat them, Goldberg manages to escape, but Silvermann is stopped by a Team Wack admin named Manglonote . He makes Silvermann and Anne come with him for their “punishment”, but Anne refuses, so you have to fight Manglo to protect Anne. Manglo then takes away Silvermann, and tells you that you have made an enemy of both the Juvites and Team Wack.

    10) Slums 

After beating Manglo in iCity, you can go north to Route 10, but west of iCity are the Slums. You are able to enter them before beating the gym, but the police officer recommends you at least beat the gym before going there. The slums are controlled by a gang, which has recently invaded a rich guy’s house. You can go into the sewers and fight the gang members, and when you reach the gang leader, beating him lets you flick a switch to drain the sewers. Doing this lets you find an entrance into the rich guy’s house, which is also full of gang members for you to fight. Eventually, you find a gang member who reveals his plans. The rich guy designed Solareno, a Pokémon which created a lot of energy, so the gang plans to steal it for a lot of money. After you defeat the gang, the rich guy lets you catch Solareno. After that, the only thing left to do is go north to Route 10.

    11) Cherno City 

Route 10 connects to the Nuclear Forest, which connects to Cherno City. Cherno City was once a thriving town, but it was nuked back in the day so now it’s pretty sparse. There is a nuclear power plant though. In the power plant, you meet Hiroshima, a samurai and the gym leader of the city. He tells you that he has a grudge against the Juvites for bombing his city, but he realizes that Team Wack is going too far. Team Wack has invaded the power plant because it contains a legendary Pokémon that they want to control, so you and Hiroshima fight them. At the end of the power plant, you fight Manglo again, who wants to control Nuclissheno. After beating him, you can catch Nuclissheno, and you and Hiroshima escape the power plant in a fridge. After that, you fight Anne, who wants to train her Pokémon some more. Beating Anne lets you access the Cherno Gym, the Nuclear-type gym whose puzzle is the same as the one in Sabrina’s gym. When you get to Hiroshima, he explains his backstory again and challenges you to an honorable battle. When you beat him, he tells you to follow a path of honor and respect for your Pokemon.

    12) Cyberspace/Data Fields 

After you get the 7th gym badge, you can find Zaydolf north of Cherno City. He tells you that he always desires to fight you, as it is the only thing that excites him. After defeating him, Zaydolf gives you the HM for Waterfall (which is useless) and tells you to go to Cybergate City. He tells you that you will stand up for your ideals when the time comes, but he will as well. You can go through Route 11 (which softlocks you if you don’t have Fly) to get to Getcha Town and Cutcha Town, but those aren’t relevant. When you go to Cybergate, Anne is at the front door. She tells you that the only people allowed in Cyberspace are Juvites, but she smuggled in Juvite ID cards. You can talk to the woman at the front desk and she will take you to the Cyberspace hub, which has a Pokemon center and a PC. Two tiles are open, one to the Data Fields and one to the Corrupted Crags. An NPC explains that the Pokemon in the Corrupted Crags are much stronger than the ones in the Data Fields, so the Data Fields are the first place to go. There is a Juvite member at the entrance to the Data Fields who explains that the trainers you have to fight are manifestations of data on the internet. The Data Fields have many different areas to explore, like Ledditgag and PokeChan, but the only mandatory area is the Data Mine, which takes you to the Deep Web. In the Deep Web, you find Juvite Admin Silverman, who tells you his plans to awaken an ancient cybernetic Pokemon. You fight twice, once against his regular Pokemon, and once against the legendary Pokemon Datagon. He and his grunts escape, and you return to the cyber hub. The Corrupted Crags are the next stop.

    13) Cyberspace/Corrupted Crags 

An NPC tells you that this used to be the first virtual simulation of reality, but many viruses have infested it. Another NPC tells you to go to the cave entrance. Going to the cave entrance takes you to the Forgotten Depths, the first surprisingly creepy part of the game. At the entrance, there is a youngster who tells you to “not let it get you”, referring to an enemy on a bike who chases you and brings you to the beginning of the Forgotten Depths if you aren’t fast enough. If you manage to complete the Forgotten Depths, you get teleported to an area not unlike the one where you fought Silverman. This time you fight Shlomo, and you have to fight him twice like with Silverman. In the second fight, he uses Ultirus, the virus counterpart to Datagon.

    14) Cyberspace/The Core 

Now that you have completed the Data Fields and the Corrupted Crags, you can go down to “The Core”, where Goldberg awaits you. He tells you that his plan is to control the masses with the power of Datagon and Ultirus when Shlomo and Silverman arrive. He fights you just to humor you, and after you beat him, he admits he was holding back. He didn’t want his daughter Anne to know who he was, and he felt bad when she found out. He explains that you re-ignited a flame within him, and he is ready to rule the world. He says that Shlomo and Silverman should be here any moment, but instead of them, Zaydolf arrives, with a ton of Team Wack grunts behind him. He tells Goldberg that Shlomo and Silverman are gone, as well as revealing himself to be the leader of Team Wack. Zaydolf then goes on an Omnicidal Maniac speech, while Goldberg taunts him by claiming that the Juvites have the power of the two legendary Pokemon. Zaydolf reveals that Team Wack found something much more powerful than Datagon and Ultirus in cyberspace, which allowed them to defeat Silverman and Shlomo. He then takes Goldberg to the purification camp. Zaydolf asks if you want to join him, and you don’t. After that, Zaydolf begs you to stop him, revealing that a strange being has taken hold of him, and that you are the only one able to stop him. After that, you are able to go beneath the core to catch Datagon and Ultirus. The next stop is the Purification Camp north of Side Town.

    15) Purification Camp 

The only way to get into the Purification Camp is through an underground entrance, where you have to fight Team Wack Admin Eva again. You have to fight a lot of Team Wakc grunts, all of whom say “Gotta warn the boss” when you defeat them, despite the boss already knowing you’re coming. You can also free some Juvites, who give you rewards. Along the way, you run into Manglo again. He is busy coming up with ways to kill the Juvites, and when you talk to him, he tells you that Anne is dead, that he killed her himself. That gets you to fight him, and when you beat him, Manglo leaves and you are able to access the second floor. At the end of the second floor, you fight the Seven Elite Grunts, who use the same types as the 7 gym leaders you have fought previously. In Insanity Mode, you also have to fight an 8th grunt who uses Magic types. Finally, you meet Zyklon guarding the door to Zaydolf. He tells you that he and Zaydolf had always been friends, and that Zaydolf always stood up for him. Zyklon also tells you that he wasn’t really into Team Wack, so he tried to force himself into it. He disagrees with what Zaydolf is doing, but because they’re friends, he is obligated to fight you. After beating him, Zyklon tells you to try to convince Zaydolf to stop.

    16) Zaydolf 

Beyond the door Zyklon was guarding is a long hallway, where you stop to think of Anne and Zaydolf. When you get to Zaydolf, he tells you that it is time to be erased. He reveals that once he caught the legendary Pokemon Gigasvyre, he knew everything, and HE came to him and showed him guidance. You fight Zaydolf, but he has Gigasvyre in his party and not Canvast. After you beat him, Zaydolf tells you that it is not enough, and that he will keep fighting you. However, Anne suddenly appears, revealing that she is not dead. Zaydolf fight you and Anne in a double battle, with a mega Gigasvyre this time. After beating him, you tell Anne that the leader’s name is Zaydolf. Anne and Zaydolf recognize each other, revealing that they were childhood friends who lived in Side Town. Zaydolf explains that he is now free from the dark being that took hold of him all the way back when the Juvites rejected him from art school. You have a choice to forgive Zaydolf. If you forgive him, he calls you a good friend, and if you don’t, he admits that the dark being only amplified the thoughts he had already had. Zaydolf then plans to free the Juvites, but then Manglo appears. Manglo is still possessed by the dark being, and refuses to free the Juvites. Manglo steals Gigasvyre, and fights you and Zaydolf in a double battle. Manglo’s Gigasvyre has a corrupt orbnote , and after you beat him, Zaydolf tells you his plans to reform Team Wack into a peaceful organization to protect the Earth and all its people. He tells you to not worry about the dark being Manglo was talking about, and gives you a Master Ball. He also lets you catch Gigasvyre, and tells you to go through Pagan Woods in Cherno City to get to the last gym.

