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Playing With / Awakening the Sleeping Giant

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Basic Trope: Someone provokes the wrath of a supremely powerful neutral force and ends up paying dearly.

  • Straight:
  • Exaggerated: In a world with a Morality Kitchen Sink, Claidheamh is a Person of Mass Destruction and the one and only person you shouldn't piss off, plus whenever he gets angry, he has trillions of freshly and perfectly cloned Cthulhus to rain hell down on someone. The moment someone, anyone, regardless of allegiance, lightly snarks about him, he causes a Class Z apocalypse.
  • Downplayed: Claidheamh is a One-Man Army, and whoever makes him Neutral No Longer gets a significant (though not utterly game-breaking) advantage against the other side.
  • Justified: The person pissing Claidheamh off, be it Marcy or Lady Rubliss, was definitely holding the Idiot Ball or the Villain Ball respectively, and Didn't Think This Through.
  • Inverted:
    • Whoever pleases Claidheamh enough gets him on their side.
    • Claidheamh is trying to find a side to pick, but because he's so weak that nobody wants him at all. Essentially Picked Last, but on a much larger scale.
    • Claidheamh initially had a side, but he's such a savage Wild Card that he's essentially playing both sides like a fiddle.
  • Subverted: ???
  • Double Subverted: ???
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: Claidheamh's effectiveness and allegiance tend to be Depending on the Writer.
  • Averted: Claidheamh remains at peace. Nobody ever tries to bother him, either.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded:
    • (On the side that pissed Claidheamh off) "God damn it! You've enraged Claidheamh, and now he's going to kill us all!"
    • (On the side that didn't piss Claidheamh off) "Haha! Those idiots pissed him off! Now they're absolutely done for!"
  • Invoked: Sir Robert and Emperor Evulz makes rapid fire gambits in order to make either side piss Claidheamh off and therefore aid the one who didn't piss him off.
  • Exploited: Naturally, the side that didn't piss Claidheamh off gets the biggest advantage of having a bloodthirsty giant ripping through the enemy forces.
  • Defied: Just about everyone thinks that Claidheamh is too big a threat, and this causes an Enemy Mine between Sir Robert and Emperor Evulz because they know that Claidheamh will inevitably fall.
  • Discussed: Characters from both sides discuss on how to get Claidheamh on their side while simultaneously having him make enemies out of the opposing side.
  • Conversed: ???

Awakening the Sleeping Giant!? Are you insane!? You're going to destroy us all!
