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Nightmare Fuel / asdfmovie

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  • The "asdfmovie deleted scenes" bit where we see someone cranking a music box playing "Pop Goes the Weasel", only for the camera to zoom out and show that he's actually at a bloody crime scene.
  • The two girls whose boyfriends both told them they're the most beautiful girl in the world... so the first one stabs the second girl while saying "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE" in a demonic voice with an ominous background.
  • The last skit of asdfmovie8 involves a guy dramatically muttering that the orphans are all dead and wondering who could have done this while ominous strings are playing in the background. Cut to a shot showing the bodies of the killed orphans all seen laying on the ground, bathing in their blood... then there's a cow doing skateboard just passing by, perfectly calm, only whispering "Skateboards!".
  • The man who crawls out of another person asking for his lemons is rather unsettling.
  • One sketch involves a little girl running after a sentient ball saying "Chase me, Susie, chase me!" Then the girl gets hit by a car, and the ball, in a creepy red background, and with a low voice, says "MMMM. GOOD."
  • In asdfmovie13, a man passing by asks Mr. Goose, who is off-screen, what he's doing with that noose in the form of a light-hearted song, then Mr. Goose hangs himself, we see nothing of it, we only hear a neck snap and see the man's horrified reaction.
  • Also from 13, a guy says "Hello Sun!", and the Sun gets too close to the Earth and melts the guy's skin away.
  • While "Real Man!" is primarily heartwarming and uplifting, there's one scary aspect in the form of the owner of Happy Borger Industries. At the start of the song, he's shown making all of his cows conform with the fact that they're fated to become beef, Nineteen Eighty-Four-style, and when the Skateboard Cow tries to be themself, he actively tries to dehumanize them. Once the Skateboard Cow escapes and becomes a successful skateboarder, including getting a girlfriend, the Happy Borger guy is shown to have been stalking them and planted a remote bomb on their skateboard, blowing the Skateboard Cow up in front of their millions of fans. He then takes back the Skateboard Cow under the guise of an ambulance worker, complete with red eyes and a Slasher Smile, and hauls them off back to the ranch to be slaughtered, along with successfully capturing and planning to butcher the Drawing Bear, the Beep Beep Sheep, the Magical Pony, and a Mine Turtle. Luckily, all five bust out through the Beep Beep Sheep detonating the Mine Turtle, the Skateboard Cow gets their fame and glory back, and The Stinger shows that Happy Borger Industries has been shut down.