    17) Arcania City 

Going through the Pagan Woods brings you to Arcania City. Arcania City has many shops where you can buy things like Mega Stones, Heart Scales, and nature mints. There is also a temple in the middle of the city, but it is closed due to a very important ritual. But you know the drill by now. The main attraction of the city is the final gym, which is Magic-type. The gym leader guide tells you that this is the last gym, and to bring a Dragon or Normal type. He also plans to tell you something after you beat the gym. Right after moving north, you get ambushed by a trainer who has a Level 100 Luvdisc with Explosion. The trainers also warn you: It’s gonna be a looooooonnnnggg gym. You are also unable to leave until you beat the gym leader or black out. Further along, you get ambushed by many invisible trainers. The next step is to go through a room of statues to go downstairs, where far off to the right, you can find a statue that opens the door to the library. On a bookshelf in the library, you find a book that teaches you a spell. Going back downstairs, there is now an open path to the basement. In the basement, you find the gym leader… or so you thought! He fakes you out and tells you that you are a thousand years too early to challenge the gym leader Merlin. He then teleports you to a cave, which is also full of invisible trainers. At the bottom of the cave, there are two cave entrances. In the left cave, there is a green stone, which opens a path on the right cave. In the right cave, there is a stone which opens a path on the left cave. So on and so forth, until you reach two purple stones. The one on the left opens another path, but the one on the right teleports you all the way back to Wack Town. The path that just opened leads to a circular panel which opens the path to the Gym Leader.

    18) Merlin 

Finally, you get to face Merlin. His room is full of computers and game consoles, and he has blue skin. When you talk to him, he congratulates you on making it. He explains that he has not seen another human in 2 years, and then tells you a story. He tells you how for the first 40 years of his life, he abstained entirely from the pleasures of the flesh, and realized that 3D was inferior to 2D. On his fortieth birthday, he became a wizard. Not just any wizard, but the strongest wizard of all time! Now, he is nearing the age of 45, and his power continues to grow. He feels the power of the universe flowing through him, and asks if you can stand against him. You laugh and call him a virgin, and he looks at you with a face of pure and utter contempt. He says, “So you think you are superior because you succumbed to your own primal desires? Scum. You aren’t even worth fighting, come so I can tear you apart.” After defeating him, he congratulates you. He has never had a battle like that, and you’ve reignited something within him. He gives you the Arcane Badge and the TM for Arcane Bolt, and promises to get out more. He tells you that Victory Road is just south of Wack Town, and teleports you to the entrance of the gym. Talking to the gym leader guide, he reveals that he is your father. He is ashamed that he was unable to be there for you, but Team Juvite erased his memory. When Team Juvite became a peaceful organization, his memories returned. He gives you a Sacred Ash and returns home.

    19) Victory Road 

South of Wack Town, there is a water area which you need to surf on. At the end of it is a cave, which is the beginning of Victory Road. Many of the trainers in Victory Road are references to something. For example, there is a trainer called Sakurai whose pokemon are Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Charizard, Lucario, and Greninja. There is also a trainer called Araki who has a full team of Stando. After finishing the cave, you exit to find that Victory Road is not over yet. You have to go down a grassy path with many trainers still wanting to fight you. One of them has a Level 100 Boomblix. It’s best to avoid that one for now. You also find Anne blocking the path. She is impressed that you made it here, and she wants to test her strength against yours. She heals your Pokemon and fights you. After beating her, she tells you that she talked to her dad in jail. He claims that he was controlled by an otherworldly force, just like Zaydolf. Anne says that from now on, she will take control of Team Juvite and use the company to bring peace to the world. Going further on, you can find Zaydolf guarding the entrance of the Pokemon League. He tells you that you are the strongest trainer he has ever met, and he knows he will lose against you. But even so, he wants to fight you, as this is the first time you and him are true friends. You fight him, and he has Canvast with him this time. After beating him, he encourages you to prove to the world how strong you are.

    20) Elite Four/Champion 

The Pokemon League PokeCenter is set up just like any other, with a healing station, a PC, and a shop. The only thing left to do is take on the Elite Four. The first Elite Four is Vira, the Virus-type leader. She explains her backstory. When she was young, she fell into the Corrupted Crags. She used to have nightmares, but she is now accustomed to the incident. She challenges you to stand against the resolve of someone who has been to hell and back. After beating her, she is surprised that she lost, wondering if she got a virus. Next up is Cybrus, who uses Cyber-types. He explains his backstory. He was a scientist exploring cyberspace, and he received funding from the Juvites, not realizing they were evil. He wants to fight you in order to be relieved of that burden. Next up is Ella, who uses Fear-types. Her backstory is similar to Vira’s. When she was young, she was afraid of even her own shadow. One day, she got lost in the woods full of Fear-type Pokemon. But then she met one of them, who showed her that there was nothing to be afraid of… if you make yourself something to be feared. She taunts you by telling you that you ready to piss your pants, and that she loves that look on people’s faces. She is surprised that you beat her, wondering if you have faced fears worse than hers. The last Elite Four is Neil, who uses Cosmic types. His backstory is simple. He always wanted to be an astronaut, and he became one. He also claims that compared to him, the rest of the Elite Four are pushovers. After beating him, the only trainer left to fight is the champion, Yawen. He has observed your other battles, and he is impressed. But then, the text turns yellow, and he tells you that this is not a fight you can win. He explains how all humans make mistakes, those mistakes lead to sins, and no human can forgive someone for all of their sins. As someone who has achieved a state beyond human mortality, he shall be your judge. Yawen uses a team composed evenly of Divine and Chaos types. The Divine types are Ryulung, Archango, and Orderymid, and the Chaos types are Eldragon, Ledevilain, and Eldcraftian. After beating him, you enter the Hall of Fame, and the credits roll.

    21) Credits 

The credits explain everything that happened to the characters in the game.

  • Eva and Zyklon stayed by Zaydol’s side and helped undo the wrongs made by Team Wack, while Manglo died in the purification camp.
  • Crost went to explore some of the icy regions of the world, and became a leading explorer.
  • Chef Lomar’s business carried on, becoming more popular than it had ever been.
  • Claire opened her own building, where plenty of special things happened.
  • Vlad breathed new life into his city, and gave the vengeful zombies a proper burial.
  • Plenty of new styles using plastic and glass seemed to pop up across the Wack region.
  • Jeeve Stobs continued to improve himself, growing closer and closer to the pinnacle of his life.
  • Hiroshima hunted down any remaining Juvites that followed Goldberg’s schemes, and brought them to the authorities.
  • Although Merlin was still loyal to his pure 2D waifu, he traveled the world and met many people who became his close friends, including some women.
  • The Elite Four await a time where they may clash with you once more.
  • It seems like the world is finally at peace, but as history has shown in the past, peace usually never lasts very long. A darkness gathers at the bottom of this world.

Part 2: Postgame / The War Against HIM

    22) Nightmare 

After defeating Yawen, you wake up in your bedroom. Your parents aren’t home, and the door is locked. The only thing to do is turn on the game console. When you do, a youngster appears. He is the being who took control of Zaydolf, Manglo, and Goldberg, but he admits he is unable to take control of you. Something about you won’t let him bring you into his grasp. However, he still creates a nightmare dimension for you, hoping for you to give up hope. Now, you are able to exit your house. When you walk out, you see Wack Town has been corrupted. There are missing tiles everywhere, all the doors are gone, and the only way out is through a cave. There are 7 cave entrances, but only the middle one brings you to the next segment. The next segment is a cave similar to Miam Cavern. If you beat Gambler Numan, you can go east to catch a Pokemon known as Nyarly. But the intended way is north, which takes you to a corrupted version of the rich guy’s house. There are still bandits here, but with much stronger Pokemon. As you enter the north room, an Eldritch Abomination takes you by surprise. It explains that everything is normal, but you’re the one who is strange. It has a Deoxys, an Eldcraftian, and a Pleasejusthelpme. Upon beating it, it says “Can you escape or will your world return?” However, you have to fight it again. After defeating it a second time, you are allowed to enter the top room, which brings you to a Pokemon Center where you can heal. Exiting through the top door of the Pokemon Center brings you to an outdoor desert area. Going southwest brings you to a temple, with a ladder down to another cave. In the cave, there is a thin strip of water which you can surf on to bring you to a corrupted Ankh Ruins. The Juvite child is there, asking you to save his father or something. You also have to face a Team Wack grunt who derides you for not recognizing him. Going up another ladder takes you to a dark place with an invisible maze. At the end is a green platform with a gravestone. The gravestone reads, “Here lies whatever your name is, his pitiful pokemon couldn’t save him.” You fight a trainer with Deoxys, Giratina, and 4 other Pokemon. After that, Zyklon wakes you up in the former purification camp. He is glad that you woke up from the nightmare, and he tells you that Zaydolf will explain everything.

