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Playing With / Product Placement

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Basic Trope: A company pays to have its products featured in a work.

  • Straight: In Killer Amanda, the main characters are often seen making Skype calls, and James is occasionally shown snacking on Doritos.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Large numbers of Enforced Plugs.
    • Worse yet, an an entire MOVIE is made for the sole purpose of this.
  • Downplayed:
    • Incredibly obvious Bland Name Products are found everywhere the characters go.
    • The product name is in a fictional language, but the logo is recognizable.
  • Justified: Skype happens to be an easy way for the characters to talk with each other from afar, and Doritos happen to be the cheapest snack James can get his hands on.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: You Wanna Get Sued?
  • Double Subverted: The character simply uses Mepsi as a nickname for Pepsi.
  • Parodied:
    James: Man, this place is way different from where I live.
    Kyle: Ours is named "Killer Alyssa" and yours is named "Killer Amanda". Please explain.
    James: Well, for one, all of the restaurants are just the same as in the real world, but the name is slightly different. Not "McDonald's" but "McRonalds", not "Burger King" but "Burger Zing", "Stack-in-the-Box"—
    Kyle: Hold it, son. You obviously live in a universe where the creators just couldn't give a shit about striking up a Product Placement deal with the companies who make those restaurants, so instead they use faulty nicknames with a single letter changed. I'm very sorry you have to live there, and please try to learn the real names of those companies while you're at it.
    James: You're ... lying! YOU'RE the one whose creators don't care about Product Placement! You just think it's the other way around because you're so used to your own world's franchises!
    Kyle: Son, I know that it's hard to learn that every restaurant you ever assumed to be real was actually just a result of the creators being lazy slobs, but if you don't learn to accept it now, you probably never will. Denying the truth doesn't help anything.
    James: But ... you know what, nevermind. I'll just go back to my own universe, which has REAL PRODUCT PLACEMENT!! AND NO ASSHOLES WHO THINK THEY'RE SELF-AWARE BUT ARE ACTUALLY JUST COMPLETE LOONS!
  • Zig-Zagged: Brand X is frequently mixed with this trope, as they want the shops to look like they have items in stock other than store brand, but can only fit in a product or two before it becomes a bunch of Enforced Plugs.
  • Averted: The names of the products are never seen or mentioned.
  • Enforced: The director slips in several references to a new company to help get the word out.
  • Lampshaded: "Doritos? They're pretty good, but it's like they're the only name brand I ever see in stores."
  • Invoked: James, going to a grocery store he hasn't visited before, asks where they keep the Doritos. "And I mean Doritos Doritos."
  • Exploited: The Big Bad becomes the CEO of Doritos and manages to get along with the employees, so there's no way anyone can oppose her without shaming the company.
  • Defied: While James is at the store, he briefly eyes a shelf full of Doritos, but walks past it to pick up a bag of store-brand chips.
  • Discussed: "Today I had the most surprising experience. I saw Doritos everywhere."
  • Conversed: "How come THIS movie uses the names of real products, but not all the other ones we've been watching?" "They stroke up deals with the respective companies, duh!"
  • Deconstructed: The companies were never notified that their products were used in Killer Amanda and the creators are sued.
  • Reconstructed: After a deal by the marketing team, the products are allowed to stay as long as they're given more attention.
  • Implied: One of the characters can be heard asking another why James is always buying Doritos.
  • Played for Laughs: As James walks through the store, he compliments everything that has the Doritos logo on it.
    "Ah yes, a nice bag of Cool Ranch Doritos! Don't mind if I do!"
    "Would you look at that — canned Doritos! That's pretty cool, maybe I'll get them next time."
    "Huh, I didn't know Doritos sold their own spice mixes. This will be great for baking!"
    "...Doritos toothpaste! Neat. I've already got some toothpaste at home, so I'll just, uh, pass this by. Now to get those triple-A batteries."
    [James passes by an entire shelf filled with Doritos-brand batteries]
    "OH, COME ON!"
  • Played for Drama: An Evil, Inc. company has Product Placement in this town.

Product Placement is now brought to you by Google Maps, so you can trope while you drive!
