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Memes / Parks and Recreation

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Parks and Recreation has spawned many memes to the point of being a Fountain of Memes.

  • "I have complete faith in you." (Gilligan Cut) "There's, like, a 30% chance they'll both die."
  • Ron telling a store employee "I know more than you", whenever the poster wants to demonstrate their knowledge.
  • "Ron Swanson Screaming." This one originates from the scene where Ron washes down painkillers with Scotch after getting shot in the head, and Ann and Leslie try to get him to throw it all back up. Its memetic usage, however, more often involves an Absurd Phobia getting triggered out of nowhere, such as:
    Me: I'm terrified of the Backstreet Boys.
    Therapist: Tell me why?
  • "It's about the X", a picture of Ben winning Cones of Dunshire with "It's about the cones" replaced with anything the poster wants.
