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Film / Theresa & Allison

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Theresa starts out as just a normal woman in her twenties. Until one night Theresa, a lesbian, went home with the wrong woman, who suddenly bit into her neck while they had sex. The woman saves her however, feeding Theresa her blood which makes her turn into a vampire. She's left forced to live with her state, feeling quite guilty about killing humans for blood. There are other options though, and she begins a relationship with another female vampire, Allison. Soon however Theresa grows aware of just how ruthless most other vampires are and she's forced to make terrible choices.


  • Above Good and Evil: Theresa objects to the other vampires' ruthless actions, saying they're wrong. Allison simply replies "There is no more wrong for us".
  • Ambiguous Ending: Theresa seems just about to kill herself by going outside, with Allison trying to draw her back. However, then the scene abruptly ends with the credits rolling, and leaves her fate unknown.
  • Appeal to Nature: Allison says it's just nature when vampires kill humans for blood, asking Theresa (who's not comfortable with this) whether she'd blame a lion who killed a lamb. Theresa objects that they aren't lions, but Allison says they aren't humans anymore either. However, it's shown blood from donations also works, and they don't have to kill humans. Many just don't care not to, and others clearly enjoy it.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Theresa expresses incredulity after she's been made into a vampire on being told werewolves, demons and other supernatural creatures also exist. She's being oriented into her new life by another vampire, who dryly answers "Yes, said the vampire to the other vampire", about them. None however appear in the film.
  • Asshole Victim: Miranda tells Theresa she decided hunting down rapists to feed on would be all right, if refraining from feeding on humans didn't work. She's killed twelve.
  • Child by Rape: In a particularly awful example, we learn vampires like Paisley have women raped repeatedly until they get pregnant, then kill the babies by feeding on them since infant blood is more tasty apparently.
  • The Corrupter: Allison successfully lures Theresa into killing a human captive with her, after she'd been resisting this for most of the film and was initially horrified by the idea.
  • Death Seeker: Theresa met a woman who'd wanted to die, willingly becoming her victim. She also fed on junkies, secretly hoping it would kill her due to her guilt over this.
  • Depraved Bisexual: Allison, who'd been with her ex-boyfriend Tony for many years before becoming lovers with Theresa, is an unrepentant vampire who fatally drinks from humans. Theresa is very reluctant to do this and feels guilty about it. Allison finally corrups her into embracing this however.
  • Emergency Transformation: Paisley it turns out was dying of cancer while still a human, so her rich father paid vampires to turn her, curing her as a result.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Allison seems to genuinely like, perhaps even love Theresa, wanting her for an eternal companion as a fellow vampire. She's utterly ruthless however, trying to break Theresa from her moral qualms at killing humans. Previously, she had also been with Tony for many years, who's a ruthless vampire like her.
  • Evil Redhead: Allison has dark red hair, and it turns out is The Corrupter to her lover Theresa, who despite her resistance is lured into killing a captive human with her.
  • Fan Disservice: Theresa, an attractive young woman, is having sex in bed with another good-looking lady, but this soon turns into horror as the latter reveals she's a vampire by biting into Theresa's neck. Theresa spends a lot of time naked, bleeding and not looking too good after this. She and Allison are also seen naked feeding on a bound woman while they get drenched with her blood, then have sex beside her.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: Theresa feels guilty at having killed when feeding on humans, and agrees readily to sign up for a program which provides donated blood. She's disturbed by how okay vampire society is with killing them (aside from a few rules for practicality), including her lover Allison who assures her how the guilt will fade. Theresa's even more appalled upon realizing many vampires regularly kill humans at parties, often preceded with torture. Some pick humans to kill just for some minor slights (e.g. a sales clerk being rude at a store). Others rape them beforehand too. She increasingly realizes most vampires, aside from Miranda, are unrepentant rapists and murderers. In some cases, like Paisley, they were already this way prior to turning. Near the end, she's lured into killing a bound human woman along with Allison.