    23) The Prison 

When you walk into Zaydolf’s room, he explains that your nightmare was due to the same being that influenced him and Manglo. Zaydolf thought that its power was suppressed without a vessel, but it still has a vessel in this world. He explains that you and he need to find that vessel and drive it out of this world. You tell him that Anne’s father, Goldberg, was under the influence of the same being. He tells you that Goldberg is currently in prison near Arcania City, and you need to drive it out of him or else the being will destroy the world. When you get to the prison, a police officer tells you that the criminals escaped somehow. You have to fight a few criminals, but you also have to fight a few trainers of the Nice trainer class. Nices are Eldritch Abominations who are implied to be minions of that strange being. At the end of the prison, there are some stairs which lead downstairs. Down those stairs, you find Goldberg. He tells you that the being has taken ahold of him. Anne arrives, and says that we need to take her father to Zaydolf. Unfortunately, Goldberg tells her that it is too late, and that he will need to die to be free of the being. He admits that it was his own fault that the being possessed him, as the being simply fueled his thoughts. He tells Anne to not fall down the same path he did, and to live her life to the best of her abilities to create true peace. But then, the being fully takes control of Goldberg and plans to manifest his true form in the world. He taunts you and Anne to try and stop him, as he has Goldberg’s Pokemon, as well as a few of his own. After defeating him, the being explains his plan to consume Goldberg’s corpse, then launch an attack on the world. Fortunately, Zaydolf arrives just in time with a device that pushes HIM out of HIS human hostnote . You and Anne think that killed HIM, but Zaydolf explains that it merely pushed HIM away, and that HE will awaken in a few days to destroy the world. The only way to stop HIM is to go to HIS world and destroy HIM for good. And the only way to do that is to go to space. Zaydolf explains that Team Wack has built a spaceship in Cybergate City.

    24) The Arctic Part 1 

When you arrive in Cybergate, Zaydolf gives you bad news. He tells you that some Juvite and Wack grunts controlled by HIM stole 3 engines needed to control the spaceship. He tasks you with finding the ship part taken to the bottom of the world in the Arctic. He gives you the HM for Dive to get there and tells you to take a boat up to the Arctic. In the place the boat takes you, there is an area in which you can dive to get underwater. Going through a cave gets you to the arctic, where you can find an arctic outpost, with a Pokemon Center and a PC inside. However, you can also find an old guy. He explains that he is the sole survivor of his village, and he tells you the story of his village. 60 years ago, there used to be a village here. The people lived by hunting and offering their thanks to the earth. Despite the harsh conditions, there was an abundance of food. When the chief of the village died, his two sons disputed over who would take over. They had a Pokemon battle, and the youngest won. The eldest brother left the village and headed towards the mountains with his supporters, even though they had been taught to never go near the mountains as vengeful spirits lived there. A year later, children and Pokemon started to disappear from the village. When they were found, they had been brutalized like never before. The village stopped hunting, and a group of young men decided to go and kill whatever was terrorizing their village. They were unsuccessful. Another group of men found a Wendigo while hunting. The villagers theorized that the chief’s brother and his followers had been transformed into wendigos by ancient spirits in the mountains. One day, the narrator woke up, and everyone else had disappeared. Later, he saw a blinding flash of light from the summit, heard thousands of voices screaming, and saw a shadow roar loudly and stare right at him. He started running away from the mountain and his village, until he got to this outpost. He regrets leaving his village behind, so 20 years later, he decided to go back, but his village wasn’t there at all. He then reveals that he was the chief of the village, and he begs of you to find his brother and put their souls to rest.

    25) The Arctic Part 2 

Going north of the outpost, you find some doors blocking the path. Fortunately, they are Pokemon who you can fight and catch. This allows you to go to the Mountains of Insanity, a bunch of caves with some signs on the walls. The signs are all about how humans are foolish, and ancient spirits (who transformed the humans into wendigos) have lived here long before humans. When you get to the stairs, you see a bunch of transformed humans, who fight you in some double battles. Some transformed reveal that the spirits who transformed them are minions of HIM, and that the spirits built an ancient city long before humans existed. Some of the Transformed are also Pokemon themselves, who you can catch, although they have low catch rates. Going further north, you meet many more Transformed. Some of them reveal that they have been transformed by the elder beings and have moved to the ancient city. Some of the Transformed guard a switch. When you press the switch, a path to the ancient city opens. In the ancient city, some of the Transformed claim that they will gain control of the “new world” along with the ancients when the false world cracks. Going into a house lets you fight a Transformed woman who opens a switch when you beat her in a battle. The switch lets you go into a house (which looks like the frame of a house from the outside), where you meet Gowen, the leader of the transformed.

Gowen expands on the backstory that his brother gave you. After leaving the village, Gowen found ruins with text that hinted towards something. Something that they needed to join with if they wanted to survive. Gowen returned to the village and tried to convince his brother to listen to him, but his brother exiled Gowen and his followers. Gowen cursed his brother, his village, and the world. But then, HE came to him. HE answered Gowen’s cries. HE was the one who transformed Gowen and his followers into horrific beings. Gowen and his followers then ravaged the entire village, leaving only his brother alive. Gowen then tells you his plan to use all the souls he’s consumed to incubate the “egg” that is the world and bring about the true world which his followers will inhabit. To begin the ritual, Gowen must go to the depths of the mountains into the Sloggoth pits. He knows you want the ship part, and he doesn’t have the time to fight you here, so he challenges you to fight him in the Sloggoth pits.

    26) The Arctic Part 3 

When you leave Gowen’s house, you see a cave at the south which has opened its doors. It brings you to a deeper level of the elder city, where you can enter a temple. In the temple, you encounter the shaman of the tribe. After defeating him in a Pokemon battle, he opens the path to the Sloggoth Pits. He also gives some backstory on the Eldone pokemon you’ve encountered. Basically, the Eldone were an intelligent species who served HIM and ruled over Earth long before humans, until they decided to create life. Unfortunately, that life went to war against the Eldone, reducing them to what they are currently. Their creations were then locked away in the Sloggoth Pits, the same place Gowen is going in order to begin his ritual. He fears there may be conflict between Gowen and the creatures. After speaking to the shaman, a building in the east lets you go to the Sloggoth pits. The Sloggoth Pits are a big spiral hallway with a few Transformed guarding the center. At the center of the Sloggoth Pits, you find Gowen again. He claims that he is the apex of the human race, and he will be the first to be welcomed in the new world. If you do not defeat him, the world will crack, and he is confident that you will not defeat him. You fight him in a battle where his Pokemon are Mega Wendigore, Eldreye, Eldone, Transformed, Baxbak, and Cthultulzu, all Pokemon you’ve faced before in the Arctic. Realizing his Pokemon alone could not defeat you, Gowen decides to fight you himself. Basically, you have to fight another battle against Gowen where he sends out himself, but as a Pokemon. He also has a Corrupt Orb, which lets him Mega Evolve into Corrupted Gowen. After defeating Gowen, he is disappointed and claims that he will not die. But then, a bunch of shoggoths (or Sloggoths) appear.

