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Harsher In Hindsight / Robot Chicken

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Robot Chicken

Harsher in Hindsight in this series.
  • The skit where a pegasus is tortured and enslaved by a little girl shares many uncanny similarities to the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Fanfic Cupcakes (Sergeant Sprinkles). Even more uncannily, one of her previous victims was a griffon.
  • The Lance Armstrong sketch is this now that he has admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs.
  • The second season Highlander parody involving Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan is less funny now in light of their later breakdowns.
  • The "Ron Jeremy's Butter" sketch (already pretty heavy on Nausea Fuel) is a lot harder to watch when he's been charged with more than 30 counts of sexual assault in 2021.
  • A season 1 skit Citizen Spears, had Jamie Lynn Spears as a highly successful actress while her older sister went into obscurity. A couple of years afterwards, Jamie Lynn found herself at the center of a teenage pregnancy scandal that caused Nick to torch her show.
  • The "Forgotten 90s Cartoon Characters" skit includes a poster that says "Flint, Michigan: We'll try harder". This came out years before the massive water contamination crisis there.
  • Dr. Ball M.D.'s mockery of the consensus of Padme "losing the will to live" (2008) can come off as mean-spirited after the passing of Debbie Reynolds, who was indeed distressed over the passing of her daughter, Carrie Fisher (who famously played Padme's daughter, Leia) just one day prior.
  • In the 2012 sketch where the Sarlaac pit spits out Boba Fett, Fett ends the sketch by pointing at the screen and telling Han Solo to watch his ass in Episode VII. What was originally a lighthearted joke becomes less so after Han Solo dies at the hands of his own son in The Force Awakens.
  • The iCarly sketch in which Carly accidentally films herself in the shower can be uncomfortable in light of accusations of pedophilia against series creator Dan Schneider.
  • One He-Man skit has the villains kill He-Man. In Masters of the Universe: Revelation, this happens without the laughs, but He-Man gets better.
  • The Drake & Josh sketch, which was released after (but was in production before) Drake Bell was charged with child endangerment and disseminating harmful material to minors, has Josh (wearing Drake's face) get arrested by the police. Not only that, Drake is off-handedly mentioned to have tween groupies.
  • In the end of the Toy Story 4 sketch, we see Woody preparing to put down Buzz when he regresses into a childish state after being used as a water pipe for Andy to smoke. Then this happens:
    Buzz: To infinity...
    (Woody muffles him with a pillow to put him out of his misery)
    Woody: And beyond... (cries)
    • In the actual Toy Story 4, these were the last lines of the film, and worse, Buzz and Woody say this word for word, with the former saying "to infinity" and the latter saying "and beyond.", although thankfully Buzz didn't die.
  • The already-dark joke about the Murder-Suicide of Huey, Dewey, and Louie's mother-turned-hooker in the "Duck Duck Party" skit was given new life when DuckTales (2017) actually dealt with that very plot thread - fortunately, it didn't end quite as badly.
  • A Michael Moore sketch about forgotten girl's toys shows that after Jem's heyday, she's been reduced to a whacked-out hussie at kid's parties. The Jem brand would later attempt a comeback that would go... poorly.
  • The "G.I. No" sketch has the Joes deployed in Afghanistan. They use their years of experience fighting Cobra to train U.S. troops how to fight, but not kill, the Taliban. "The idea is to herd them back to the enemy line, safe and sound", they instruct them. However, the enemy doesn't return the favor. On 15 August 2021, Afghanistan's capital city of Kabul was captured by the Taliban during the 2021 Taliban offensive.
  • One Captain Planet skit has the Planeteers attack the U.S. Capitol after stabbing Captain Planet to death, only to get shot to death by an overweight security guard. On January 6, 2021, thousands of Donald Trump's supporters unlawfully stormed the Capitol in an attempt to prevent Congress from certifying the results of the 2020 presidential election, which resulted in five deaths and over 140 injuries.
  • The "Behind the Music: Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem" sketch has Animal being euthanized for the on-air attack of Ed McMahon, with Floyd Pepper announcing that a reunion will never happen because Animal's dead. The third episode of The Muppets Mayhem, "Track 3: Exile on Main Street" reveals that Animal is Floyd's adopted son, making Animal's death all the more heartbreaking for Floyd.
  • A sketch based on Pee-wee's Playhouse has Cowboy Curtis reveal to Pee-wee that he has cancer, which is the secret word of the day. This aged rather poorly considering the fact that Paul Reubens died from cancer on July 30th, 2023.
  • The "Big Bird Flu" sketch from 2006, which made light of the then-recent bird flu endemic, looks much worse after the more serious and deadly COVID-19 pandemic over a decade later. Aside from plenty of the things connected to the pandemic are Played for Laughs (spreading, isolation, vaccination distribution, etc.), most disturbingly has four children playing a game of "One of These Things" with the fourth child lying dead in his space.