  • Gay Romantic Phase: Discussed as after learning that Allison previously was only with guys but wants to try women, Theresa rejects her because she's not interested in being someone's phase. She's soon drawn to Allison again though, and they become lovers. Allison does genuinely like Theresa from what the film shows, not just as a phase for her.
  • Honey Trap: Theresa is seduced by a woman, only learning she's a vampire when the latter bites her while they're having sex. After becoming a vampire herself, Theresa had seduced many women then fed on them once they'd become vulnerable.
  • Instant Seduction: Theresa is seduced by the female vampire who turns her after the two briefly talk and kiss on the street. It could be due to a vampiric power, though that's never said in the film.
  • It Gets Easier: Allison assures Theresa, who is feeling quite guilty about killing humans for blood as a vampire, that this feeling eventually fades. Theresa isn't reassured or happy at this.
  • Kiss of the Vampire: Some of the humans the vampires bite enjoy it, and agree to this on a continuous basis.
  • Lesbian Vampire: A female vampires seduces Theresa and then reveals this while they're having sex. Theresa becomes one as well after she's fed on by her. Soon however Theresa begins a relationship with bisexual vampire Allison. In her case, it's clear Theresa's a lesbian before she's been turned however. She's also different from the standard trope in other ways, as she tries to refrain from feeding on humans after seducing woman for this initially (frequently after having sex with them first), and be otherwise good. She's drawn into doing it again by Allison eventually though.
  • Light Is Not Good: Paisley is a blonde female vampire who's probably the most vicious seen among them, torturing humans before killing them regularly just for pleasure while facilitating many other human captives being raped by vampires as well. She's pale-skinned as well and usually wears light clothing.
  • Lipstick Lesbian: All of the film's lesbians are at most chapstick, usually favoring more feminine hair (often long) and clothing styles, though they aren't always too pronounced. The same goes for bisexual woman Allison. They generally wear at least skirts, if not more revealing clothes. Theresa's maker was especially elegant.
  • Living Forever Is Awesome: Allison firmly believes this, saying that vampires like her can do anything they want to and stay young forever. On the other hand, if she was still human she'd be an old, ugly woman. Her lover Theresa is not as convinced, though she doesn't answer when Allison asks if she'd desire her that way.
  • Mr. Exposition: The vampire who orients Theresa after she's turned, Mary Solenz, serves as one to her and also the audience, explaining things about how vampires work along with their society.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Theresa is shown naked having sex with multiple other women in the film, while the first one soon becomes much less appealing due to her being gorily bitten. Allison also has a lengthy sex scene along with her. Both are attractive young women.
  • Multi-Character Title: Theresa is the protagonist, and Allison her lover.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Theresa broke down in tears and regret about killing the first woman she bit after becoming a vampire, trying to make her into one too so she'd live. It didn't work since she'd already died. The other people she killed also filled her with guilt.
  • Navel-Deep Neckline: Paisley wears an outfit with this, showing her cleavage and stomach.
  • Neck Snap: Paisley instantly kills the sole vampire to object about her having a human be raped before she's killed this way.
  • Next Thing They Knew: A woman runs into Theresa on the street and kisses her. The scene instantly cuts to them having sex after this.
  • No Bisexuals: Theresa is initially turned off when Allison relates that she'd only been with guys before, saying she doesn't want to serve as her phase. Tony refers to Allison as having decided she's a lesbian once they broke up. Neither seems to think it's possible Allison's bisexual, but this does seem to be the case from the desire she shows toward Theresa.
  • No Name Given: The female vampire who turned Theresa is never named. She's only even credited as "Mysterious Woman".
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: Some humans have become vampires' blood slaves as the other option was them being killed in one "meal".
  • Our Vampires Are Different: They can be killed through beheading, sunlight, fire and stakes. However, garlic and holy water don't harm them. They can appear in mirrors though, and also don't need an invitation to go inside of someone's home. Also, they can't fly or transform. They can grow "drunk" on blood too. Eating normal food makes them violently ill. Animal blood doesn't suffice-it makes them sick. They have enhanced hearing and smell, being able to discern people at a great distance this way, including with details such as their blood type, if they're drunk etc. Vampires themselves have no scent, and they can detect others due to it. Once turned, as usual, they don't age or get sick from any ordinary disease. They can go a few days usually before have to feed again.
