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Fanon Pokedex / Girafarig

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Morphs [Oak Catalog #]

  • Girafarig [#203] – Giraffokeryx gemellus

Girafarig are even-toed ungulates that stand just less than 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall on average, and normally weigh approximately 92 pounds (41.5 kilograms). The species’ most distinctive feature is the tail, however, which ends in a second head, housing a small and primitive brain of its own.

They are also noted for possessing a long neck with pink-colored spikes lining their spine, starting from the base of the skull and ending at the base of the tail. A single pair of ossicones grows from the top of the head, between the ears, and the nose is pink-colored and fleshy, protruding notably from the end of the muzzle. The legs are long like the neck, though still quite powerful, and end in black hooves.

The species’ coloration is considered another defining trait, with the anterior portion of the body being gold with large, dark brown spots running alongside the spikes, while the posterior is reversed, being dark brown with gold spots. The divide between light and dark is an abrupt line around the center of the torso on males, closer to the back legs on females, and makes for a striking visual contrast.

The top of the face is marked by a large white patch, and the eyes of the front head have a white sclera with dark blue irises while the rear head has large eyes with a bright yellow sclera and dark irises.

As with all species of Pokémon, extremely rare colorations exist and are highly prized by collectors. In these cases, the spikes and nose become a light blue, the gold color darkens slightly, and the dark brown lightens significantly.

Notable Biology

Easily the most striking feature of a Girafarig is its second head. This head contains a very small brain that is incapable of thought, reacting solely upon instinct. If this head becomes aware of a living presence around it, it instinctually lashes out and tries to bite it.

Though this head is physically incapable of ingesting food, it is often observed making chewing and swallowing motions as the main head eats, indicating that there is a strong connection between the two heads. This is further hinted at when a Girafarig sleeps, because the second head apparently has no need to do so and instead keeps watch, alerting the front head if danger is sensed. The fact that it alerts the main head without a single sound or motion strengthens this hypothesis.

Being both Normal- and Psychic-Type, Girafarig are incredibly versatile when it comes to their potential moves. With the proper Technical Machines or skilled breeding, it is possible to own a Girafarig with the ability to hit enemies with Electric-, Ghost-, Grass-, Ground-, and even Fighting-Type moves, in addition to the Dark-, Normal-, and Psychic-Type moves naturally available.

Despite the wide variety of move types available to the species, however, Girafarig tend to execute special attacks slightly more effectively than physical ones. This is not much of a setback, though, because they are also very skilled at supporting teammates and stalling opponents, and are rather fast and maneuverable.

Girafarig can be separated into three different subgroups based on the innate abilities that they can potentially possess.

One subgroup of this Pokémon is noted for its apparent mental stability that makes it incredibly difficult to startle or frighten. This leads to them being common choices for Trainers who plan to visit or inhabit loud and active places, or who live with young children (although Girafarig are not recommended to be kept around children) or certain species of Pokémon, such as any of the Whismur line.

A second subgroup appears to be slightly opposite from the first, in that they are incredibly light sleepers. While this does not necessarily translate to being easily spooked, it is generally best for the health of these Pokémon for them to be kept in quiet places, at least while resting. Despite this slight health hazard, however, they are useful in battles against opponents who resort to sleep-inducing moves, as their attempts at incapacitating enemies becomes much less useful.

The third subgroup, and the rarest of the three, is not necessarily of either stalwart or nervous temperament, but rather has an unusual affinity for combating Grass-Types. In fact, being hit by Grass-Type attacks only makes this subgroup stronger, as it appears to somehow absorb the kinetic energy behind the intended damage and convert it into potential energy, which it uses to enhance its physical strength.


Girafarig are most commonly cited as being grassland Pokémon, although they have been found inhabiting forests and mountain valleys as well. They are native to the Johto and Sinnoh regions, but were imported to the Hoenn region’s Safari Zone, along with other Johto species, to attract more customers after the Hoenn and Kanto species ceased to interest them.

They are currently most common in Johto, though they are not exceptionally common in any of the areas in which they appear, causing them to be of at least moderate value to collectors.


Girafarig are herbivores and feed mainly on tree shoots, buds, grasses, ferns, leaves, fruits, and fungi. It is worth noting that many of the species Girafarig feed on are known to be highly toxic to humans, thus it is imperative that Trainers preparing a diet of these items for their Pokémon take care not to ingest any of them and wash their hands thoroughly afterwards.