    27) Shoggoths 

Gowen reveals that the Sloggoths were the beings created by the Eldones, but he was unaware that his ritual would set them free. The Sloggoths tell Gowen that they are the rightful heirs. Gowen refuses to believe that, telling the Sloggoths that they destroyed the Eldones and need to be sealed away. The Sloggoths tell him that they serve HIM, and that they are here to bring about the world the Eldones could not. Gowen, realizing that he was wrong, does a Heel–Face Turn and tells you how to get rid of the Sloggoths. All you need to do is go to the chapel where the shaman was and press a switch. Simple, right? Unfortunately, there are like a hundred Sloggoths in the Sloggoth Pits, and they’re all chasing you. This is an opportunity for you to catch a Sloggoth, but it’s gonna take a while to escape. A few of the Sloggoths are also trainers who you can’t escape from. There are also a few Sloggoths in the temple, but not that many. The temple contains a doorway to a dark room, where a single man lies. That man turns out to be a shoggoth, who boasts about hatching the new world, then battles you. One of his Pokemon is a Sloggeroth with a Corrupt Orb, enabling it to mega evolve. After defeating him, a bunch of people appear. They were the ones sacrificed by Gowen and his tribe, and with the death of Gowen, they can finally go on, previously having been in a torturous state of unrest. They give you a few Max Revives and an Angel Powder, which is a better version of Leftovers. Gowen and his brother then appear in the room. Gowen starts to apologize, but his brother interrupts and apologizes to Gowen. Gowen’s brother says that he should have listened to Gowen about the ancients, but he didn’t because he thought Gowen was just saying that stuff to take his place. He admits that he was selfish, and that they should both have worked together for the good of the village. After forgiving each other, the brothers embrace each other and drift off into the afterlife. After all of that, you finally get the ship part.

    28) Earth, Sea, and Sky 

After leaving the Arctic, you head back to Cybergate City where you meet Zaydolf and Anne. You tell Zaydolf about the arctic, and he tells you about how he went to the library and Anne went to a strange cave. However, he is interrupted by the Three Voices Speaking as One. They have observed that you want to leave this earth, and they cannot allow you to leave until you have proven yourself worthy. They are the guardians of the land, sea, and sky, and you need to meet them in the temple in Arcania City. Zaydolf figures out that they are Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza, and he knows that they want to test your might. So you go to Arcania City and find the temple in the center of the city. Inside the temple, there are 3 paths, but the middle one is blocked off for now. Going the blue path gets you to Kyogre, who tells you that the vastness of space is even larger than the massive ocean, so you must prove yourself against the sea. It then fights you in a Pokemon battle. After, it lets you catch it. After catching it (or running away), you can go to Groudon’s chamber, where you do a similar thing. Groudon tells you that you must have a firm grasp on the earth before being able to leave it. After doing both the Groudon and Kyogre quests, the middle path opens, making you go through an annoying invisible maze before encountering Rayquaza. Rayquaza fights you in a battle, telling you “you’re fugged, and lets you catch it like Groudon and Kyogre. After that, you have permission to leave the planet.

    29) To The Cosmos 

Returning to Cybergate, Zaydolf asks if you’re ready. Something tells him we won’t be able to return to Earth for a whilenote . When you’re ready, he explains that the ship will slingshot around the sun and leave the solar system. He launches the spaceship, and you leave the Earth, but you are stopped by a cosmic being who will prevent you from going any further. It explains that it has waited for millenia for the first apes to leave their rock, and it will not fail at keeping you there. This being is called Guardian Xerxes, and you have to fight it in a Pokemon battle. It isn’t fooling around, either. It has the entire Sinnoh creation trio, including Arceus, as well as some random Divine-types. After beating it, Xerxes begs forgiveness from “the great ones”, and then drags you towards the moon. Now, you are on the moon, but inside the spaceship. Eva is there, and if you talk to her she can take you back to the Earth. There is also a Pokemon Center and a PC on the ship. Zaydolf and Anne are on some seats, and Zaydolf tells you that you should look outside to see what happened. His machines are picking up high energy readings on the dark side of the moon, and he only has one completed space suit, so only you can leave. The ship has a lot of empty space, and there is one panel that takes you outside the ship onto the moon.

    30) The Moon 

On the moon, you find a Cosmog, who joins your party. In the southern part of the beginning area, you find a cave, which takes you to another area. This area is blocked by Neil Armstrong, who is proud of you for making it to the moon. However, he is blocking you because there are things here that you are not ready to see. For him to be sure that you’re ready to see them, he fights you in a Pokemon battle. He has the same team he had for the Elite Four, but his Sateli has a mega evolution instead of his Lunighton this time. After beating him, Neil explains that humans were not the first to the moon. HE was here long before humans. Neil also gives some backstory: when he was part of the government space program, he and his crew were headed to Mars. When they were passing by the moon, some colossal being attacked their ship. The captain sent Neil off on the escape pod to Earth, but the rest of his crew was killed. Neil explains that he’ll never feel peace until that monster is destroyed, and that you need to kill it anyway to progress with the story. He then goes ahead on his own. Going further south, you come across a temple, where you find a youngster who claims that he’s been here long before you, waiting for you to reach him. You also battle a few Nices who say similar things. After going through the temple, you have to go through a few other areas, and you find yourself in a hallway of another temple. Neil is there again, and he tells you what he’s discovered. Basically, “they” have been on the moon long before us, and they’re probably all over the universe. He doesn’t know why they don’t want us to leave Earth, however. Going through the corridor, you have to fight a few double battles with Neil as your ally. At the end of the corridor, you find the goddess Luna. She had always been fascinated with the moon and the stars, so a few thousand years ago, HE gave Luna the powers of a god. She battles you and Neil because you harmed her friends, and after beating her, she unblocks a path near where you first landed. She doesn’t expect you to survive, though. Talking to Neil brings you back to where the spacecraft landed.

    31) Beneath The Moon 

Southwest of the spacecraft, there is a path that was previously blocked off. Going through it, you find a section of the moon, but some tiles are black. There is a cave to the south, but as you are about to step through it, the whole screen turns red. A mysterious being tells you that he can feel you coming closer to him, and that he won’t let you reach his heart. Then you have to fight a trainer with some Pokemon you fought in the nightmare and in the Arctic. After that, the being congratulates you, but assures that you will die like the others. After that, the cave leads to another section of the moon, where you have to go through craters that teleport you. The correct path: Go to the crater on the left, then go to the crater on the bottom, then go to the crater on the bottom. The next entrance sends you into a black void, with a few tiles being ladders or moon tiles. There is a crater in the southwest with Neil next to it. He tells you that he wanted to avenge his comrades, but it was too strong, and he wasn’t strong enough. Going through the crater takes you to the core of the moon.

    32) Lunar Core 

The core of the moon is a grassy field with a tree in the middle. Beneath the tree is a young boy and a weird plant that acts as a PC. Talking to the boy makes a few palette-swapped copies of that boy appear around the core. The first one sends you to a place where you have to surf and avoid plants that chase you. Getting to the bottom, the young boy tells you his backstory. After his dad disappeared, he went swimming all alone, until something pulled him under. Then they came, and gave him a throne on the moon. Then you have to fight a Ghost-type Pokemon called “Left Arm”. After defeating the left arm, you return to the core.

The next one sends you to a grassy field with some hedges. You find the boy again, and he tags you and you have to chase after him. After catching him, he tells you to run to the black square at the bottom, and then he and some other dark beings chase after you. If they catch you, you have to fight them and the minigame restarts. When you get to the black square at the bottom, you have to go back and talk to the boy, who makes you fight the Chaos-type right leg before sending you to the core again.

The next one sends you to a glitchy place, where a boy asks you to play hide and seek. There is an arrow that shows where he is hiding. After finding him, he tells you that you have to hide in the statue to avoid getting caught. The statue is on the other side of the arrow, and it’s pretty easy to find it, although you get softlocked if you get caught. When you hide in the statue, you have to fight the Cosmic-type left leg and then return to the core.

The last child sends you to an area where he challenges you to a race where you have to jump over some ledges. When you get to the end, you have to fight the Divine-type right arm.

After beating all four limbs, you can talk to the child beneath the tree again. He tells you that he used to be human, until they gave him strength and purpose. Neil arrives, and the kid is surprised that Neil didn’t lose hope after seeing all his friends get killed. You and Neil have to fight the four limbs, as well as a blood-type Moon Core and the Divine/Chaos-type Lunar Head in a double battle. After the battle, Neil says that his comrades have been avenged, but the child says it’s not over yet. You are transported to another black void, where you have to fight the Lunar Guardian himself, composed of all 6 parts you fought in the double battle. He is Divine/Chaos type and not much stronger than the Lunar Head. After defeating him, the lunar guardian realizes that HE took advantage of his weakness and turned him into a monster. It’s too late for him to atone, but he thanks you and your Pokemon for freeing him. You are then transported back to the ship.

