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Funny / The Dover Boys

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  • "Pimento University. Pimento U. Good ol' P.U."
  • "... and Larry, the youngest of the three jerks- daaaaaah, brothers."
    • Larry is riding a tricycle! Sure, he might be the youngest, but he has to be 16 at the very least.
  • "A gay outing at the park has been planned by the merry trio!"
  • The uncompromising moral fortitude of the Dover Boys and Dora Standpipe consists solely of dramatically averting their gaze from a certain tavern of unsavory repute. note 
  • "Drat them... DOUBLE-DRAT THEM! Confound those Dover Boys! Ooh, how I hate them! I HATE TOM! I HATE DICK! AND I HATE LARRY!"
  • "Help, Tom! Help, Dick! HELP, LARRY!"
  • Dan Backslide's No Indoor Voice takes the cake.
  • "The Dover Boys! Then Dora must be ALONE AND UN-PRO-TEC-TED!" note 
  • When faced with Dora clinging onto a tree and not letting go, Dan whips out a Handbook of Useful Information to look up how to remove her from it. It's on page 57.
    • The fact that Dan manages to uplift her and the tree and stuff it into the runabout, only to look over and have a Double Take at realizing she's still holding it, and then reverse back just to return the tree and take Dora alone.
  • In spite of the Dover Boys being right next to Backslide's loud shouting about how he's going to kidnap Dora, and then hear Dora herself shouting for help, they remain at the tavern until at least 3 other people relay that she's been kidnapped. And those three are...
    • The scout relaying Dora's predicament via flag signals... to another scout literally five feet away. That scout then goes to a messaging station... yet another five feet away.
    • The rapidly-delivered telegram sent to the Dover Boys:
      Mailman: Telegram for the Dover Boys, Messrs. Tom, Dick, and Larry, care of Wayward Tavern, Upper Bottleneck, New York. Sirs, quote, HEEEEEEELP!, unquote. Signed, Dora. Thirty-five cents collect.
    • He then holds his hand out for his payment. The Dover Boys proceed to trample him.
    • The way the Dover Boys just sort of freeze in horror as Dora calls for help... then remains stuck in that dramatic pose until the postman shows up, letting Dan get away with Dora. Our heroes, ladies and gentlemen!
    • Dora hammering on the door of the cabin in a bid to escape... while the locks are on her side of the door.
      • Dora offhandedly keeping Dan away by launching him across the cabin with sudden attacks while still pounding on the door.
  • "Unhand her, Dan Backslide! Unhand her, Dan Backslide! Unhand her, Dan Backslide!" (turns to the audience) "Hey, we're getting in a rut!"
    • Just the fact that it takes three tries for Tom to admonish Dan Backslide. The first two times he admonishes a mounted moose's head on a wall, then the other two Dover Boys, before finally realizing Dan Backslide is on the floor. There's even a brief Freeze-Frame Bonus on when he accidentally admonishes his brothers as his eyes open up to realize he's barking at the wrong people.
  • The three Dover Boys beating up Dan Backslide in a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown after he's already been beaten into a pulp by Dora. Talk about a Curb-Stomp Battle!
    • And to top it all off the three Dover Boys prepare to each give Dan a punch simultaneously, but Dan collapses just before they swing, resulting in the three Dover Boys all knocking each other out! This is amplified in the reanimated version, in which they all turn into Instant Gravestones instead of just getting knocked out.
  • Throughout the short, an old guy in an Old-Timey Bathing Suit keeps showing up while "The Fountain in the Park" plays. In the end, he's the one who "saves" Dora Standpipe, and they walk off together toward the sunset.
    Narrator: And now, it is time to say goodbye. (beat) Goodbye!
