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Recap / Fresh Off The Boat S 6 E 15 Commencement

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While attending one of their sons' Harvard Commencement (graduation ceremony), Louis and Jessica flashback to Eddie being interviewed for acceptance into Harvard, and how Jessica's constant supervision was in fact his greatest obstacle to acceptance. Also in the flashback, Evan decides to campaign for leadership of the local Homeowner Association to add another impressive accomplishment to his autobiography, which Emery learns is being embellished.

  • Ad Hominem: When Emery tries to call out Evan for his plagiarized, self-serving memoirs by calling his behavior unamerican, Evan deflects it by stating that Emery calling the future Asian-American President of the United States unamerican is racist.
  • Bait-and-Switch: The episode opens with a Time Skip to Jessica and Louis attending their son's graduation ceremony from Harvard, and most of the episode focuses on Eddie potentially getting into Harvard. However, Eddie fails to get accepted due to his "helicopter parent" mom, and when the scene's revisited at the end, it's revealed that Evan is the graduate. Additionally, during the ceremony, Louis talks about his mother while holding a metal tube that's implied to hold her cremated remains, but it quickly turns out to just be a cocktail mixer he shakes up and passes to her.
  • Book Ends: The episode begins and ends at Harvard Commencement.
  • Call-Back:
  • Distant Finale: This is the final episode of the series, and features a Time Skip showing all of the Huang kids as adults.
  • How We Got Here: The episode is book-ended by the Huangs attending Harvard Commencement, with the main portion seemingly showing how one of the children was actually accepted into Harvard.
  • Ignored Aesop:
    • Despite it being explained to Evan that Emery is running against him in the HOA to give Evan A Taste of Their Own Medicine, and Evan seemingly admitting fault, the announcement that Emery's the winner of the election has Evan's first reaction be a desire to abolish democratic voting.
    • In The Tag, even after the main plot was about Jessica being too much of a helicopter parent and needing to let her children forge their own paths in life, Louis' comment that they raised their sons successfully has Jessica reply with "Yes, I did!"
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Jessica is mortified to learn that her "helicopter parenting" to make sure Eddie has a successful life has prevented him from being accepted to Harvard, with Andy Richter stating that students with such involved parents tend to fizzle out when separated.
  • Orphaned Punchline: In The Tag, Evan's speech at Commencement mentions how his brother Emery is now a famous actor in phone commercials, and Emery in the audience states his (orphaned) Catchphrase "No boss, it's a text message!"
  • Plagiarism in Fiction: Upon Emery using Evan's credentials for the homeowner association election and telling Evan it's so he can feel what it's like to be a victim of his Self-Serving Memory memoirs, Evan refers to it as "the dark side of plagiarism".
  • Self-Serving Memory: Planning for his own future, Evan is already writing his memoirs, but many of his listed accomplishments are either stolen from his brothers or are lies that make him seem amazing, such as claiming he personally delivered Honey's baby painlessly after Marvin fainted from stress.
  • Special Guest: Andy Richter appears to interview Eddie for admittance into Harvard; he claims that the school usually sends an alumni, but Conan O'Brien was busy and sent Andy in his place.
  • A Taste of Their Own Medicine: To get revenge for Evan's memoir that makes himself look better and everyone else worse, Emery decides to run against him for a position in the homeowner association, using Evan's credentials instead of Emery's own.
  • Time Skip: The opening and ending take place years after the rest of the episode.
  • "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: All of the Huangs are shown at the graduation ceremony at the end of the episode. Evan is the Harvard graduate, Eddie is now managing Cattleman's (and states that Trent's his business partner keeping things running while he's gone), and Emery is a successful actor in commercials.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: When Evan becomes outraged that Emery's trying to give him A Taste of Their Own Medicine by running for the HOA position he wanted using Evan's credentials, Emery points out how Evan's actual accomplishments were clearly enough without having to embellish them further or make other people seem worse in comparison, and that Evan should be more honest about himself.