    33) Life and Death 

Now that the Lunar Guardian is dead, Zaydolf tells you that we can slingshot around the sun and make it to HIS world. But then, it starts raining. HE tells you that it’s not that easy, and that you underestimate HIM. You get transported to a hallway where HE’s ready to teach you a lesson, and then you have to fight HIM in his youngster form. This is a Hopeless Boss Fight where HE has an Arceus with extremely powerful Chaos-type moves with increased priority. After losing the fight, you are transported back to the ship, where you tell Zaydolf about what happened. He is worried that HE attacked you directly, but then Zygarde chimes in. Zygarde tells you not to worry, and that HIS reach is strained due to the death of his lunar guardian. Zygarde tells you to come to it, as it has been waiting for a suitable master to protect the world with. You are then sent to the Border of Life and Death, which is similar to the ancient temple but with Xerneas and Yveltal instead of Groudon and Kyogre. After beating Xerneas and Yveltal, you can fight Zygarde (without going through a dumb invisible maze), and then capture them in their cell form. After that, you are sent back to the ship. Beneath the panel that takes you to the moon, there is a panel that lets you fly out into the Solar System, although only Mars is accessible for now.

    34) Mars 

Zaydolf tells you that he has seen a strange light shining from Mars. When you land on Mars, you can go east. After going east, there are paths to the north, east, and south. The north and east paths are blocked off for now and the east path leads to a sidequest so going south is the way that advances the story. Going south, you come across some ruins. In the middle of the map, Anne and Zaydolf are reading some tablets, and they conclude that there’s intelligent life on Mars. A mysterious voice interrupts, telling you that there was intelligent life on Mars, but now all that remains are their creations and the degenerate remains of their species, similar to the Eldones. Anne and Zaydolf demand to know who the being is, but it urges them to discover for themselves what happened to the Martians. Then, a bunch of dark beingsnote  talk in keyboard-mashing language, then tell you that they can’t let you proceed. You fight them in a double battle, and you can choose Anne or Zaydolf as your partner. There are 3 of them you have to fight, and they use Pokemon found on Mars. After that, Zaydolf tells you that he received a transmission from the north side of Mars, and then he and Anne leave. Now, the path to the north is open.

Going north, there are some Nices running around who spout random nonsense about the Martians. There are some paths that go further north, and there’s some ice forming as well. Eventually, you start to encounter Mars Shades, the remains of Martians who once were. They talk about defending Mars, and they also battle you using Pokemon from Mars. You eventually reach more ruins, which you can enter. When you enter the temple, you see that Neil has also constructed a shortcut from the temple to the ship. But the right way to go is north, which takes you to a mountain with a few Mars Shades running around. Some of them also talk about ascending and leaving their bodies behind.

You run into Anne, who tells you that something terrible must have happened to the Martians. The mysterious voice chimes in again, telling you that something promised them prosperity but ripped their souls away, and then promises to show itself soon. However, some Mars Shades have followed you, and you have to fight 3 of them in a double battle with Anne. The first one uses a bunch of random Pokemon,the second one uses a sun team, and the third one uses a rain team. Going further up the mountain, you can fight some Mars Shades as Pokemon themselves, similar to the Transformed. They are wild so you also have an opportunity to catch them. You also find Zaydolf, who figures out that HE was the one who destroyed the Martian civilization, and that he needs to get revenge for their sake. You then fight 3 more Mars Shades in a double battle with Zaydolf. The first one uses a bunch of random Pokemon,the second one uses a hail team, and the third one uses a sandstorm team.

At the peak of the mountain, you come across a temple, where the Physical God Mars resides. He tells you that he was the one speaking to you, and he sent you this signal so you know what HE plans. Mars also gives you the actual backstory of the Martians. Basically, the Martians used to be an advanced race, but when they first went to space, HE came to them and gave them promises of power. However, what ended up happening was that the Martians’ lives were used to fuel HIS purpose, and that some remaining ones became shades. He urges you to not allow the same thing to happen to Earth or the universe. However, Mars knows that if you can’t defeat him, you clearly can’t make it very far, so he battles you to test you. Mars boasts about being the god of war and knowing every military tactic known to mankind. His team consists of Lycanmars, Cypecker, Trinvasionote , Marsarriornote , a Roman variant of Falinks, and Cobalion. After you beat Mars, he is proud of you for surviving, and tells you that the next stops are Venus, Mercury, and the Sun.

    35) Mars Sidequest 

This side quest becomes available once the north path opens, as the east path opens as well. You have to go east until you find a Mars Shade, who gives you some backstory. He tells you that the Martians built a bunch of machines to do stuff for them, but then got carried away and “let idleness control them”. After beating the shade, you can go to the Mars Mine, a big cave. At the bottom of the mines, you find Marsortured, who explains what the Martians did. The Martians created Marsortured because they listened to HIS promises and thought they could go above life. When the Martians died, Marsortured was left behind. You have to fight Marsortured in a battle where he uses 5 Pokemon found on Mars and also uses himself as a Pokemon. After that, you can catch Marsortured and find a Martian Orbnote .

    36) Mercury and Venus 

Now that you’ve beaten Mars, he opened the gate to the inner Solar System, so you can now land on Venus, Mercury, and the Sun. The Sun is where you’re supposed to go, but Venus and Mercury are side quests kind of like Marsotured. Venus and Mercury have much less to explore than Mars, as they’re basically hallways to the god you have to fight. Venus is the goddess of love, and her team is Luvdisc, Venusaur, Chansey, Swoobat, and Venusessnote . She gives you the Venus Orb, which raises Special Defense under half health. Mercury is the god of travelers, and his team is Ninjask, Mega Aerodactyl, Rapidash, Greninja, and Merquicknote . He gives you the Mercury Orb, which raises Speed under half health. You can also catch some Pokemon on these planets. For example, on Mercury you can catch Rogodo who evolves into all the Divine-types who represent certain gods.

    37) The Sun 

Zaydolf notices some artificial structure on the sun, so you fly there to find out what it is. When you, Anne, and Zaydolf land on the sun, you find yourselves on an artificial structure with a bunch of pillars and a door not yet opened. Anne notes that there’s no way humans built the structure. The sun god chimes in, and reveals that HE and HIS minions are building a Dyson Sphere on the sun in order to drain its energy. After that, Anne decides to go to the left and Zaydolf decides to go to the right. On the sun’s platforms, there are a bunch of Nicer enemies who you fight in double battles (with Anne or Zaydolf as your ally depending on your location). Eventually, you come across a Trainer called Elias, who proclaims himself to be the hero and you to be the villain. Elias claims that draining the sun’s light is for the good of the future of the universe (because he is obviously a minion of HIM), and battles you, claiming he will not lose. It’s a double battle without a partner, and Elias has Dragonite, Mega Lucario, Novais, Gallade, Apollolarnote , and Aegislash. After beating him, Elias threatens to kill you himself, but HE tells Elias that it’s not the time, and Elias retreats.

After defeating Elias, you have to fight more Nicers with Anne or Zaydolf at your side. You then come across some weird looking Team Wack grunts guarding a door, and you fight them in a double battle with Zaydolf. As it turns out, many Team Wack grunts gave in to HIS temptations after Team Wack disbanded, and Zaydolf needs your help to put them out of their misery. At the top of the map, you reach a temple. Zaydolf realizes that the Team Wack grunts got corrupted because they were still caught up in Zaydolf’s dream, and Zaydolf realizes it’s partially his fault that this happened. Then a bunch of corrupted Wack grunts appear and plead Zaydolf not to leave them behind, and Zaydolf feels ashamed. But then, Anne arrives and fights all the Wack grunts, while you go ahead to a platform with a grassy field and trees. At the top is Sol, the sun god. He tells you that HIM and HIS minions are trying to absorb his energy, and that he must battle you to see if you can save him. He has Solaioss, Novais, Apollolar, Heliolisk, Sunflora, and Solgaleo. After beating him, Sol opens the door at the place where you landed.

Returning to the entrance and going through the door brings you to another structure, where there’s corrupted Juvites instead of Wack grunts. Some of them also berate Anne for betraying them. At the top of the structure is a cave entrance where you find Zaydolf, who joins up with Anne. Going through the cave entrance brings you to a strange place with a few flowerpots moving around. Going north brings you to a corrupted mess with another cave taking you to the surface of the sun. There is a white bridge and below that white bridge is a “simple” invisible maze. Fortunately, there’s a plant that you can talk to skip that invisible maze, but only if you’re a pleb. But whether you completed the invisible maze or not, you have to go through a second invisible maze, and this one has a few trainers. It’s even worse than the one in Rayquaza’s temple. Anyway at the end of the maze is a staircase, which takes you down a hallway until you meet a guy who tells you that the sun has been taken by the herald. He disappears, and lets you travel through a mirror to reach the core of the sun.

