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Playing With / I Have No Son!

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Basic Trope: A parent disowns his/her child.

  • Straight: Alice disowns her son Bob for dishonoring the family.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice not only disowns Bob, but also kills him.
    • Bob is disowned by both of his parents, both sets of his grandparents, all of his aunts and uncles, and even his ailing great granduncle who barely even remembers his name.
    • Alice disowns all of her children.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Alice kicks Bob out, but a few months later, she decides to let him back in.
    • Alice loudly and angrily declares, "I have no son!" A moment later she starts apologizing profusely, saying she didn't really mean it, and that she loves him.
    • Bob comes out to Alice as transgender. Alice stares at Bob, and declares, "I have no son!" and Bob thinks she's disowned for being trans. But then Alice hugs Bob and follows it with a second declaration — "I have a daughter!"
    • Charlie tracks down Bob's mother who declares she has no son, literally as Charlie found the wrong woman.
  • Double Subverted:
    • least until she realizes that Bob has disgraced the family again, and she kicks him out of the house with no indication that she misses him at all.
    • ...because her other son, Charlie, walked into the room just in time to hear that, and thought she was talking to him. Bob is still disowned.
    • ...but a few years later, Alice actually does disown Bob for an issue unrelated to her being trans.
    • Alice isn't Bob's mother, but she has disowned or later does disown her actual son, Jim.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice kicks Bob out because he's a criminal. And lets him back in. And then everyone thinks she kicks him out again, but this time she was really kicking out Bob's twin (her other son, Charlie) who had been committing crimes and framing his brother for them. But then it turns out she had it wrong, and Bob was actually the criminal all along, and he had framed Charlie, making it look like Charlie had framed him. But Alice decides they're both her sons in the end, regardless of what they have done, and lets them both come home.
  • Averted: Alice doesn't disown Bob.
  • Enforced:
    • "We need to show what an awful mother Alice is. Let's have her disown Bob."
    • "We need a dramatic scene between parent and child. We'll have the parent disown the child."
  • Lampshaded: "Go ahead and kick me out! I never wanted to be around a pathetic excuse of a parent like you anyways!"
  • Invoked: Bob wants his overprotective mom to let him leave home so he can move in with his girlfriend. Bob misbehaves in the hope of being disowned.
  • Exploited: Bob's brother Charlie tipped their mother Alice off to something unforgivable Bob may or may not have done so that Alice would disown Bob and disinherit him (so Charlie would get a bigger share).
  • Defied: Bob fears his mother may kick him out, and tries to behave better so that she won't.
  • Discussed: "Mom, you're not going to, like ... disown me, are you?"
  • Conversed: "Why is everyone on TV disowned? Has anyone you know even been disowned in real life?"
  • Implied: Bob and Alice fight a lot. In one episode, Bob becomes homeless with no In-Universe explanation. Alice still lives in the same house as before.
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs: Alice disowns Bob for the most ridiculous reasons in every episode, so much that it becomes her catchphrase. Bob is so used to being disowned for minor incidents that he just shrugs it off, knowing it'll be dropped half an hour later.
  • Played for Drama: After being called out by practically everyone, Alice realized what she has done, and searches for her son to apologize. But in the meantime, Bob grew bitter and becomes resentful towards his former mother, and seeks revenge. When the two finally met, the result was a powder keg in dry heat attached to a fuse a fraction of an inch long.
  • Played for Horror: Alice disowns Bob, but he plans revenge involving shocking her physically and verbally, disempowering her socially and economically, and finally killing her gruesomely.

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