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Film / Miracle Beach

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Miracle Beach is a 1992 direct-to-video erotic romance fantasy about a blonde genie, Jeannie (played by Ami Dolenz), who tries to win the heart of her master Scotty (played by Dean Cameron). The main conflict of this film is that it is that a genie struggles to attain the love of her master who has fallen for another woman who is a non-magical being, and so she starts rebelling against genie guidelines that dictate she must not use her powers to go against her master's interests.


  • As Himself: Gary Grant from the LA Clippers.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": A genie named Jeannie.
  • Bad Liar: Jeannie. She tries using weak lies to get Scotty to desert Dana.
  • Benevolent Genie: Jeannie. She only has one rule about her granting wishes: she can't directly influence someone to fall in love with another person. Though of course she does hesitate to grant wishes that involve making Scotty even more attractive towards Dana, and Jeannie tries using loopholes or lies to get out of having to pair up Scotty with Dana. Though Jeannie does take a level in jerkass when she tries sabotaging Scotty's date with Dana, almost getting her banished to her lamp permanently as a consequence of breaking genie regulations.
  • Break the Cutie: Jeannie is by default a very cheerful and optimistic girl, but then when Scotty dumps her for Dana she gets angry. Even so, the more wishes she grants, the more obsolete she becomes to Scotty who starts running out of ideas on what to wish for.
  • Chick Magnet: Scotty transforms into this simply by gaining a brand new house, a car and image make-over by Jeannie.
  • Covers Always Lie: To date, the movie has not released any posters with Jeannie or Scotty on them.
  • Crapsack World: Minus Jeannie and Gus, almost every character in this movie is selfish and only out for themselves. Jeannie even pointed this out when she expressed dismay about being assigned to Earth - not that it stops her from falling in deep love with Scotty.
  • Deus ex Machina: Jeannie herself, as she can make just about anything happen possible so long as Scotty requests it.
  • Everyone Loves Blondes: About 90% of the international beauty pageant queens are European blonde women.
  • Gold Digger: Dana.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Jeannie grows jealous of Dana for taking away Scotty from her. To a lesser extent, she was also reluctant about granting the wish of making the International Beauty Pageant come to Scotty's hometown because she feared the contestants would distract Scotty from her, but it turns out he just wanted to give those contestants to his two friends instead.
  • Happiness in Slavery: Jeannie's only true goal is to make Scotty her husband.
  • Idiot Ball: Jeannie assumes that Scotty cannot get Dana to fall in love with him so long as she doesn't grant wishes that match Dana up with Scotty. Rather, by simply using Jeannie's wishes to get back on his feet (wishing for a house, a car and some cash on hand), Scotty is able to impress Dana and win her over, driving Jeannie to jealousy.
  • Large Ham: Jeannie is fond of screaming to get her point across ("WELL THEN GO GET EM!!!"). Ironically, when she was first introduced she seemed very serene and soft-spoken.
  • Love Triangle: Between Scotty (The boy) and Jeannie and Dana (both girls), with Jeannie having the most determination to be with Scotty. Dana has no interest in Scotty but is willing to start dating him only for his money.
  • Money Is Not Power: Gus tells Scotty that he'd rather earn money through a job than have to take charity.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Just about every girl in the movie minus Scotty's grandmother.
  • Nymphomania: So much from many characters, especially Jeannie.
  • Product Placement:
    • Jeannie eating a pizza slice with Stuffed Crust from Pizza Hut.
      • And drinks Lite beer to wash down all that cheese.
    • Jeannie also enjoys a basketball game with the LA Clippers, and wishes Gary Grant into being right next to her giving him encouragement on shooting a perfect one-in.
  • Rags to Riches: Scotty, his two friends and Gus the homeless Japanese man were all penniless and unemployed until Jeannie came along.
  • Two Aliases, One Character: It turns out that Gus was the Head Genie this whole time, and that the Head Genie was actually helping Jeannie score with Scotty in the end, even if he ordered Jeannie to stop tampering with Scotty's dates with Dana. And even Jeannie herself didn't know Gus was the Head Genie this whole time, having also been fooled by him.
  • Verbal Tic: Jeannie keeps calling Scotty "Master" and not by his first name. Though this habit starts to melt down halfway the movie.
