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Playing With / Sir Swears-a-Lot

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Basic Trope: A character with a bigger potty mouth than the other characters.

  • Straight: Bob swears like a sailor, noticeably more than everyone around him.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • Bon only breaks into Cluster F-Bomb mode when he gets angry.
    • Alternatively, Bob doesn't swear that often, but compared to the rest of the cast, he's a potty mouth.
    • Or Bob swears a lot, but they're mostly low-grade swear words like "damn" and "hell" instead of a more hardcore f-bomb.
    • The work uses Pardon My Klingon — and about a third of Bob's language consists of guttural-sounding alien phrases left untranslated.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is a soldier or sailor.
    • Bob learned these words from his parents or friends (who are sailors).
    • Bob's parents didn't see pronfanity as taboo a topic as others.
    • Bob is desensitized to profanity from overexposure (and if you think he's foulmouthed, you should see the people he works with, who may or may not have been sailors at some point).
    • Bob is an actor, and most of the characters he plays are people who curse often (like sailors).
  • Inverted: Bob is a strait-laced prude who has never even referred to the human genitalia by their proper names once in his life. Meanwhile, everyone else in the work swears like a sailor.
  • Subverted: Bob is cut off in the middle of his sentence by a prudish parent when it sounds like he's about to call something "shitty". He was actually going to say "shiny".
  • Double Subverted: Bob is punished for uttering the first syllable of a curse word, which is cut off by a hypervigilant teacher. He avows he wasn't going to curse. But he actually was.
  • Parodied:
    • Bob is sent to detention for his cursing, only to be drawn into a series of wacky hijinks beyond his control. He blames his hilarious misfortune on dirty words.
    • Due to the use of Sound Effect Bleeps, Bob's friends are able to use his foul mouth to send a message in Morse Code.
    • Most of Bob's speech is bleeped out and characters in-universe can't understand what he's saying because of this.
    • Bob swears all the time... Sort of.
    • Bob loses his voice. When told that it serves him right for swearing so much, he responds with an obscene hand gesture.
    • Bob hears someone curse on a playground.
  • Zig Zagged:
    • Bob alternatively curses like a sailor or gasps at the utterance of "crap" depending on his mood and the company. Additionally, everyone around him uses bizarre curses or completely overreacts to benign epithets.
    • Depending on who he's talking to, Bob either swears like a sailor or uses childish workarounds of those words, no in-betweens.
  • Averted: Bob curses just as much as everyone else around him.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded:
    • "You can't take Bob anywhere. He'll just embarrass you the second he opens his mouth."
    • "Is it possible for you to go five seconds without swearing?" "God, I fucking hope not..."
    • "I don't know why the hell I even bother dragging my ass to work. My entire goddamn paycheck just winds up in the fucking jar."
  • Invoked: Bob is a filmmaker hopes to establish camaraderie with the soldiers he is filming for a documentary by emulating their dirty vocabulary.
  • Exploited: A character institutes The Swear Jar for Bob, knowing that he will end up providing a hefty contribution to it.
  • Defied: Bob drops something on his toe and exclaims "FUUUU..." which turns into "FUUUUDGE" when his mother walks around the corner.
  • Discussed: "What kind of sailor doesn't curse, Bob?"
  • Conversed: "Of course Bob's not going to survive until the end. He's the potty-mouthed tough guy."
  • Implied: Everyone Bob passes keeps one eye on his mouth, and their hands all twitch as if desperate to clap over it.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob swears to give himself a hip, alternative persona. Not only does he actually care what authority thinks of him, he really has political objections to sexual, sexist, and racist epithets. The hypocrisy and him resulting poor reputation wears on his psyche.
    • People assume Bob is hot-headed and ignorant because he swears a lot. Parents don't want him around their children around him, friends don't like being with him in public because they fear his next curse fueled tirade, and potential employers don't even give him a chance. His social life and finances suffer greatly, all because he doesn't know when and when not to swear.
  • Reconstructed: Bob learns the difference between justified cursing and swearing just for the shock value. He objects to politically incorrect swears, but still makes sparing use of the more benign or fecal ones.
  • Played For Laughs:
    • Bob deliberately curses for the pleasure of watching impossibly tight-laced people struggle to remain polite.
    • Someone challenges Bob to go a full day without cursing. He fails not even 30 seconds in.
  • Played For Drama: Bob has a strange mental disorder which constantly causes the affected one to swear constantly. He's completely aware of and genuinely mortified by it, and all his efforts to fix or mitigate his problem end up being futile.
  • Necessary Weasel: Bob is a grizzled space marine in a first-person shooter.
  • Untwisted: Bob is cut off in the middle of his sentence by a prudish parent when it sounds like he's about to call something "shitty". He was actually going to say "shiny". But that was actually only because of the parent. He actually was going to say "shitty".

Get the fuck back to the fucking page here, motherfucker.
