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Fridge / Robot Chicken

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As a Fridge subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Fridge Brilliance
  • There's a sketch that features a June Cleaver-type giving a group of kids, including a very excited one saying "yay", cookies. After the kids gobble them down, the "mom" announces now, they'll find out who got the poison cookie. Typical RC "people are jerks humor. Except a sudden realization hit me when I went to the fridge (yeah, really!). Rushing back, I replayed the clip— "Yay" boy had NOT gobbled his cookie down, and in fact, threw it away at Mom's announcement!
    • So... he's just obfuscating retardation? (Here's a link to that video, by the way)
      • Maybe he has brain damage from "winning" the game before.
      • It can get even simpler — much like how my cousin waits until his mom finishes talking despite his own mental handicap, the boy simply listened to everything the authority figure said before acting, because that's what you do.
  • In a skit in the ep of "The Curious Case of the Box" it has the grim reaper reaping souls in a horrifying manner. Then it hit me, what do you die and or get scared? Shit yourself.
  • The sketch titled "He's Dino-mite!" from the episode "Crushed By A Steamroller On My 53rd Birthday" has scientists bringing back a dinosaur a la Jurassic Park. They end up bringing back Robbie Sinclair, who acts very Totally Radical. Those who watched Dinosaurs know that Robbie rarely (if ever) acted like that though. While perusing Youtube a short time later, this troper stumbled upon this. He then realized that the dinosaur in the sketch wasn't Robbie at all, but rather Rocky D, a similar looking character from an ad from the same era for Brach's Rocks candy who actually was Totally Radical. That, or the writers mixed up the two.
  • When the Chicken fights his way through the Mad Scientist's castle he kills every single person he finds, bar two. The two he spares? The nerds.
  • The opening sequences of the Star Wars specials are perfect. After all, the original sequence features menacing yet rhythmically and melodically bouncy music and a gravely injured person being turned into a cyborg slave by an elderly maniac. There was literally no other way to do it.
  • Composite Santa Claus is supposedly half Santa Claus and half Frosty the Snowman, but his Frosty half looks nothing like him, having a twig arm and other generic snowman features Frosty doesn't have. note  Fast forward to Composite Santa's Origin Story, where the guy tasked with getting Frosty's DNA simply scoops up some snow. Frankly, it's lucky that the snow used in Composite Santa's creation came from a snowman at all!
  • One sketch has The Punisher being positively disgusted with a mother who was spanking her child, it's clearly supposed to be ironic; the Punisher having a problem with a punishment. But when you consider his backstory of being a loving father...
  • In the Walt Disney sketch in "Nutcracker Sweet", there's an early shot of Walt's rampage where he breaks a sign in Florida declaring Cuba to be a "land of milk and honey." Turns out at the end of the sketch that it's a Cuban propaganda film, so of course they'd put that in it!
  • The entire Calvin Therapy Adventures segment involves Calvin getting Hobbes and, as children do, imagining he's real. Even if Calvin was actually delusional before, the delusions were harmless. The reaction of the parents to this is to take the kid to therapy, fair enough, but then they consent to having the kid brutally tortured with electricity! It's no surprise that the kid's reaction to this is to completely snap, fall further into his delusions than before which turn violent and murder his own parents.
  • In the “Disney Princess War”, Merida arrives complaining a bunch of dwarves were illegally mining her territory. Guess which princess sings dismissively to her?
    • The Princesses that join Merida's side are coincidentally all made after the Little Mermaid, while the ones that remained loyal to Snow were from the movies up to Little Mermaid.
  • In the season 11 Halloween Episode "Happy Russian Deathdog Dolloween 2 U", there is much Rule of Symbolism concerning the Nerd's costumes and the death loop. Each time he goes to the party as a character with superpowers and dies. His death as Wolverine, the hardest to kill character as he puts it, is the most undignified. He literally bleeds to death on the toilet from a cut to the ass. As the killer explains, he is a metaphor for the nerd's own lack of confidence being his own worst enemy. Trying to hide behind cool powers gets the nerd killed terribly, the time he tries to invoke this with Wolverine resulting in the worst death. It is when he goes as Leonidas, a Badass Normal and admits all he has right then is himself, he finally wins.
  • Vader threw Palpatine down the chasm after he lost the Yo-Mama fight with Luke. Palpatine wasn't just insulting Luke's mother, he was also insulting Padme, Anakin's wife that he tricked Vader into thinking he killed.
  • In the episode where Joker is executed, Gordon sabotages the execution by not putting the wet sponge on his head. Joker would have surely noticed, so why didn't he point it out? Because it wouldn't have saved his life, since the cops would have just replaced the sponge and carried the execution anyway; and it wouldn't have sullied Gordon's reputation, since he could have easily claimed that it was an accidental mistake. So Joker's options were to either speak up, and get a clean execution... or keep it a secret, and get a violent, painful, spectacular death that would traumatize the public and be spoken about for years - a truly Joker-esque death. Also, Joker's last words were "Fuck you, Dork Knight!", which could be interpreted as him blaming Batman for the sabotage, specifically calling him a "dork" because he chose to recycle a scheme from a Stephen King novel.

Fridge Horror

Fridge Logic

  • One sketch in the episode "Strummy Strummy Sad Sad" features Quailman saving Patti Mayonnaise from a gang of criminals. In the source material, it's established that Quailman only exists in Doug's imagination, so how would the Robot Chicken sketch happen if it took place in real life?
    • It could be possible that Doug was imagining Quailman and the criminals getting bored is just Doug forgetting about the Patti angle. The fact she comes in at the end proves she wasn't kidnapped or anything.