In the core, you see Sol, but he’s covered in shadows. He tells you that it’s the end, your light will be snuffed out, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Sol manages to speak up and pleads you to release his hold on him and save the universe. Then, you have to fight a 12v6 double battle against Corrupted Sol and Nicer Drainer. Drainer’s Pokemon are Heruptin, Victini, Heliolisk, Wendigore, Sunflora, and Arbok, and Corrupted Sol’s Pokemon are Ultra Necrozma, Solaioss, Novais, Apollolar, Solgaleo, and Corrupted Sol himself. After being freed, Sol tells you that you can now use the sun’s gravity to slingshot out of the solar system and get to HIS world. He then gives you a Sun Heart. note 

    38) The Greater Nightmare 

After returning to the ship, you see that Anne and Zaydolf are gone. There’s also a Nice who’s chasing you. When it catches you, you get teleported to a void where you encounter a Nice who asks you, “Where are you? Where are your friends? It won’t matter anymore, it’s too late.” After battling it, the Nice teleports you to a corrupted version of Latex Town. If you talk to the right NPC, she tells you how you don’t understand the truth of the world, and that everything is an egg. After battling her, you see a cutscene of a man getting hit by a train. Interacting with the blood splatter makes you fight a battle, and then you are transported to some weird forest. There are a lot of bushes, but some of them are secretly trainers who battle you. After getting to the door in the southeast corner, you are transported to another void where you meet Elias again.

Elias is ashamed he couldn’t finish you on the sun, but he promises to strike you down. Then he tells you his backstory. He came from a galaxy millions of light years away, and his civilization was destroying itself until HE appeared, and Elias was chosen to “administer justice” to those who didn’t want to follow HIM. Then Elias became a knight of HIM, who harvested the souls of those who rebelled against HIM. Elias also talks about “ascension” which will set him and the souls free. After battling Elias in a double battle, you get transported to a Pokemon Center, where you can heal your Pokemon. When you leave the Pokemon Center, you find yourself in a strange underwater area with a few trainers. Going south gets you to a Nice who calls himself the Deep King, who battles you with a lot of Water-type Pokemon. After beating him, you go to the same Pokemon Center. This time, after healing, the nurse jumpscares you and makes you battle a Chanseychanse. Chanseychanse is a weird corrupted Chansey who always starts the battle with God’s Grace, a move which boosts its defenses and makes it immune to status and stat debuffs for 10 turns. After beating the Chanseychanse, you are transported to a game show.

The game show is called “Who wants to be a bee!” Along with you, the other two contestants are Jim and George. You have to answer a bunch of questions that don’t matter, and at the end, Jim wins, and gets turned into a bee, but then he goes insane and battles you. Jim has a bunch of bee Pokemon, as well as a Beeabee who is a creepy bee with blades and eyes on its wings. After beating Jim, you are teleported to a grassy field. Getting to the bottom makes you fight a weird Pokemon known as Eyehaed, and beating it transports you to a school.

This school has 3 major rooms: the science room, the art room, and the top left room. Going to the art room, you can interact with a Poke Ball next to a skull which opens the door to the science room. It’s a key, but you don’t pick it up. In the science room, you find an item which is the key to the janitor’s closet. You can’t pick it up, and you don’t hear the closet open, and the game informs you to go to the top left room. When you enter the top left room, your visibility is decreased, and a few enemy Nices start inhabiting the school. The doors to the art and science rooms are closed, but the path to the library is now open, and you need to go there and interact with a specific book on the ground to open the door to the art room. Going to the art room lets you pick up the key to the science room, but you can’t pick up the key to the janitor closet yet. First, you need to interact with the anatomy statue in the science room and fight a Pokemon known as Anatomyan. Beating Anatomyan gives you the Janitor Key, which lets you go to the janitor closet. Inside of the janitor closet, you have to fight a Statikman, who is an old TV with wheels and claws. Statikman then gives you a Basement Key, letting you access the basement, which is the last part of the school. The basement is a big hallway where you have to fight a bunch of creepy trainers.

At the end of the basement, you come across a creepy face. The face tells you that he made a deal with HIM, and then killed everyone in the school to “set them free”. He used to have a name, but now, he is nothing but a nameless demon. You then need to battle him. Nameless Demon has a Cryongi (who is a reference to the painting The Scream), and he also uses himself as a Pokemon. After beating him, the nameless demon thanks you for freeing him. He tells you that he was an outcast who hated everyone, and HE tempted him to kill everyone. The nameless demon uses his power to set the souls of the people he killed free, and he wishes you good luck. But after the nameless demon dies, HE appears.

    39) Truth of the World 

HE knows you’re wondering where you are and where your friends are. Right now, he can only answer one of your questions. You are locked away in a small fraction of HIS world which HE managed to overlap on top of reality. HE tells you that this is the end of your journey, and that he will reveal the truth. Your universe is an incubator world. Everything in the universe is an egg, and HE will make those eggs hatch. Everything in the universe will hatch, the fabric of the incubator will tear, and the hatched souls will become a singular entity. They will ascend to HIS world, and they will become their true selves and merge with HIM. This world is naught but one of HIS dreams, and it is time to wake up. HE gives some convincing arguments for rejecting your individuality. Nobody will feel pain or sadness anymore, and many civilizations across the galaxy (like the Martians) have ascended already. A few civilizations have tried to fight back, but they failed before HIS might. HE tells you that you aren’t special, and although others have made it further than you, they’ve all failed in the end. HE asks you if you want to reject this false world and join HIM. You have a lot of answers that all amount to “No”. Then, HE fights you in another Hopeless Boss Fight similar to the one after the moon.

After beating you, HE tells you what this means. You’ve lost. All of that struggling was useless, all of your hopes were false, your power was nothing, and your dreams were just that, dreams. Your friends, their lives, your life, everything you know, was insignificant. Then, he shows you a black hole destroying the Earth and Moon. After that, he shows you that Anne and Zaydolf are dead. Their remains are lying on the ground, and after that, the true world begins.

When you awaken in the true world, you are at home. Your parents tell you how it will be a great day, and you agree. When you exit the house, you buy a hot dog and a police officer tells you to stay safe. Walking down, it’s revealed what kind of world this is: a world without Pokemon. Instead, rabbits and cows are walking around. A girl asks where you’re off to, and you tell her you’re going to school. Her cat meows, which confuses you. A guy tells you that you look happy today, and you tell him that you’re always happy. Finally, you see a crook mugging an old man. The old man tries to send out a Pidgeot in self-defense, but it fails because Pokemon aren’t real. The old man wonders where all his Pokemon went, but the crook gets impatient and shoots him. Then, you realize something isn’t right. This world is missing something. A mysterious voice chimes in, telling you that this isn’t the real world. It tells you about Pokemon, and about Anne and Zaydolf. HE placed you in this world and altered your memories, but now that you remember, you can get back to reality.

The mysterious being takes you out of the false world, and you are free again. Now, you can fight HIM! But you are disappointed. HE is too powerful, and nothing you’ve tried has amounted to anything. The being tells you that you still have a chance, but you get mad, since it doesn’t know what you’ve been through. The being tells you that it is Giratina. Long ago, it committed a crime, and was banished to another world by Arceus. Giratina was able to observe but unable to live for aeons, and it wants to make up for what it’s done, and it wants you to win. Everyone in the universe wants you to win! You tell Giratina that you don’t have hope because of what HE told you, that this world is imaginary and all that. Besides, Anne and Zaydolf are dead, and you can’t do all that by yourself. Giratina tells you that things are not preordained. You have torn HIS script to bits many times, and you need to do it again. You need to defeat HIM to avenge Anne, Zaydolf, and everyone else destroyed by HIM. You reply that you want to fight, but you’re all alone now. Giratina tells you a secret: there’s still a way to save your friends. It can hear your Pokemon, and they all want to fight. So Giratina battles you, and it also uses Dusknoir, Drifblim, and Garchomp. After beating it, Giratina gives you a chance to capture it, and it then encourages you to get back to your world and defeat HIM. After catching Giratina, you are stopped by Elias again.

