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Recap / Peeking Through The Fourth Wall Episode 11

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We open on Lincoln, Lisa, Lynn, and the twins sitting on the couch as normal. Today, they'll be spicing things up and reading three short stories instead of one longer one. Lynn uses a food-related analogy and Lisa asks a question: Do these stories have a theme? Lincoln says yes— they're all the authors' early stories.

The first one is Lynn's Bruised Hand and it opens on Lincoln and Lynn on bikes and Lana on a skateboard. Then, who comes along on their scooter but the narrator, accompanying a rollerskating Leni. This narrator is a teenage boy who a very acrobatic Leni addresses as "Noey".

After some tricks and both fanfic Lynn and the real Lynn showing off, they get to the park and get to work, because apparently Rita and Lynn Sr. chose them to move a vending machine from the front of the park to the bathrooms.

Fanfic Lynn notices her lucky ping pong ball has rolled behind the vending machine. The real Lynn says that she's not that scattered, only for her siblings to find some of her belongings in random places. Fanfic Lynn goes to get her ball, but the others don't notice and push the vending machine, bruising her hand. She wants to keep working, but then decides to see a doctor... for a bruise.

Later, they arrive home (except Lynn, who apparently had to go to hospital) and "Noey" is sleeping over. When everyone's in bed, Lynn arrives home with her hand bandaged, goes to bed herself, and notes that she can't do anything. Wait a minute— in the fanfic, Lynn got injured because she made a bad choice, not out of incompetence, so maybe she's worried the injury will put her out of commission. But Lynn has been injured way worse in the past, and the real one starts listing her past injuries.

The next morning, fanfic Lynn's hand still hurts, so she's asked to be the shag in soccer. She refuses, claiming that everyone will laugh at her, even though, as the real Lynn points out, that would imply that for every practice they'd laugh at whoever was the shag, and being the shag may be a boring job but it's necessary.

"Noey", whose real name is Nolan, then shows up and Lynn asks him to be the shag. He objects because he somehow knows that's her job. He leaves, and she decides to stay hiding in the bush until her hand is better.

That evening, fanfic Lynn still hasn't come home, so Nolan, who's apparently sleeping over again, goes out to find her. She's a bit insecure at first, but then admits that she's been having trouble with her hand and feels she can't do anything. He cheers her up saying they're still friends, and that's it.

While the Louds find it kind of a decent story, and Lisa likes how Nolan doesn't hog the spotlight, Lynn is a bit dissatisfied at her portrayal as a "wimpy sad-sack".

Onto the next story, which is called, oh boy, My First Fanfic, I Know it's Really Bad.

We open on fanfic Luna going home from school, tired. She ends up stepping on Lola's mirror, breaking it. Lola is mad and, just like the Lincoln from the story in Episode 10, thinks Luna is supposed to be the nicest sister. Then, still in the story, Izzy climbs up Luna's leg and, mistaking her for a spider, kicks her, angering Lana who also claims Luna is meant to be the nicest sister.

Fanfic Luna listens to music for half an hour, then Lincoln arrives and asks for homework help because Lori and Lisa are too busy and Leni is too dumb. He claims she's usually nicer, causing her to go into rant mode. Apparently it's one of those "deconstructing the genre" fanfics... but the Louds never had Luna on a pedestal.

She starts to feel guilty, then fanfic Lincoln and the twins come in to apologise (even though Lincoln had nothing to apologise for) and they hug it out. Later, fanfic Luan apologises for joking at a serious time, Luna says it was no big deal, they go to bed, and the fanfic ends.

Lisa concludes that it was a decent story despite not knowing why some people think Luna is the nicest. Now, onto the last one, Stuffed Anger.

It begins at night, with Lincoln looking for Bun-Bun. Lola complains and tells him to grow up, then Lincoln finds Bun-Bun and goes off to sleep, but she's still mad.

The next morning, fanfic Lincoln finds all his sisters looking worried. They have bad news: Bun-Bun apparently "got through a fight" with either Charles or Cliff and he's now broken. While the rest of the Louds wonder who could've taken Bun-Bun, Lisa (the real one) is banging her head against the wall because the grammar is so bad.

Fanfic Leni promises to fix Bun-Bun, along with Luan (odd, since the real Luan can't sew). Fanfic Lincoln gets dressed, then notices the twins aren't present. He asks where they are and Lisa informs them that Lana is at the doctor's. Lucy wonders if it was actually Lola who tore Bun-Bun, so they go to the twins' room where she reveals that she did do it. Back in reality, Lisa keeps thumping her head, so Lincoln takes her upstairs.

Fanfic Lola has a plan for making up for Lincoln, and Lisa wants to know why he likes Bun-Bun so much despite his age and how he got Bun-Bun. Lincoln tells his sisters that eight or so years ago, his great-grandmother gave Bun-Bun to him.

Lincoln comes back, having apparently gotten Lisa to fall asleep with a lullaby. Fanfic Lincoln continues to reminisce about Bun-Bun, such as when he used him as a Halloween prop, and when he was in hospital because Fic!Lynn accidentally broke his arm (apparently, the real Lynn did that too, and called Lincoln a frail Nancy boy, but she also brought him Bun-Bun like fanfic Lynn did).

Fanfic Lola tells the truth and gives him gifts to apologise: his victory undies and an action figure (even though, as the real Lincoln and Lola point out, he already has those). They hug, then everyone goes to Burpin' Burger except Fanfic Leni.

