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Funny / Supernatural: The Animation Abridged

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  • "Your open hand is dangerously close to my crotch. Fucking stop it."
  • This battle of wits between Dean and Shapeshifter!Sam from the first episode:
    Dean: Yeah I knew it wasn't her note 
    Sam: How could you tell?
    Sam: Alright, let's go about his hideout and see if we can find dat ass.
    Sam: Since when do you care what I say?
    Dean: (points gun at Sam's head) I don't think you're Sam!
    Sam: I don't think you're Dean!
    Dean: What if you're just saying that to confuse me!
    Both: (random gibberish and Deranged Animation commences)
    Sam: Ha! I win! YOU'RE the impostor! Sanity is on YOUR side!
    Dean: What if what you're saying isn't true?!
    Dean: That would be a game changer!
    Sam: You WOULD say that! Or WOULD you?...What if I would say that??
    Dean: WHO'S TALKING?!
  • Sam finds a window:
    Sam: I really want to break the window, Dean!
    Dean: Is it a bad window?
    Sam: It's a bad window!
    Dean: Did window hurt Sam?
    Sam (sadly): Window did not hurt Sam...
    • He eventually does.
      Dean: SAAAM!!!
  • Dean and Sam nearly run over Molly when she runs into the road:
    Sam: What the fuck is wrong with you?!
    Molly: I don't know any better!
    Dean (nodding furiously): It's true, she is a woman.
  • Sam's recounting to Molly about visiting her husband:
    David: Pleeease, I don't have any money!
    Dean: We're not here to rob you.
    David: Pleeease, thank goodness!
    Dean: Well maybe if you keep that up.
    David: Pleeease, I already told you I don't have any money and my wife is deeeeaaad. She died in a horrible car accident that was completely her fault!
    Sam: Whoa, what? We didn't even ask you anything yet!
    David: Pleeease, I had to tell someone, it's been pent up inside me for soooo long!
    Sam: How could you have not told anyone?
    David: Pleeease, no one ever comes to visit me.
    Sam: Wow.
    Dean: Well now that it's become creepy, you've convinced us to leave.
    David: NOOOOOO—[turns red and explodes]
    • At one point, David's lip flaps are replaced by his blinks, making it seem as though he's briefly talking out of his eyes.
  • "Naruto?"note 
  • An annoyed Dean grabs Sam's candy bar and throws it out the car window...into Jack Black, who was riding his bike alongside the Impala.
    Sam: WHY?!!
    Sam: No I don't! Enlighten me!
    Dean: 'Cause you didn't buy me one...
    Sam: Oh. I'm sorry.
    Dean: Damn right you are.
  • From episode four, we have Dean singing a Filk Song of "Hungry Like the Wolf"... while Sam gets attacked by a werewolf.
    That bitch just transformed / Sam's outta luck / I should be helpin / but I don't give a fuck / De de de de De de de De de de / De de de de DEEEEAAAANNNN!
  • From episode five, The reappearance of Gordon the vampire slayer and the way he came back
    Gordon: I just woke up one day with "Zachariah was Here" written on my chest.
  • This:
    Sam: There's been a recent string of hookers that's been murdered in this area. And it just so happens that you like hookers. And this guy in this picture kind of looks like you. Suspicions are raised.
    Sam: Hmmm, perhaps a shapeshifter?
    Dean: Hypothesis accepted. Silver bullets ready. Winchesters. OUT.
  • Dean, understanding his place in the world.
    Dean: "Oh, I can already taste the guilt. Coupled with the alcohol to deal with said guilt. Coupled with the hooker that accompanies the alcohol. And then the guilt of killing the hooker. Coupled with the alcohol to deal with the guilt, followed by another hooker...."
  • "Well, I'm not gonna take it like a bitch! SO I'M GONNA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF MY HUNGER WITH CHEESEBURGERS!!"
  • Episode Six. Ghost Nappa. That is all.
    Dean: "Sam you, damn!"
    Castiel: Nobody makes Dean drink urine! It is unsanitary, and there are far more nutritious beverages!
  • Sam's reaction to Dean calling him a "big fat fuck"?