Elias is mad. HE told him that you were gone, and that means that Elias himself will need to strike you down himself. But he asks you why you’re still doing this. Why are you still fighting, even if you cannot win? The answer is obvious. Everything up until now couldn’t have been for nothing. You once gave up hope, but it won’t happen again. For the sakes of Anne and Zaydolf, you will move forward. You will never give in! Elias battles you again, and after beating him, HE tells Elias to strike you down himself. Elias promises HIM to not fail, and then fights you while using himself as a Pokemon. After defeating Elias, HE tells him to retreat, but you surprise Elias by punching him in the face, killing him. Then you return to the ship.

    40) Resurrection 

On the ship, there are portals where Anne and Zaydolf used to sit. Going through Anne’s portal takes you to an alternate world where Anne never forgave her father. You have to battle a bunch of Anne clones who scream a lot, before getting to Anne, who gets mad at her father. After battling her, you are transported to the location of the real Anne, who wants you to go away. Even though you’re here to save her, Anne believes that you’re just going to betray her like everyone else. You have to battle Anne, and to save her, you also need to battle a Pokemon called Alphanne, who is an embryo enclosed in an egg who kind of looks like Anne. After that, Anne remembers that she is not alone, and that HE trapped her in this world and altered her memories. But she isn’t all back yet.

Going through Zaydolf’s portal takes you to an alternate world where Team Wack won. Very few people outside of Team Wack remain, and those that do are only kept alive so Manglo can experiment on them. There are some Team Wack grunts who battle you because they are surprised at how you got here without being part of Team Wack. To get to Zaydolf, you have to battle the 3 Team Wack generals. Zyklon also gives you some backstory: Team Wack took over the world 5 years ago, and Zaydolf can spot any enemy in the world with the power of Gigasvyre. But anyway, going through the elevator gets you to Zaydolf, who is proud of what he’s done. He exterminated most of the world, and now Team Wack will reign supreme. He asks you to join him, but you decline, which gets Zaydolf mad. He tells you nobody can stand in his way, not even you. You battle Zaydolf, and similar to the Purification Camp battle, he has a Gigasvyre instead of Canvast. After beating him, Zaydolf doesn’t give up, and you then have to fight a Pokemon called Mecha Zaydolf. After beating him, Zaydolf is disappointed that his dream won’t be realized, but you tell him that this isn’t his dream. Zaydolf, being free from HIS grasp, realizes that he never dreamed of doing something this awful, he just wanted to have his talent realized. But Zaydolf isn’t all back yet, so you still need to save him.

Now that Anne and Zaydolf are both on the right path again, there is a red portal in the spaceship. Going through it brings you to a place where you have to fight both Anne and Zaydolf at once in a double battle. After that, they are both alive again.

    41) Out of this Universe 

Now that your friends are back, talking to Zaydolf makes him ask if you’re ready. If you are, he and Anne start celebrating, and now that the sun is free, Zaydolf uses its gravity to slingshot out of the Solar System. But there’s still one obstacle left. All the planet gods, including Sol and Luna but not the Earth, have to fight you so you can prove yourself. You fight them in order, from Sol to Pluto. The fights are all double battles where you alternate between Zaydolf and Anne as your partner. All of the gods use themselves as Pokemon, but they are just powered up versions of Rogodo’s evolution. Sol, for example, uses the same team he used at the start of the sun, but with Sol instead of Apollolar. Similar with Mercury, Venus, Luna, and Mars. Jupiter uses electric-types, Saturn uses time-types, Uranus uses wind-types, Neptune uses water-types, and Pluto uses Ice and Ghost types. After beating all of them, the ship detects immense power outside the solar system. Then, you are transported to a void where Dialga and Palkia lie. You can catch them or battle them, but after dealing with them, Arceus appears. It tells you that it’s been watching you since you were born, and it knows you’re the one. You also have a chance to catch it, and there’s a Master Ball in the bottom right corner of this area since its catch rate is low. After dealing with Arceus, it encourages you to defeat HIM, and then turns into a portal. Using the power of Arceus, you can tear a hole through reality, allowing you to enter the space beyond Outer Space: Outer Outer Space! Outer Outer Space is an area with a Background Music Override and a bunch of Nicers who battle you. At the top of Outer Outer Space, there’s a portal, finally letting you enter HIS world.

    42) The Many Worlds 

Going to HIS world, you see it’s a big hub area with a healing station and a PC in the center. There are a bunch of hallways, but they are all closed, except one which takes you to the Normal World. The Normal World is a big maze full of Youngsters who all use Normal-types, and at the end, you encounter HIM in his youngster form. HE tells you that the trainers you fought were mere copies of the originals, but they are some of the best trainers around the world. You then have to battle HIM, who uses 4 Pokemon: Rattata, Youngsternote , Arceus, and HIM (Normal). After beating HIM, he sarcastically tells you how scared he is that you beat him. Then, HE tells you that that wasn’t enough, and that his true power will manifest now. You then return back to HIS world, where the doors to the Fire, Water, and Grass worlds are now open.

There are 23 worlds left that you have to complete, each one representing a different elemental type. The doors on the left side take you to official type worlds, and the doors on the right side take you to Wack type worlds. Each world has trainers who use Pokemon of that type, and you also have to fight HIM at the end of each world. Before the battle, HE says something negative about humanity that relates to the world’s type. For example, the wood HIM talks about deforestation. Each HIM fight uses 6 Pokemon, one of them being the HIM form representing that specific type. HE has a lot of forms, and some of them are:

  • Normal HIM is a Youngster with warped arms
  • Grass HIM represents the garden of Eden
  • Wood HIM represents Yggdrasil
  • Magma HIM is a giant volcano
  • Rock HIM is Moloch
  • Paper HIM is an evil book
  • Fighting HIM is a representation of war
  • Cyber HIM is a snake with 7 heads, probably representing Facebook
  • Virus HIM is a giant plague rat
  • Tech HIM is a big snake whose whole theme is coiling around the world/humanity
  • Ghost HIM is the grim reaper
  • Zombie HIM is Anubis
  • Plastic HIM is the great Pacific garbage patch
  • Cosmic HIM is a big asteroid
  • Dragon HIM is a great dragon with 6 heads

The Normal, Grass, Water, Fire, Rock, and Fighting worlds make you fight the gym leaders and elite 4 members of that type before fighting HIM. Beating worlds unlocks more worlds, and once you’ve beaten all 23 of them, you unlock the Dragon World.

    43) Dragon World 

Going through the Dragon World, you fight Dragon HIM just like you fought any other HIM form. However, after beating him, instead of returning to HIS world, you get sent to yet another nightmare dimension. It starts off by having you fight the Mariache Brothers, who use a bunch of Mexican Pokemon like Ludicolo and Muchoshot. Then, they all die for no reason and a plant approaches you. The plant makes you fight more creepy Mexican Pokemon, like Lunaticolo and Amigoggoth. Then, you go through a short maze where at the end, you have to fight a battle against a guy who talks about eating and uses a bunch of food Pokemon. After that, you are sent to a corrupted version of Surfin City. There are a bunch of swimmers chasing you who say creepy stuff. When you get to the truck, the swimmer tells you that all of their dreams will come true, and then she battles you. She only uses a Phione, but then you have to battle some Pokemon called Doomsay and Doomsday. After that, you are sent to a black void.

In the black void, you meet an Elias ripoff. He had a tragic backstory, then HE gave him guidance, now he needs to strike you down. However, this “tragic backstory” is about his parents getting killed by a banana tree. Now, his only goal in life is to destroy bananas. You have to fight him, and he only has one Pokemon: Catnobanana. It’s a pretty annoying battle since it sets up hazards then spams Whirlwind, but just use Toxic and you’ll be fine. After beating Catnobanana, you are transported to what appears to be Mars.

On Mars, there is a PC for you to heal your Pokemon with. There is also a Nicer who you need to battle. The Nicer tells you that he is Marsech, the last living Martian, and one of HIS strongest servants. Marsech was the one who brought HIM to Mars and sacrificed everyone, and now, he’s going to kill you. Then, Anne and Zaydolf arrive, and they’re going to help you escape. Then, you can choose Anne or Zaydolf as your partner for a double battle against Marsech. Marsech uses 10 Pokemon, all of which are related to Mars in some way, one of them being Marsech himself. After Marsech dies, HE appears. HE’s had enough, and he attempts to fight you in an unwinnable boss fight like he did previously, but the fight isn’t that hard. The Eldcraftian only has Twindeath, which, while strong, isn’t an increased priority move, meaning you can knock out the Eldcraftian by outspeeding it. There’s also a Cryongi who you fought during the school segment, and a FEAR Magnemite who doesn’t pose much of a threat. After beating HIM, HE tells you that he’s had it with fooling around. The final two worlds, Divine and Chaos, are the hardest ones, and he taunts you to just try to beat them. Then, you return back to HIS world.