  • Playing Sick: Theresa pretended to be extremely drunk and needing help getting into her apartment, luring a woman there helping her, who she'd then fed on.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Allison was turned at age seventeen, though Theresa calculates she's really sixty nine by now, but still looks just the same. The vampire who gives her orientation also was turned in the time of the Black Plague (which started during the mid 1300s) while looking around thirty five, maybe forty at most.
  • Reluctant Monster: Theresa is horrified at herself after she's killed repeatedly for blood as a vampire, resolving not to and using only donations. She's even more horrified at seeing how many vampires have no qualms about this, and even play with their food first. This turns out to include Allison, whom she's become lovers with.
  • Rich Bitch: Paisley came from a very wealthy family even before becoming a vampire. She was already cruel and callous before turning as well. After turning she's clearly still well off, with a large very nice apartment she hosts parties in that involve torturing, raping and murdering humans.
  • Sadist: Vampires like Paisley enjoy torturing and raping humans before they feed on them.
  • Sequel Hook: A mid credits scene shows Miranda with Lorena, who's wooing her onto her side against Sakkara, with an ambiguous mention of Theresa which teases a possible sequel. So far none has appeared however.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Miranda tells Theresa how she had killed both of her parents after holding off feeding on any humans for a long time and losing control.
  • Sex Montage: Theresa is shown seducing several women to have sex with and then feed on during her flashbacks while relating her past.
  • Shower of Love: Theresa is shown making out and having sex with one woman in the shower during a flashback.
  • Suicide by Sunlight: Discussed by Miranda, who'd attempted it after killing her own parents in a moment of weakness, but was foiled due to heavy rain. At the end, Theresa appears poised to while Allison is pulling her back. It's unclear if she does.
  • Torture Cellar: It turns out Paisley has a whole dungeon under her house with numerous human captives whom she tortures for fun before killing them.
  • Vampire Bites Suck: Theresa reacts realistically to being bitten by a vampire, crying in distress and trying to get away but stops weakly because of her blood loss. Most other people bitten have the same reaction too.
  • Vampires Are Rich: Powerful ones like Paisley, Lorena and Sakkara are all quite wealthy. In the latter two cases they're older, so they had time to accumulate possessions. Paisley however was rich already before turning.
  • Vegetarian Vampire: When she's being oriented into vampire society, Theresa's told they have access to many blood banks if she doesn't want to kill for it. Theresa already considered feeding on rats because killing humans for blood left her extremely guilty. However, she'd told this doesn't work-it only makes vampires sick. Theresa signs up with the blood bank program right away due to her guilt.
  • Voluntary Vampire Victim: Some of the vampires have humans they feed on who agreed to this, finding it pleasurable.
  • Your Vampires Suck: The female vampire whom Theresa speaks with during her orientation sarcastically notes "We don't sparkle" while explaining how real vampires are.
  • Welcomed to the Masquerade: Theresa is told early on while being inducted into vampire society to never tell a human they exist, or she'll be killed. It's revealed people in the US government know about them, but so long as they obey certain rules (don't feed on anyone you're seen with, already know, children, someone who'll be missed or turn anyone who won't keep the masquerade) they're tolerated. Breaking those rules is also a death sentence. The vampires have their own government called The Hierarchy that enforces this and cleans up after vampire killings. Some other humans though are aware of them, who agree to be fed on.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Though it's officially forbidden, many vampires kill children and it's revealed this was what Allison got in trouble for. Others apparently get women they hold captive forcibly pregnant simply to drain their babies later. Theresa is utterly horrified by this.
  • Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Vampire society officially prohibits feeding on human children, since they're more likely to be missed, with it potentially exposing them. However, in truth many still kill them, but just make sure it's kept a secret (they apparently taste nicer than adult humans).
