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Insult Backfire / Web Original

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  • From the trailer for the YouTube Poop Alan Under Fire:
    BLU Soldier: You fight like a girl!
    Isabella: Thank you very much!
  • The Bastard Operator from Hell delights in being called, well, a bastard...
    PFY: You bastard!
    BOFH: In the flesh, all WEPped up, making your life a misery!
  • Critical Role: After Ashton did something so monumentally stupid that it broke the entire party's trust in him, Laudna is especially heartbroken and runs off into the woods. In an attempt to drive a wedge between her and the rest of the party, Laudna's evil patron Delilah calls them a child, clearly meaning it in the sense that they're small-minded and impulsive and not worth listening to. However, Laudna loves children, and decides to make a doll for Ashton instead. The insult backfires yet again as Laudna gifts Ashton the doll and tells them that she made it "because dolls are for children, and you are a child." Rather than getting upset at being called a child, Ashton is so sincerely touched by this gesture that he nearly cries, and decides to keep the doll on his person at all times.
  • In Dawn of a New Age: Oldport Blues, Finn calls Ivan a mute bastard. Ivan takes it as a sign that Finn might like him more than he likes most, since it's not as scathing as Finn usually is.
  • Epic Meal Time provides a meta example: the series' website proudly displays a link to PETA lambasting them in typical fashion among its other links to (more favourable) press references, indicating they're proud of having pissed them off.
  • Epic Rap Battles of History: William Wallace does this three times in his battle against George Washington. When George points out that Wallace died before he was actually free, Wallace responds by painting his death as a Heroic Sacrifice while George died in a comfy home owning slaves. When George makes fun of Wallace's Cruel and Unusual Death, Wallace claims even if he was emasculated, eviscerated and beheaded he'd still be able to rip George's ass on the mike. Finally when George pokes fun at Scotland for being "only famous for golf and haggis", Wallace replies with this line:
    Don't tee off with me, laddy! If you held my balls, you couldn't be my caddy!
  • Fallout: Nuka Break has the overweight Twig, a former resident of Vault 10, where being fat is the norm and skinnier people are bullied. As a result, anytime somebody tries to insult Twig for being fat, he takes it as a compliment.
  • If the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device: Rogal Dorn is essentially impossible to insult, which comes in handy when the Emperor speaks offense as fluently as he does. He's Sarcasm-Blind to a ridiculous degree (because he simply won't consider the possibility people use it), so snark won't cut it. And if you outright call him an idiot?
    • It does bear mentioning that the one time an insult seemed to work, Rogal fired back with one ten times worse, shutting the Emperor up.
  • Jim Sterling from Jimquisition saw Digital Homicide mock their review of their (really awful) game The Slaughtering Grounds, punctuating just about every statement with "...because I'm Jim Fucking Sterling, son." Jim found it such a great phrase that they turned it into one of their catchphrases.
  • Markiplier dealt with this when he played Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator and had his CPU repeatedly say things that didn't sound even remotely insulting.
    CPU: Your maths teacher supports your country!
    Markiplier: Again, you're just saying really nice things!
  • In The Muppets YouTube video "Food Fite", Gordon Ramsay snaps "You muppets!" at the characters. Walter in particular takes it as a complimentnote .
  • On Not Always Related, a girl cries to her grandfather that her classmates at school called her a wild swine. Grandpa's response is to list the noble qualities of wild swine: brave, strong, clever, and the grown females are loving mothers.
  • In this Not Always Right story, the submitter, a transgender woman, is told by a customer "You'll never be a man". She's far more amused that the transphobe got it the wrong way round than she is upset by the intent.
  • Party Crashers: When the gang gets the minigame Juice Box in "We uncovered a BROKEN Mario Party loophole...", Nick tries outing Vernias as a Manchild by stating how juice boxes are his favorite drink, only for Vernias to retaliate that he loves Capri-Sun.
  • The Rules of the Internet sum up the spirit behind this trope nicely: "The more you hate something, the stronger it gets."
  • In There Will Be Brawl, Luigi is outraged by Wario's latest betrayal...
    Luigi: You greedy guido bastard!
    Wario: That's Honorary Deputy guido, to you, now!
  • During Yogscast's first session playing Goat Simulator, Lewis wanted Simon (who is the one actually playing) to try for a double front-flip, which the game has up as its current suggested challenge. Then he realized that most of the challenges come in Easy, Normal, and Hard variants — with the double flip being labeled "Flipping Normal" — leading to this exchange.
    Lewis: So now you've got the hang of that—
    Simon: I've gotta do two of those...
    Lewis: Yeah. And ideally three.
    Simon: What do you mean, "ideally three"?
    Lewis: Well, because Flipping Normal must be—
    Simon: You're flipping normal.
    Lewis: Thank you.
    Simon: Welcome.
  • The World of Warcraft machinima Zinwrath has this exchange:
    Kiljoy: (sarcastically) Nice dress!
    Zinwrath: Damn right it's a nice dress! Brings out my girlish figure.
  • Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation fame is well known for insulting various groups of people or a specific person when he reviews a game. In his review of Quantum Conundrum, he mentions that he went to the Steam forums to look for answers as to how to tweak the game's settings (the game didn't have an menu to do so) and saw one poster who was basically the walking stereotype of PC gamers; the poster said that if someone doesn't know how to modify the game's internal files or if their PC can't even run the game, then they are not a true PC gamer. The poster then goes on to say that he would be honored if Yahtzee insulted him. And thus he did.
  • A popular insult (if homophobic, although whether they're seriously homophobic, using it sarcastically and aren't actually homophobic, or is insensitive depends on the person) is calling people "gay"/"homo" (in the same way someone may be "lame" or "dumb" or "retarded"), which can result in a comeback that the insulted party really is gay and challenges the insulter over how they really feel about that.
    • One joke is that a hidden message in the title of Super Mario Galaxy is "u r Mr Gay". Following a similar rule, the sequel's hidden message seems to be a reply, saying "ya i aM r u[?]".
  • Alec of Technology Connections has taken to referring to LED light bulbs as "glowing computer chips" because he thinks it sounds awesome and is a perfect summary of what an LED bulb basically is, after hearing an anti-LED Youtube commenter refer to them as such to insult them.
    Alec: We've gone full steam ahead towards the glowing computer chips we call LEDs! I'm borrowing "glowing computer chips" by the way from a vehemently anti-LED commenter who thought that was some sort of a derogatory quip. Honestly I think it's awesome! Glowing Computer Chips? Yes please!
  • The Tourettes Guy: When Danny's son brings him breakfast in bed for Father's Day, he just gets angrily cussed out for waking him up. He tries Calling the Old Man Out by calling Danny a "no-good, inbred, drunk piece of crap", but Danny (who is most likely still too half-asleep for his brain to even process the insult) just replies with "Who isn't?"