    43) Corrupted Rush 

At the top of HIS world, there is a portal. As it turns out, HE made false versions of the 8 gym leaders and brought them from his worlds in order to stop you. But Anne and Zaydolf brought the true versions of the gym leaders, and they won’t let the false leaders stop you. Then, you get transported to a hallway, where you have to fight each false gym leader in a double battle where your partner is the true gym leader.

  • False Crost proclaims that the world should be frozen, and Crost tells him to chill out.
  • False Lomar wants to cook everything, including humans.
  • False Claire wants to “punish” you.
  • False Vlad wants everyone to die, and Vlad tells him that he’s soulless.
  • False Duette goes on a violent rant, and Duette tells her to balance her emotions.
  • False Jeeve Stobs claims himself to be above everyone else, and Jeeve tells him that that way of thinking is idiotic.
  • False Hiroshima wants to crush all the Juvites, and Hiroshima tells him that that’s dishonorable.
  • False Merlin says that everyone is corrupted except himself, and Merlin tells him that there are still good people that False Merlin hasn’t met because he isolates himself.

After that, the gym leaders tell you to finish the story and defeat HIM.

    44) Heaven and Hell 

The final two worlds, Divine and Chaos, are able to be challenged. These worlds look like heaven and hell, respectively, and they’re also the only places where the Nicest trainer class appears. In the Divine World, HE proclaims that humanity has committed unforgivable sins, and HE will deliver judgment. HE uses mostly Divine-type Pokemon, but also Gigasvyre for some reason. Divine HIM is an angel, who looks like a mix of a dominion and a cherubim. In the Chaos World, HE says that humans are wild beasts pretending to be civilized, it’s easy to revert them to this primal state, and that HE will consume everything. Chaos HIM is a demon with 3 heads. After beating both Chaos and Divine HIM, you can continue on to the final boss.

    45) Final Hallway 

There is now a portal between the entrances to Divine/Chaos Worlds. Going through it takes you to a boss rush, where you have to fight bosses from the “fallen timelines”. You have to fight Jirachi, Manglo, Gowen, a corrupted shoggoth, Lunar Guardian and all his body parts, Corrupted Sol, Nameless Demon, Elias, Alphanne, and Mecha Zaydolf. After that rush, you enter a hallway of self-reflection, much like the one before you faced Zaydolf in the Purification Camp.

As you step towards the climax, you start to think back to the start of your journey. How you left home to go on a simple adventure, how you chose your starter, how you fought the gym leaders, and how hard you fought. You think of the Juvites and Team Wack, how many people were swept up in their anger, and how HE whispered temptations into the minds of Zaydolf and Goldberg. Thanks to you and your friends, you saved Zaydolf. But Goldberg was unable to find peace, and HE destroyed his soul. For all those harmed, you must strike HIM down. You think of your battles with the Elite Four and the Champion. Now you are the champion, quite possibly one of the strongest trainers in the world. You think of the Arctic, and of Gowen and his brother. Since the beginning of the human race, HE tortured the souls of humans. You think of the Lunar Guardian. A child who met a tragic fate, who was led down the path of darkness by HIM. You think of the Martians. HE degraded their society, HE brought them to extinction, and HE’s done the same to countless other worlds. You think of Elias. His morality was twisted by HIM; perhaps he was a righteous person before he was made into a slave. You think of all the people hurt by this. Are you really their savior? You feel almost insignificant, but you have the will to keep moving. You think of Anne, and about what happened to her father. You will keep on fighting to avenge her father, and to avenge all of the fallen. You think of Zaydolf. He was transformed by HIM, but you saved him. In order to atone for his sins, you will help him to strike down HIM. He has hurt so many people, and they must be avenged! You think of yourself, and everything you enjoyed on your journey. Then, you walk through the door, and face HIM.

    46) Final HIM 

The final boss takes place in a black void. First, you have to fight “True HIM”. After beating HIS first form, HE tells you a little secret. HE created you. You are a necessary piece for the ritual to be successful. HE needs your power to ascend. There was always the possibility that you would win, but in every other timeline, you have lost, and each timeline where you lost brought HIM closer to total control of the universe. Since this entire fight is pointless, HE asks you if you want to give up. All the answers are some form of “No”, and the theme song to Malcolm in the Middle starts playing. Then you tell him that you don’t care about alternate timelines, and this world is the real one for you. Then you fight HIM and he looks like a snake. After beating HIM, he asks why you are still fighting. Anne and Zaydolf are also fighting HIM, and they will fall as well. Anne and Zaydolf encourage you to fight, and you have to fight HIS third form, which is easy since it only knows Bide. After that, you unite with Anne and Zaydolf.

There are two more battles you have to face, and both of them are double battles. The first one is with Anne as your partner, where you fight some Pokemon that were previously fought in Anne’s nightmare, as well as a HIM form who resembles Anne. The next double battle is with Zaydolf as your partner, where you fight some of Zaydolf’s Pokemon as well as a HIM form who resembles Zaydolf.

HE looks weak, and Zaydolf encourages you to deal the final blow. HE laughs, and reveals that HE has just been biding time, and that he has yet to use his true power. Now, he fights you in yet another Hopeless Boss Fight, where his team consists of 6 Void HIMs, all with powerful Chaos moves. Void HIM is Void-type, meaning it’s immune to all damaging moves, so it’s basically impossible. You have to do this battle twice, once with Anne and once with Zaydolf. But after getting beaten by HIM twice, HE decides it’s time to crush your spirits. Then, Anne’s father appears. HE reveals that he tortured Goldberg endlessly, until they made a deal. Goldberg could live as HIS servant, as long as he promised to kill you and Anne if you ever were to get here. Anne denies this, but Goldberg confirms that it’s true. Anne breaks down and cries, while HE commands Goldberg to kill you and your friends. Goldberg prepares to do that, and the screen shakes. Then, instead of getting killed, you see a huge hole in HIS chest. Goldberg tells his daughter that he would never betray her, and that it was all an act so that he could save her at this moment. Now, Goldberg is dead, but his soul is finally free from HIM. Before he dies, the last thing Goldberg does is give you his strength. Now, you can finally fight HIM for real.

When you walk up to the final HIM, Anne and Zaydolf start talking. For the sakes of all those led astray by HIS temptations, Zaydolf must stop HIM here. For her father’s sake, and to make up for the sins of the past, Anne must fight. Zaydolf congratulates you and Anne for saving him from HIS grasp, and fights to atone for his sins and bring light back into the world. HE says that you cannot defeat HIM, but Anne and Zaydolf say that there’s nothing they can’t overcome together. Then, you fight a double battle, where your partner is both Anne and Zaydolf. You have to fight all 6 HIM forms, those being the first three, the ones that resemble Anne and Zaydolf, and the Void HIM. The void HIM isn’t that hard to take out since it only knows Hyper Beam, and Willost and Canvast both have Toxic. After beating HIM, Anne and Zaydolf celebrate, but it’s not over yet. There is one last battle to fight.

    47) The True Enemy 

You are alone with HIM. He is surprised that even that still wasn’t enough. Then, HE breaks the fourth wall, and asks if your name is your real name. He has no way of knowing, as he can’t see into your world. You, the person controlling the player, are his true opponent. HE’s tried everything he can, and you still come out victorious. But then HE realizes that the whole point of a game is that it can be beaten. From the very start, it was almost guaranteed that you would win. The only way you could lose is by giving up. That’s the only reason you lost in those other timelines. Now, there is only one thing HE can do to stop you. After that, HE will disappear from this world. HE knows it’s time for you to win. The only thing left that HE can do is make you fight yourself. After defeating your own team, there is nothing HE can do. However, HE tells you about the center of the universe, where you can clash with HIM for one last timenote . Then, you are transported home. Now that you’ve defeated HIM, you can do the post-post-game, where you can catch a bunch of the bossmons who you fought, like the Lunar Guardian for example. But this is the end of the story, so that’s where this recap is ending.
