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Funny / Temporal Anomaly

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Chapter 1:

  • The first meeting between Zero and Sougo goes as well as one would expect:
    Zero: Who the hell are you?
    Sougo: Thank you for asking. I am Sougo Tokiwa, but many know me as the great Ohma Zi-O!
    Zero: ...Who
    Sougo: ...Ah, I apologize for my poor choice of words, it has been quite a while since I have had to remind my soon-to-be-subjects just who I am. What I meant to say was this: I am your new overlord, so, if you bow now and pledge your unyielding servitude to me, I will not have to kill you and waste such a beautiful face.
    Zero: Bite my ass, idiot. You can't rule if I kill you!
    Sougo: Funny. Those soldiers from before said the same thing right before I wiped them from existence.
    Zero: Let me guess, you can transform and shoot bats out of your hands.
    Sougo: So you have heard of me!

Chapter 2:

  • Dito being forced fed unhealthy junk by Five while she is trying out clothing, all while trying to avoid having sex with his Intoner in any way he possibly can, with said Intoner completely ignorant of his contempt.
    Dito: Don't you want to shop for more clothes? Maybe find a shirt that'll barely cover your top, or just some pasties? That way I can… ugh… really find it hard to keep my hands off.
    Five: Oooooooorrrrrr, you could come up here and fuck my ass before I get dressed, like a real man!
    Dito: Oooooooorrrrrr, I could loosen you up a bit with one of your other worn-down toys first.
    Five: Come on, you know my ass can just slurp your cock up like it's nothing. I know how much you love it!
    Dito: Ugh… horny bitch…
  • Sougo's first meeting Five ends up going as well as one would expect:
    Sougo: Is she always like this?
    Dito: All the time. It's always 'fuck me in the ass,' or 'let me suck your cock,' or 'eat this disgusting food so your cum tastes better.' It's so annoying!
    Five: Not all the time. Some of the guards and handmaids almost put you to shame. Too bad none of them have your stamina… or are so cute I could just eat! Them! Up!
    • Please note, she says the last three words while smacking Dito on his ass, with him barely able to suppress his rage.

Chapter 3:

  • Five gorging herself on Castle Doran's food like a pig, while Zero proceeds to chug straight out of the closest bottle of wine.
  • Four reacting to seeing Zero and Five on the same side and the following conversation:
    Four: Zero? Five?! What are you—Oh, I see how it is. You joined with Zero like the traitor you are. She tries to kill us all for power, and you join her?! Or do you just want to kill me that badly?!
    Five: Of course not! I would never want to hurt my cute older sister, not as long as I still have love in my heart for my own flesh and blood!
    Zero: Love for laying her down in bed, you mean?
    Four: Don't say that about Five! Even for all of her faults, unlike you, she would never stoop to such disgusting—"
    Five: Oh, she's completely right. Who better than your own dear, experienced sister to reveal the pleasures of such intimate love?
  • Sougo bluntly telling Decadus that he talks about his kink too much before taking him out of the fight.
  • Zero sticking her middle finger up while Five is laughing her ass off when Four refers to the two as "harlots".

Chapter 4:

  • Four's embarrassed reaction to Zero and Five casually revealing that they saw her lose her virginity to Sougo.
    Four: You are both filthy! Disgusting! Perverts! That was supposed to be a magical moment, and you… and you soiled it! Memory and all!
    Zero: Not as bad as you soiled the bed. I don't think I've seen a whore squirt quite that much.

Chapter 6:

  • There's this gem when Sougo cuts down Octa's attempts at asskissing:
    Octa: I-I'm certain it will not come to that, not under my watch! Everyone here sees you as a savior, and—.
    Sougo: Save it. The Intoners are already sufficient enough at it, so I don't need yet another person falling to their knees and sucking my dick needlessly.
  • Zero muttering to herself that she should have killed Five when Sougo had to skip on their "private time".
  • Three poking and prodding Mikhal after he shots a fire ball that could have probably set the Forest Country on fire. Note, this is after he Took a Level in Badass, yet he still whines like a little baby about it.