Girafarig have a four-chambered stomach, with the first chamber specially adapted to their toxic diet, and are known to regurgitate their food and engage in rumination, more commonly known as cud-chewing.

It has also been observed that in the wild, Girafarig will satisfy their mineral need by ingesting clay from riverbanks. It is strongly recommended that Trainers purchase vitamin supplements to include with their Girafarig’s diet to ensure that its health is well-maintained.


As with keeping any Psychic-Type Pokémon, danger is inherent in the mental capabilities of all Girafarig, which are enhanced to even more dangerous levels when Technical Machines are used to give them unnatural moves.

While most are fairly calm and tend to not attack unless provoked, angering one to its breaking point can cause even the gentlest individual to unleash its frightening psychic powers upon a human. It is also possible for a young or mentally unstable Girafarig to accidentally cause harm to a human due to its lack of control over its abilities.

Suffering the full brunt of a Girafarig’s attacks can very well cause brain damage to a human, which can be permanent and severe in the worst cases.

The second head, being purely instinct-driven, is dangerous to those who do not take care to keep a safe distance from it. Its sharp, curved teeth and powerful jaw are incredibly difficult to escape from once captured, and a single bite can lead to potentially severe injuries, or even death, depending upon where the bite lands, how large the victim is, and how long the second head remains clamped on before the victim is able to pry its jaw open.

This is the reason why Girafarig are not recommended for novice Trainers or households with young children and baby Pokémon, as the head cannot make a distinction between friend and foe.

Being a sufficiently large and physically powerful Pokémon, an angry or frightened Girafarig is also capable of causing harm by tackling, head-butting, crushing, kicking, and trampling anything or anyone unfortunate enough to be in its way.

Courting and Childrearing

Female Girafarig become sexually mature at around three years of age, while males mature close to four years, and the species engages in a polygamous mating structure. Males determine the fertility of females by tasting their urine for estrus, and then begin to court them once fertility is confirmed. Courting consists of both Girafarig sniffing, licking, and circling each other until the female accepts the male.

After an eight-month gestation period, a wild Girafarig will normally give birth to one live calf, although twins are not unheard of. A captive Girafarig will instead lay a single egg after only five months and incubate it for the remaining three.

Scientists have proposed many theories as to why this phenomenon occurs. Some believe that it results from the unnaturally close proximity of humans, others that it is an unintentional side-effect of teaching Pokémon unnatural moves and using performance-enhancing items, and still others that it is the result of keeping Pokémon within Pokéballs, although research has so far proven unable to solve this mystery.

After the young are born, they remain with the mother for up to a year, after which she pushes them out on their own, and they establish their own home range. The father takes no part in the rearing of offspring, but does allow them and their mother to pass through his territory in order to forage and does not act hostile towards them.

In captivity, it is possible to breed Girafarig with many different species of land-based and mammalian Pokémon, along with a small number of odd species. Though this interspecies breeding bears no ill side effects, it does not naturally occur in the wild except in incredibly rare, generally undocumented, cases.

Social Structure

Girafarig are generally solitary Pokémon, only found in groups of a mother and her offspring, or a couple coming together to mate. There are no explicit social bonds between individuals, with family members being slightly friendly at the most.

Otherwise, Girafarig do not interact much and tend to stick to their own territories, although males will often allow fertile females into their territories for the opportunity to mate.

Disputes only occur between males, usually over mates or territory boundaries. To settle them, Girafarig will participate in kicking and head-butting, and their secondary heads will attempt to bite their opponents if they get close enough. Though these fights normally do not become violent enough to injure the participants, allowing one of the heads to bite can lead to painful injuries that could potentially become infected.

In Human Culture

Girafarig, being exotic and visually fascinating Pokémon, have naturally been thought of as awe-inspiring creatures by ancient cultures. When explorers and traders went to faraway locations and discovered these seemingly magical beasts, they brought specimens of them back to display in zoos or present as gifts to rulers.

Likewise, they have found notability in pop culture, usually as minor characters but increasingly as notable protagonists and mascots.

One of the most widely-known film examples is a lovable hypochondriac Girafarig who, along with three other Pokémon, was a zoo attraction that wound up stranded in a faraway region and struggled to find a way to return home. Also, a popular chain of toy stores is easily identified by its mascot, George the Girafarig.

Written by Dragara. I encourage everyone to link any and all trope examples you might see in this entry. I probably won't find them all.