The episode ends with Lynn apologising for Lisa's having to go to bed.

This episode provides examples of

  • Adaptation Personality Change: Lynn in Lynn's Bruised Hand is more negative and insecure than the real Lynn and makes even more reckless choices, such as staying in the bush until her hand heals.
  • Adaptational Skill: In Lynn's Bruised Hand, Lana can skateboard.
    • Also, in Stuffed Anger, Luan apparently knows how to sew.
  • Artistic License – Biology: Izzy once peed on Lola's bed, but lizards don't pee— they poop like birds instead.
  • Character Exaggeration: Lola has anger issues, but she wouldn't get angry about Lincoln having a stuffed animal like fanfic Lola does.
  • Continuity Nod: Lynn remembers Luna threatening Lincoln for taking Luan's side in an argument over a fog machine, which happened in "Garage Banned".
  • Death Glare: Lola gives Lana a "pointed look" about Izzy peeing on her bedsheets.
  • Deconstruction Fic: My First Fanfic, I Know It's Really Bad is this towards a Fandom-Specific Plot, having fanfic Luna briefly hit the Rage Breaking Point about how she's often seen as the 'nicest sister'.
  • Delicious Daydream: When Lynn compares the episode to serving three specific appetisers, she ends up rubbing her tummy with a dreamy expression.
  • Early Personality Signs: In My First Fanfic, I Know it's Really Bad, fanfic Lola shouts that she's had her pocket mirror ever since she won her first beauty pageant at the age of four. The real Lola, however, actually won her first beauty pageant when she was three-and-a-half.
  • Embarrassment Plot: Lynn's Bruised Hand is mostly about Lynn being embarrassed about being the shag due to her bruised hand.
  • Facepalm: The Louds facepalm at the fanfic twins thinking Luna is meant to be the nicest.
  • Head Desk: Lisa starts angrily banging her head against the wall after the line, "Bun-Bun who could done this to you," in Stuffed Anger and doesn't stop until Lincoln has to pick her up and put her to bed.
  • Incredibly Lame Fun: Nolan likes being the shag.
  • In-Series Nickname: Nolan is first introduced by his nickname "Noey", which confuses the Louds.
  • Instantly Proven Wrong: Lynn claims that nothing she owns is ever out of place, only for Lincoln to find her fingerless gloves in his pocket, Lisa to find Lynn's eye black in her (Lisa's) pocket, Lola to find Lynn's shin guards under the couch, and Lana to find Lynn's tennis ball in her (Lana's) mouth.
  • Irony: The story the Louds end up having the most positive reaction to is also the one that directly calls itself bad in the title.
  • Last-Name Basis: The great-grandmother in Stuffed Anger is addressed as "Great-Grandma Loud".
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Fanfic Luna cries a bit when she feels guilty about snapping at Lincoln and the twins, kicking Izzy, and breaking Lola's mirror.
  • Neologism: Lincoln in Stuffed Anger is described as doing something "whiling" doing something else instead of "while".
  • Out of Character: While fanfic Lynn starts off in character (superstitious, wanting to work through the pain), once injured she becomes uncharacteristically mopey and jumpy about her bruised hand, wanting a doctor and complaining of not being able to do anything.
  • Plot Hole:
    • Nolan, fanfic Leni, fanfic Lynn, fanfic Lincoln, and fanfic Lana being chosen by the fanfic Loud parents to move a vending machine from the front of the park to the bathrooms raises a lot of questions:
      • Why were they asked? Aren't there people who are paid to do that sort of thing?
      • Why would a vending machine even be needed at the bathrooms?
      • How did the fanfic versions of the Loud parents even get permission to ask their kids (and their kids' friend) to move the vending machine?
    • Fanfic Lynn can't play soccer because her hand is bruised, but you don't use your hands in soccer. (Unless you're the goalie — which she isn't.)
  • Pun:
    • In My First Fanfic, I Know it's Really Bad, fanfic Luan says that the situation of Luna breaking Lola's pocket mirror requires "reflection".
    • In Stuffed Anger, fanfic Luan claims she can sew because she can "keep Mr. Coconuts in stitches". Then, she says, "I'll be brief on it" about Lincoln's being in his undies.
  • Rouge Angles of Satin:
    • Fanfic Lincoln is described as "peddling" instead of "pedalling" in Lynn's Bruised Hand.
    • In Stuffed Anger, fanfic Lincoln is described as "wimpier" instead of "whimpering".
  • Self-Deprecation: The second story has "I know it's really bad" in its title.
  • Self-Insert Fic:
    • Lynn's Bruised Hand features the narrator as a character.
    • Lana once wrote a story about herself and Blarney the Dinosaur.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Lynn's Bruised Hand is based on an episode of Theodore Tugboat, which the Louds haven't heard of but they have an equivalent called Samuel Steamship.
    • Fanfic Lincoln in Stuffed Anger once dressed as the Amazing Mumford from Sesame Street. Again, the Louds haven't heard of it but they have an equivalent show— Poppy Avenue.
  • Tears of Joy: Fanfic Luna cries tears of joy at Lincoln and the twins' apology.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Lisa's reaction to hearing the second fic's Self-Deprecation-laden title is an exasperated, "Ohhh boy."
  • Twitchy Eye: Lisa has one of the "angry eye twitch" variety when she's annoyed with the grammar problems so her eye twitches.
  • Urine Trouble: Apparently, Izzy once peed on Lola's bedsheets.
