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Recap / As Told By Ginger S 3 E 15 The Wedding Frame

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The three-part Grand Finale of the series. Lois prepares for her wedding with Dr Dave and, while she has no doubts, Ginger is starting to about her own feelings for Orion. Meanwhile a mysterious woman called Nikki La Forte shows up pretending to be an ex girlfriend of Dave's, and his mother may be behind it...


  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: When discussing Ginger's fear of commitment, Dodie and Macie make a list of possible reasons.
    Ginger: Dodie, you think I'm unreasonably distrusting, and maybe that's why I'm having a whole time with this whole marriage thing, and this whole...Orion thing?
    Dodie: Well, you did have your heart broken once.
    Macie: And you are a child of divorce.
    Dodie: Oh, oh, and remember when you sent away for a T-shirt using the proof of purchase from your cereal box?
    Macie: And the T-shirt never came?
    Dodie: That couldn't have helped.
  • Babies Ever After:
    • The last scene shows Darren holding up a red-haired baby, obviously his and Ginger's child.
    • Dodie is likewise seen with a young daughter she's had with Chet.
  • Back for the Finale:
    • Noelle Sussman is the biggest example, having not been seen since "Butterflies Are Free", and playing the Spanner in the Works.
    • Buzz is the one doing a check on the Foutley house, and for some reason attending the wedding.
    • Miranda shows up first to taunt Ginger and then to give Simone advice.
    • Ms Zorski plays the organ for the wedding.
    • Bobby and Bobbie Lightfoot are in attendance at the wedding as well.
    • Two examples of The Ghost appearing on-screen - Mr. Gripling and Monster the dog.
  • Brief Accent Imitation: When quoting her mother, Ginger imitates Lois's thick Boston accent.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • Brandon Higsby sings for the wedding, showing off his screechy voice from "The Easter Ham".
    • In the finale, Hoodsey and Macie can be seen sitting next to each other as if they're together. This acknowledges Hoodsey's crush on her.
    • Sunflowers are in the background of Ginger's book reading, confirmed to be her favorite in "Hello Stranger".
  • Distant Finale: We're shown a flash forward some twenty years later, with Ginger now as a published author who's written stories about her youth.
  • Fallen Princess: Poor Courtney is left penniless when her father is jailed, and the Griplings have to downsize.
  • Fanservice Pack: Lois has now lost weight and appears in a wedding dress that shows off some cleavage, wearing her sexiest outfit in the series yet.
  • Generation Xerox: Dodie as an adult has a hairstyle just like her mother's. And her daughter wears her hair in pigtails.
  • Graceful Ladies Like Purple: Lois's bridesmaid dresses are lilac.
  • Grand Finale: This is the final episode of the series, featuring Lois's wedding, the Foutleys moving house, Monster the dog returning and the Griplings losing their fortune.
  • Hairstyle Inertia: Ginger as an adult has the same hairstyle, as does Dodie.
  • Happily Married: As seen in the background of the epilogue, Lois and Dave have stayed married throughout the years.
  • Hourglass Plot: The Foutleys move into a Big Fancy House in the same neighborhood as the Griplings. Not long after, the Griplings lose their wealth and are implied to move into the Foutleys' old house.
  • Irony: The Aesop Ginger learns in the present is to not hold onto the past, letting go of her insecurities about how her relationship with Darren ended - and pursuing a new one with Orion. The future however shows that she and Darren ended up together after all.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: When Mrs. Dave is exposed, Monster the dog knocks her over, and she can be heard complaining about her hip. It's also unlikely anyone in the congregation would be in a rush to help her.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: The last line of the series is Ginger thanking the audience at her book reading, which doubles as thanking the viewers.
  • Magic Realism: No one bats an eye at Noelle displaying telekinetic powers.
  • Pair the Spares:
    • Dodie is paired up with her sometimes date Chet Zipper.
    • Macie appears to be with Hoodsey now.
  • Pet the Dog: Cranky Joann Bishop can be seen shedding Tears of Joy once the wedding vows happen.
  • Red Herring: In-universe. Jonas is suspected of being in on the scheme, when his pictures of Dave and Nikki are found in his apartment. At this point however, the audience knows it's Mrs. Dave behind it all.
  • Relationship Sabotage: Mrs. Dave hires people to make it look like Dr. Dave is cheating on Lois with an old girlfriend.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: Lois looks positively stunning in her wedding dress, as do the girls in their bridesmaid gowns.
  • Significant Wardrobe Shift: Courtney and Blake are seen in far more casual clothes after losing their money.
  • Unsettling Gender-Reveal: Nikki is revealed to be Nicholas - a cross dresser.
  • Vocal Evolution: Ginger's voice when narrating from the future is a little deeper.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The epilogue does not show Courtney, Miranda, Jonas, Brandon or Orion.
  • Wig, Dress, Accent: Nikki was disguising her identity (and her gender) with a blonde wig, pink dress and southern accent.
