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Playing With / Only Six Faces

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Basic Trope: Characters in a show of the same age and gender all share a face.

  • Straight: All characters of a certain age group in a show have almost identical faces.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • Every character in the show is a clone, genderswapped or otherwise, so of course they look the same.
    • All characters are members of The Clan and they're all related.
    • Or they're all clones of each other.
    • The main character suffers from congenital face blindness. As such, for him, everyone has the same face, and the art reflects that.
  • Inverted: Cast of Snowflakes applied to everyone. No one shares facial features with another character, even if said characters are closely related.
  • Subverted: Art Evolution gives people different faces.
  • Double Subverted: ...and then makes them the same again.
  • Parodied: Characters have trouble telling each other apart.
  • Zig Zagged: Everyone thinks they're all related, but this is Ret Conned when Art Evolution gives them different faces.
  • Averted: The facial features of all characters are quite distinctive, but it's still possible to have Identical Stranger, Strong Family Resemblance, and Lookalike Lovers.
  • Enforced:
    • "You know, it's so much easier if I give them all the same faces. I think I'll do that."
    • The No Budget show had only three actors.
  • Lampshaded: "Meh, you all look alike to me."
  • Invoked: "You look too different! Go get plastic surgery! We all have to look the same!"
  • Exploited: Bob disguises himself as Charlie with less effort because they already look alike.
  • Defied:
    • The show's artist makes sure that she doesn't use the same template for all of the character's faces.
    • The characters all decide to get surgery or Applied Phlebotinum to give themselves distinctive facial features.
  • Discussed: "You know those shows where all the characters have the same face? That kind of creeps me out..."
  • Conversed: "Y'know without his hat Bob sure looks a lot like Charlie. Come to think of it Charlie also looks a lot like Dave as well, who looks like Ed, who looks like..."
  • Plotted A Good Waste: All Mooks have the same face... Until The Hero finds and reads the journal of one of them because it contains useful intel. While looking for said intel, the hero finds a detailed account of the mook's Start of Darkness, the mook fanboying over a movie director, descriptions of him and a bunch of other mooks having fun at the amusement park and laughing at one of them who screamed in the haunted house... While what the mooks are up to may be reprehensible, the hero is now aware that these mooks didn't pop out from a vacuum like some kind of evil quantum particle, but have reasons for what they do (even if it's just "get enough money to retire with a mansion and enough money to live the Hookers and Blow lifestyle"). With the realization that the mooks are unique people who all have aspirations and dreams and prsonalities... The mooks now become a Cast of Snowflakes.
  • Deconstructed: Identical facial features gain disastrous confusion in government services when they need facial recognition systems to investigate individuals.

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