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Nightmare Fuel / Danganronpa Class Switch

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Part 1 - Hope's Peak Academy


  • Like with canon, the murders get progressively worse and worse, debatably to an even more extreme degree:

  • The executions here are just as brutal as in canon, if not more so:
    • Case 1:"Despair Tribe Sacrifice Festival" Korekiyo is bound up to a large wooden pole placed upon a podium and surrounded by Monokuma wearing stereotypical tribal gear and brandishing different weapons. 2 Monokuma then leap off a giant statue behind Korekiyo and start stripping him down. After that, the Monokuma start repeatedly lashing Korekiyo senselessly, beating him with countless whip after countless whip. When the Monokuma are finished whipping him, the statues mouth opens up to release a giant hive of scarabs who seem poised to swarm and sting him to death, however instead, they end up invading his orifice inside him and eating him alive from the inside out. before having his corpse desecrated by having magma poured on it.
      • Even worse? This execution takes a page from One Woman Army and has Rantaro attempt to rescue Korekiyo from the execution, only to be caught in the cross fire. While he's never put in mortal danger, Monokuma makes it very clear that Rantaro's minor injuries were there only warning regarding what happens if you interfere with an execution.
      • There's also the excrutiating detail given to how Korekiyo's killed by the scarabs. Rantaro's description of what happened to Korekiyo as the insects ate him is nauseating.
        Rantaro's Thoughts: Korekiyo's screams became unbearable to listen to as the horde of scarabs began mauling at his innards. Blood began streaming from his nose, mouth and even ears as his body became riddled with countless, almost microscopic holes as his eyes began to become bloodshot from the damage they were incurring.
    • Case 2: "Paint It Red" Angie's execution is almost, if not just as torturous as her canonical killer's. Placed in front of a canvas on a stage and wielding a paint brush, Angie is tasked with creating a painting, the twist? She doesn't have any paint, so Monokuma draws markings on her back and forcefully takes control of her body. At that point she is forced to stab herself to use her own blood as paint, stabbing herself again when she runs out of blood on the brush. Of note is that it's stated that she stabbed herself in the eye. When she's still alive after finishing the painting, Monokuma ultimately forces her to slit her own throat as the final blow.
    • Case 3: "The Chess Master" Kokichi is restrained to a chair with barbed wire and set in front of a table. Monokuma then descends to the other side of the table. Forced to play a game of chess with Monokuma, Kokichi has a numbered collar counting 16 placed around his neck. As they play Kokichi has the upper hand, however when Kokichi is forced to lose a piece, his collar electrocutes him. As the game continues, Kokichi winds up losing more and more pieces, forcing him to endure more shocks, which, due to the barbed wire, is extra painful. Eventually Kokichi finally manages to come out on top, barely. With that Monokuma slides Kokichi a bento box for him to eat from. Just as Kokichi takes a bite from it, the food is revealed to be poisoned, and Kokichi is left puking up blood and keeling over when the poison finally kills him.
    • Case 4: "Dead Woman Walking", After getting her hand cut off before she's taken away, Maki is suspended in an execution chamber as Monokuma prepares to execute her via lethal injection. As Monokuma stabs her with drug injected needles, Maki escapes the chamber, slashing the Monokuma in two. She escapes into a hall full of jail cells and an army prison guard Monokuma, as she fights through all of them. She eventually reaches the roof, where she's met with 2 armed helicopters as the Monokuma army catches up to her, however as she begins to fight them, the drugs injected in her begin to kick in as the Monokumas begin to overpower her, eventually impaling her on her own katana, causing her to fall back down. To finish her off, the helicopters launch missiles at the building, finally killing her.
    • Case 5: "Swan Song", Sure, Kaede survives in the end, but her execution is still horrifying. She's brought to a stage where she's forced to play for an audience of Monokumas. While she starts fine, once she screws up, the Monokumas begin to start Produce Pelting her. As she continues to make more mistakes, the Monokumas switch to throwing things like knives and other blunt objects. As this naturally causes her to screw more, the known objects only become more and more numerous. Finally, the Monokumas cover her in gasoline before attempting to Kill It with Fire.
    • Case 6: "The Ultimate Punishment", Kaito is put through every single one of the previous executions, with some special mentions going to being pierced by a giant spear in Angie's and crushed by an asteroid in Maki's, before being disemboweled by a horde of Monokuma that tried to incinerate Kaede.


     Chapter 1 
  • The first motive is revealed at the end of the second deadly life chapter, naturally, Rantaro's captives are his 12 younger sisters that he's grown to call family. Given that Tsubaki, the oldest of them, is directly stated by Rantaro to be 14, it is likely that the vast majority of his siblings, aren't even teenagers.
  • The first attempt at killing done within the game is Miu, attempting to have tried lashing Kokichi to death with an electric whip, even if he's a bratty Jerkass, no one deserves to die for that reason. Fortunately, Gonta is able to diffuse the situation.
  • Tenko ends up being an unwitting Spanner in the Works to Korekiyo's murder plan, as she was in the room with Kirumi while Korekiyo made his attack, forcing him to knock her out so that his murder plan would work. Imagine how powerless Tenko felt after it happened, knowing that a murder occured in the room you were in, and that you couldn't do anything to prevent it.
  • Korekiyo's motive is more noble than in canon. He wanted to make sure that his terminally ill sister was still alive and take care of her. However there's Fridge Horror that stems from this. Given that she's heavily implied to still be alive, it's more than likely she's on the Warriors of Hope's hitlist. If this is the case, then odds are that she's essentially a sitting duck with no way to protect herself.

    Chapter 2 
  • It's Played for Laughs but Rantaro shows of some pretty unnerving expressions, almost on par with Kokichi in canon.
  • Angie's secret, Her island's traditions meant that she was forced to participate in Human Sacrifice rituals, if her secret ever got out then her island would have likely executed her for letting this secret. Her willingness to kill Kaito and condemn the entire class, including Tenko and Himiko to death? It was all done out of fear that she herself would face that fate should her secret get leaked.
    • With the revelation that Kaito is the mastermind, it's also revealed that the one that Angie murdered was Tsumugi. Turns out that she discovered Kaito's secret was that he was working with the mastermind. Whether or not she knew that Tsumugi was Kaito in disguise, or Angie just thought he betrayed the group for his own benefit is to be debated, but it's possible she was so angry with Kaito for taking advantage of the class' trust, that she decided to kill him.
  • One also has to think about Tsumugi's last moments. Going from Kaito's dialogue in Chapter 6, he didn't intend on Tsumugi dying within the game, and was possibly willing to save her if they killed another student. Given that information, one can only imagine what Tsumugi was thinking as they wer dying... Assuming that she was even awake to begin with.

    Chapter 3 
  • As part of Kokichi's murder plan, he ends up causing a blackout throughout the entire school in order to bait Kiibo to the physics lab, so their accomplice, Maki can murder Kiibo so he can't reveal the crime to the rest of the group, instantly incriminating him. Having it done in a small room like in the second game is bad enough, but Hope's Peak had almost half of it's floor's already opened, a power outage like that, coupled with a temperature spike? At least one of the more astute students would have figured out that a murder was occuring, and yet they were probably either too afraid or physically incapable of preventing the crime, due to their body temperature.
  • Kokichi's backstory is pretty scary as well. Not only was he apparently abused by his dad, driving him to the streets, there's also the matter of the group he formed. While in canon, 'DICE' was just a bunch of harmless pranksters, here there an out and out wannabe criminal syndicate as stated by Kokichi, where they would consistently burndown places like abandoned buildings, and also burgled people's houses. If that along with his cold blooded killing of Himiko doesn't bury his status to the rest of the students as a harmless prankster 6 feet under, nothing will.

    Chapter 4 
  • When Maki realizes that Rantaro knows she's The Mole, she threatens to lock him in a room only the two of them know about and let him starve if he doesn't agree to keep quiet about it.
  • Even after she's voted guilty, Maki refuses to go out gracefully, launching an attack against Rantaro, not only the person closest to her on the podiums, but also the one who largely incriminated her. She only stops when Rantaro has to forcefully disarm her by cutting her hand off.
  • Maki's predicament that was caused by Monokuma's hostage motive. Not only did she have to worry about the fact that Monokuma was holding her students, who she legitimately cared about, hostage. But she also had to choose between saving them, or her teacher, who, if her words are anything to go by, acted as a surrogate father to her. It doesn't justify everything she did over the course of the killing game, but who wouldn't panic being put in her position?

    Chapter 5 
  • During Rantaro and Shuichi's investigation around the school for information about Tsumugi, they end up discovering a skeleton inside what is revealed to be her room turned into Kiibo's for the killing game. Who does it belong to? Why is it there? How long has it been dead? None of this is explained.
  • Monokuma's motive for the class in this Chapter is a doozie. Remember the motive videos in Chapter 1? Well guess what? Since the majority of the people who those motives were given to them are dead, Monokuma's going to kill their hostages to satisfy is bloodlust if another murder doesn't occur! Given that it's mentioned by Rantaro that he was at least on good terms with Korekiyo's sister, who's to say that this was Monokuma's attempt at axing the person who'd been the biggest thorn in his side so far?
  • Shuichi ends up conducting a plan with Rantaro and Kaede separately in an attempt to pull one over on the mastermind. His true plan involves faking his own death to get Kaede falsely convicted as a blackened so that Monokuma violates his own rules, while also hacking into the school database to rescue Kaede from her execution. How does he do this? Making it look like he was killed in an explosion by taking the skeleton from inside Tsumugi's room, shoving it inside Kiibo's body, and detonating the latter.

    Chapter 6 





     Chapter 1 

     Chapter 2 

     Chapter 3 

     Chapter 4 

     Chapter 5 

     Chapter 6 

Part 2 - Jabberwock Island



     Chapter 1 
