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Nightmare Fuel / Blood is Mine

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"If you had to kill one of your friends, which one would it be?"

  • The first chapter begins with our protagonist stuck in a hospital overrun by monsters. Said monsters are created from a hacked bioprinter, which normally makes replacement human organs and tissue for the hospital patients, so the monsters look like hideous amalgamations of limbs and organs. And since the bioprinter needs material to make those things, the monsters feed the corpses of their victims to it.
  • The drug Save the Queen makes those who take it into part of a Hive Mind that can be remotely controlled by whoever is in charge. Fuse has only tried this drug once, and he still tries to kill Blondie against his will when he first meets her.
  • When our protagonist finally remembers what happened before she woke up in the hospital, we see that she had been attacked on the street and forcefully injected with Save the Queen. It awakened her own abilities, negating the mind control effects of the drug, but it also caused her to sweat blood until she died.
  • When she syncs for the first time, our protagonist encounters her red. It looks like skin stretched over the wall with a huge mouth full of disturbingly human-like teeth. And it starts talking to her, asking which of her friends she would prefer to kill.
  • The second time we see the red is hardly better. Blondie finds herself in a replica of the same hospital room where she woke up in the beginning. Something is approaching, so she tries to hide. Red tells her that monsters don't need to hide, and this time it looks like her, only covered in blood and with her limbs stretched out inhumanly long.
  • Forcefully syncing with unwilling targets means wandering through their minds searching for information, while their mental defences attack you. These guardians can be downright horrifying.
    • Michelle's guardian looks like her abusive former boss Vasquez with multiple spider eyes. When he's injured, spider limbs grow from the wounds.
    • Macland's guardian was put in his mind by an amoral Mad Scientist specifically to counter mental intrusions. It's a grotesque shadow monster, described as "the nothing between things that are". It can retcon your attacks by crossing out their text descriptions and attack back by splitting apart comic panels. It's also extremely dangerous and has no regard for the life of its host: it tries to kill our protagonist by shutting down Macland's brain. She narrowly makes her escape, but Macland is left comatose. As it is revealed later, the Nothing isn't just a mental construct. It's an ancient Eldritch Abomination that wants to end all conscious thought in the universe.
  • Fuse accompanies Blondie on her trip into Macland's mind. But since Fuse is only a tagalong and doesn't have her abilities, his surroundings quickly begin to affect him. He painfully transforms into a giant cockroach, because that's how Macland sees poor people like him.
  • Dr. Finch is attacked in his own home by Mooks who have been infected with a lethal bioengieered disease. Blondie has to use his knowledge and her own powers to save him while Finch is rotting from the inside.
  • Zone 50 bunker is an unnerving derelict place with spacial anomalies and frozen monsters inside, but the thing in Bunker C takes the cake. We come across a blocked door that even Michelle with her Super-Strength can't open. Michelle knocks on the door, not really expecting a reply, but then something knocks back from the other side. She tries sending a note: a piece of paper with "HELLO" written on it that she slips through the door. The note is returned with the last letter torn off, leaving "HELL". And then whatever is behind that door starts talking to her in Michelle's own voice, repeating words that she has said previously and laughing. Understandbly, Michelle leaves the door closed and runs like hell.
  • The fate of Dr. Deaglan Camp is horrifying. The poor guy was trapped in a bunker with no way out. To avoid starving to death, he ate plants bioengineered with alien blood. These plants started to grow inside him, eventually turning him into a plant monster. He spent hundred years unable to move and in constant pain. When Jane finds him, he just wants to die.
  • Voclain's line of genetically engineered beings was created to imitate Jane's mom. They are in constant pain, and they don't even get a chance to develop as individuals before Thale starts rewriting their minds into a copy of his own. And why does he do it? Because he hated Jane's mom, and now that she's dead, he needs someone to take out this hatred on.
  • Jane uses a magic ritual to defeat a dangerous monster. This ritual calls upon the power of Nil to completely destroy its target. It works, but Michelle and Caius, who were holding the monster inside the ritual circle, are affected too. Caius is mostly fine, but both of Michelle's arms are rotted off.