Chapter 7:

  • Zero bitching at Two's coddling of Mikhal, which goes onto her having a conversation with the others about Mikhal getting fat.

Chapter 8:

Chapter 9:

  • When One formally introduces the male twin she created, the various reactions from everyone in the room is hilarious, with Zero's bitching about this reveal taking the cake.
    Zero: First I have to deal with having five extra as all hell sisters who all clearly need to learn the meaning of professional help to stop being such screwballs—
    Four: I resent that remark!
    Three: El burro hablando de orejas...note 
    Zero: —and now there's a brother in the mix that I didn't even know about? One, who from the looks of it, couldn’t tell his own toes from each other without his narcissistic as fuck creator telling him the difference. Ugh, why can't life give me one thing to deal with at a time?
    Male One: ...Are my toes really that different from each other?
    One: For the love of all that is still holy in this world, please stop giving her material to work with. This she-devil is volatile and spiteful enough as it is.
  • Gabriella's continuous exasperation at Mikhal's immaturity, especially as the Intoners leave to help Sougo fight the Flower.
  • Sougo monologuing at Flower!Ora in his mind's eye after Tsukuyomi saves him with a backstab...only to stop himself when he realizes that she's already dead.
    Sougo: You never give yourself enough time to finish what you start, right Tsukuyomi?

Chapter 10:

  • Five actually being granted her wish of being able to eat a 20-layer cake for the wedding.
    • And the to add the cherry on top, the one whose making it is Souji Tendou, and his sisters, Jyuka and Hiyori. This, naturally, results in some amusing banter between the group.
    Five: As one of the brides, I should know exactly what is going into my cake, and I should definitely be getting a taste. At the very least a lick of the icing!
    Hiyori: Miss Five, it is bad luck to taste a wedding cake early.

  • While she's fitting Three for her wedding dress, Hina recalls her meeting with Kuroto Dan, with Poppy and Asuna embarrassed to be associated with him due to knowing how such a meeting went down.

  • Two, when she's supposed to be gauging what food to serve for the wedding, ends up enjoying every dish that she's given, to point of wanting all of them for the wedding.
    Mana: Shoichi, you really need to make sure she isn't filling up on just one dish.

    Shoichi: Oh? But isn't it a good judge of what she likes best if she eats every bite? Although I guess she has been eating almost everything…

  • One, of all people, borrowing Eiji Hino's turn of phrase while encouraging Bankotei to go out and see the world.

  • Accord absolutely trolling Zero about her feelings towards Sougo and her sisters.

    Accord: Will you just cooperate with me? After all of that advice I gave you, I would have hoped that you would at least return the favor by answering a few personal questions.

    Zero: Intrusive questions!

    Accord: Interesting and enlightening questions.

  • Zero and One's fight, which, at one point, devolves into very childish insults towards each other as their beating the living crap out of each other.

    Zero: —no boob, shrimp knee having asshole—

    One: —a repugnant savage such as yourself is unpardonable, Zero you—

    Zero: —fuck off and then choke on a fat one, One you—

    Both: BITCH!

Chapter 11:

  • Four, on the dance floor of the wedding reception, is shown practically dragging Decadus all over the place, leaving the poor man exhausted and looking ready to faint.

  • Really, the entire scene of Three, on Sougo's lap, opening gifts.

  • One drinking straight from a wine bottle after being forced to converse with a rabble of nobles for too long.
    One: Have I ever told you that audiences are my least favorite part of ruling? I used to think it was just my extremely enhanced senses drilling into my head, but I'm starting to think it was always just their incessant words compounding with my physical and mental pain. Please, as my new husband and king, don't tell me I will have to do a lot more of that under this new regime.

  • The section that features Zero drinking a whole bottle of ale while hanging around Mikhal.

Chapter 13:

  • One going out of way to blue ball Five of all people. She was so good at it, she left her youngest sister gapping like a fish!

  • Zero being annoyed as all hell by Four's insistence on gossiping about everything that's going on.
