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Recap / Jay Jay The Jet Plane Jay Jays Christmas Adventure

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Written by John Semper Jr.
Directed by Hugh Martin
Songs: "O Christmas Tree", "Jingle Bells, "Santa's Little Helpers"

Everyone in Tarrytown is preparing for Christmas, which is only a few days away. Snuffy is in charge of finding the Christmas tree. Tracy and Herky plan how to meet Santa Claus, in person. In the meantime, Jay Jay frantically finishes his Christmas list before it's too late. Snuffy and Big Jake pick out the most beautiful Christmas tree, ever. They decorate it and top it off with a gorgeous ornament. Everyone is in awe, as Big Jake leads the gang in their first Christmas carol of the season.

Then, Santa Claus needs help delivering all his Christmas presents - and he hopes the gang at Tarrytown Airport will come to his aid. The planes have such a good time helping Santa, and find that it truly is more fun to give than to receive!

"Jay Jay's Christmas Adventure" provides examples of:
