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Recap / Fairy May Cry, 32 "Fairy Tail Strikes Back!"

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With the timely arrival of Erza Scarlet, Gray, Lady and Trish, and the return of their magic and demon power, Earthland's Fairy Tail is ready to strike back against Edolas, with Scarlet doing battle with her doppleganger, Erza Knightwalker.

  • All-Loving Hero: Wendy insists that they go to Extalia to warn the exceeds of the incoming danger, despite Carla's insistence they don't deserve it.
  • Apocalypse How: Discussed in regards to Nelo Angelo's plan for Edolas, unleashing Mundus and hordes of demons on the magicless population.
  • Berserk Button: Dante himself has become one for Erza Knightwalker after pushing her so far in their fight.
  • BFS: Panther-Lily wields one that Lady remarks is even bigger than Dante's.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Gray and Trish go to wake up the unconscious Wendy, and the latter promises to accompany her and Carla to Extalia to keep them safe.
  • Big Fancy Castle: King Faust's castle, being large enough to house a theme park of all things.
  • Blood Knight: Rather than scared, Nelo Angelo is excited once he hears that Fairy Tail has regained their powers, remarking that fighting people without any quickly became boring.
  • Boomerang Bigot: Carla has a very low opinion of her own species, being unconcerned at the prospect of them all perishing. It takes convincing from Wendy, Trish, and being reminded of Lucky and Marl to convince her to agree to try and warn them.
  • Cool Versus Awesome: The battle between Erza's Scarlet and Knightwalker, a Magic Knight with Requip magic and Badass Normal with a multi-powered Morph Weapon respectively. Lampshaded by Dante.
    Dante: It's Erza vs Erza. Place your bets ladies and gentlemen.
  • Didn't See That Coming: None of Fairy Tail were expecting Lisanna to reveal she actually is the one they're familiar with.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Nelo Angelo finally reveals his true allegiances to the Magic Warfare Unit Captains, and procedes to blast them on the spot.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: Natsu's first suggestion on regaining their powers is to take out Nelo Angelo. Dante agrees that it's a good idea, given that he's one of their biggest problems, and is likely unused to fighting those with innate powers like theirs, much less a group as large as them. Ganging up on him is the fastest way to end things.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Even trolling Deadpan Snarker extraordinaire Dante finds King Faust putting a theme park in the middle of his castle to be utterly ridiculous.
  • Eyes Never Lie: How Natsu is able to tell Lisanna is telling the truth about being from Earthland.
  • Failed a Spot Check:
    • The main group realises they failed to look for Gajeel and Trish, despite the two being a Dragon Slayer and demon respectively, and thus immune to the Anima.
    • Dante admonishes Lucy for failing to make the connection between the red pill Mystogan gave her and her ability to use magic in Edolas.
    • Right after waking up, Natsu goes charging off to find Nelo Angelo, and misses the presence of several of his friends.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Lady remarks that she doesn't want to lose another family.
    • Modeus' powers being restored causes the image of a crescent moon to appear before him.
  • Freak Out: Natsu's response to seeing two Erza's fighting.
  • He's Back!: Consuming the X-Balls restores the respective magical and demonic powers of the various members of Fairy Tail., including Natsu, Wendy, Dante, Modeus, and even Lisanna after being without it for two years.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: Erza Knightwalker reveals her trident is actually a Morph Weapon, something she did not use against Dante.
  • Mama Bear: Carla is incredibly worried to see Wendy unconscious.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: The first thing Carla does after coming across Wendy is apologize for betraying her.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: Discussed by Dante, who notes a large part of Nelo Angelo's reputation comes from the fact that no one else in Edolas has any innate magical or demonic power.
  • The Nose Knows: How Natsu is able to track down Nelo Angelo.
  • Papa Wolf: Modeus shows great concern at seeing the unconscious Wendy.
  • Point of Divergence:
    • Lisanna admits to being from Earthland, and regains her magic power thanks to consuming an X-Ball.
    • Lady accompanies Happy and Gajeel in rescuing their friends from the giant lacrima.
  • The Reveal: Lisanna comes clean to the others about originally being from Earthland.
  • Sixth Ranger Traitor: Villainous example with Nelo Angelo finally revealing his true loyalty to Hughes and Sugarboy, before promptly turning on them.
  • Spotting the Thread: Dante managed to deduce that Lisanna was actually from Earthland based on the number of times she decided to stick with them on on their journey, despite her guilds general preference for laying low.
  • Worthy Opponents: Erza Scarlet affirms Dante's admiration of her is mutual, even giving a Badass Boast on his behalf to Erza Knightwalker.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Everyone's response when they learn Faust made an amusement park within his castle.
