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Playing With / Really Gets Around

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Basic Trope: A character has a lot of sex partners.

  • Straight: Alice has slept with around 20 people.
  • Exaggerated: Alice has slept with half the universe's inhabitants.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice has slept with 7 people.
    • Alice flirts with absolutely everyone she meets, but won't go any further.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is a prostitute - it is her job to really get around.
    • Alice comes from a culture that encourages sexual freedom.
    • Alice is from a Free-Love Future.
    • Alice really is just that horny.
    • Alice has a fetish for some form of group sex, and her friends and/or partners are happy to play along. As long as they have a doctor's note to prove they don't carry diseases, she has no problem seeing her friends, partner's friends, her friends partners friends or even the occasional stranger participating in one of her "parties".
    • (for Exaggerated) Alice is the sole female survivor of Gendercide and she needs to mate with several men to repopulate.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • It seems like Alice has had a large number of partners, but it turns out that she just has a lot of friends that she occasionally gets flirty with.
    • Alice plans orgies on the side, but doesn't join in them herself.
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: Episodes are inconsistent about Alice's number of partners.
  • Averted:
  • Enforced: The author is comically exaggerating a perceived real trend under the executives' order.
  • Lampshaded: "Wow, Alice, you really can't choose just one partner, can you?"
  • Invoked:
    • Alice is cursed with insatiable lust.
    • Alice is in a good financial situation, and wants to become a mother but has no interest in forming a long-term relationship. Knowing she could take care of the child by herself, she starts looking for men willing to "make a donation" without having to worry about the results.
  • Exploited: Alice makes the perfect carrier for Dr. Evulz' newly developed STD.
  • Defied: Despite her utter love for sex, Alice decides to keep it limited to one or two other people.
  • Discussed:
    • "Has Alice slept with the whole town?" "Eeyup."
    • "Look Alice, as a friend, I really think you should get an IUD so your constant one-night-stands don't end with you getting knocked up. So, your place at nine?"
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice sleeps with a lot of people, because she was hurt badly in a past relationship.
    • Alice sleeps with a lot of people because it's the least she could do to feel loved.
    • Alice ends up getting STD's.
    • Alice is a sex addict who wants to stop but is unable to control her urges.
    • Alice ends up getting pregnant, but due to her reputation, she cannot find a long-term partner to help her - and if she's a sex addict, may not be able to take care of a child.
  • Reconstructed: Alice sleeps with a lot of people because she enjoys sex, but she's completely safe and responsible about it, and is always cautious and careful.
  • Implied:
    • Alice is often seen going into her apartment with various men.
    • Alice has lots of children who look nothing like each other and mentions having some "history" with lots of people.
    • Bob brags that he successfully had sex with Alice. Charlie informs him that that's not an accomplishment.

Look at her, she Really Gets Around! We just saw her have sex with another man yesterday!
