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Fanfic Recs / Puyo Puyo

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Proof that the remaining 10% is worth being buried in gray jelly beans for here:

These are recommendations made by tropers for Puyo Puyo Fan Fics, all of which have been signed. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in the 'fic, based on who recommended it. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

No-name recommendations will be zapped. Nobody would back up the rec. Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be.

Do warn when a fanfic may head into explicit or non-canon territory. Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is Serious Business.

Silvana, From Clone to Clown by kirbymanx-huskynator
  • Recommended by: warelander
  • Status: Dead
  • Synopsis: Doppelganger Arle, now under the name of Silvana, attempts to build her own life in Primp and move away from being Arle's clone.
  • Pairings: Sig/Doppelganger Arle, One-sided Amitie/Doppelganger Arle, Amitie/Raffina. Neither lasts.
  • Comments: A delightful Slice of Life story that takes the premise of what was initially just a simple One-Shot Fic and turns it into something much bigger, as Silvana starts a life as a person of her own and slowly becomes a part of Primp's community.

Request of Puyo Puyo by Kiba Sniper

  • Recommended by warelander
  • Status: Complete
  • Synopsis: Various ficlet requests that range from shipping related scenarios to humorous or heartwarming interactions between a large selection of the Puyo cast.
  • Pairings: Amitie/Ringo, Sig/Rafisol, Schezo/Dark Prince, Sig/Amitie, Raffina/Lidelle, Panotty/Archan, Arle/Sig/Amitie, Arle/Sig, Arle/Amitie/Ringo, Arle/Ally, Arle/Witch/Draco, Sig/Lala, Sig/Lidelle, Sig/Jaan, Ringo/Ecolo, Arle/Draco, Dark Arle/Ringo, Sig/Ess, Sig/Klug, Raffina/Feli, Ringo/Maguro, Dark Prince/Lilith, Ringo/Tee, Sig/Tee, Maguro/Tee
  • Comments: Wonderfully written ficlets that really get the characters and offer laughs, fluffy feelings and very nicely crafted interactions between even the most unexpected of character combinations.

Life Lesson by Minunlike

  • Recommended by Schezoroark
  • Status: Complete
  • Synopsis: A Slice of Life one-shot about Klug tutoring Sig and bonding over study time.
  • Pairings: Sig/Klug
  • Comments: Short, lighthearted, and fluffy is what best describes this story. There's never much context about what happens right after school hours, and it shows off Klug utilizing his academic strength to drive the tale instead of being used for a punchline setup.

Murder! by EvenBrighterMarle

  • Recommended by Thepenguinking2
  • Status: Hiatus
  • Synopsis: A murder mystery story where a string of murders happens in Primp Town, claiming the lives of characters such as Schezo, Witch, and Lidelle. Amitie, Klug, and Sig are working together to find out who's behind the murders, but it's made clear early on that there will be difficulties.
  • Comments: If you want a Dark Fic for Puyo Puyo, this is where to look. Puyos aren't the focus here, but the fic explores character relationships and the setting of the town, all while subjecting its star character Amitie to all sorts of trauma. Primp Town is entirely turned on its head, especially with smarter figures like Accord, Lemres, and Akuma entirely absent.

A Soul Rended, A Soul Mended by Nenilein

  • Recommended by Cukeman
  • Status: Complete
  • Synopsis: Sig has never been big on the whole 'beating the final boss' thing, but when a sinister Arle Nadja-lookalike from another dimension shows up to cause chaos in Primp Town, the school's spaciest mage finds himself pushed into breaking with his usual passive demeanor for the sake of his friends. Little does he know that this change of pace could very well end up being permanent... And neither his friends nor him are quite sure how to deal with that! Especially when there's still an evil Arle on the loose, a strangely jumpy book to deal with, another friend's world to protect, mysteries from two forgotten pasts to unravel and some magical identity-issues to figure out. And that all in one weekend!
  • Comments: Do you like lore? Do you like All The Lore? There's a lot of lore in here that blends official, unofficial, and supplementary ideas and concepts, then draws almost all of it together into an actually-cohesive narrative while also advancing characters' arcs. Healthy(?) amounts of fluff, angst, and catharsis.

Open My Heart by starlithero

  • Recommended by Cukeman
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Synopsis: Ringo Ando is Ecolo's first and only friend.
    They're about as different as they come - Ringo is a curious junior high student, Ecolo is a reality-bending dimensional drifter with a mischief streak a mile wide, and their bond is an incredibly unusual one, to say the least. Not only that, Ringo seems to be the only person who can remember Ecolo in the first place - their existence is just too difficult for anyone else to comprehend...
    Ecolo's convinced that Ringo is the only friend they'll ever have, and Ringo's convinced that she can change their mind.
  • Comments: What happens when you drag a shitposting Eldritch Abomination's pathos kicking and screaming into the forefront so they'll be less alone for a change. Full of unhinged humor, partially a chatfic (Maguro teaches Amitie what "poggers" means and she's disgustingly adorable about it), and a genuine look at what it's like to be a lonely autistic kid.

The Do's and Don't's of Raising a Little Brother by EvenBrighterMarle

  • Recommended by RabbitTopeBall
  • Status: Dormant
  • Synopsis: This story takes place in an Alternate Universe where Squares has two sisters, with Marle's corrupted form being a separate character from Marle named Maaru. Here, Squares is just created and Marle and Maaru - both being polar-opposite sisters - try to raise him.
  • Comments: There are spoilers for Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, mainly the fact that Marle created Squares. Aside from that, the text is formatted based on the speaker, with Marle on the left, Maaru on the right, and Squares (and the narration) in the middle. While there's only one chapter available, the writer has promised to add more chapters.

Awakening by FoxLover_837

  • Recommended by RabbitTopeBall
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Synopsis: A man by the alias of "Mentor" manages to get into the Starship Tetra to confront Tee. Tee has a rather traumatic past with Mentor and the Starfall Academy he used to be a student of as Cadet T8375 prior to becoming a member of the Tetra's crew. Forced to flee, he teams up with Ringo and friends as he plots to take down his former instructor once and for all, unraveling his shocking past along the way...
  • Pairings: Tee/Ringo
  • Comments: Oh boy. This fanfic is quite dark especially when it comes to Tee's flashbacks with the abuse he suffers as a child (both physical and emotional). There are quite a few things that he sees or gets put through that end up scarring him, once permanently changing him (which I won't spoil here). But once you get past the dark themes, the fic is a well written story with one or more surprises each chapter to keep you on your toes.

A Spellbound Showdown by PizzaIsWonderful

  • Recommended by EdgelordEdge
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Synopsis: All of Primp is stirred into excitement when Ms. Accord hosts a tournament with a 1,000,000 gold coin prize. Satan and Ecolo decide to participate on the promise that they will share the prize if either of them wins, but Satan's not planning on showing any mercy to anybody.
  • Comments: You won't be finding Satan as the Affably Evil goofball he's usually portrayed as here, instead as a legitimate threat to the characters, making it a very interesting read.

Amitie and the Mysterious Message by NokiStar

  • Recommended by MintySkies
  • Status: Complete
  • Synopsis: One morning, Amitie finds a vaguely threatening letter taped to her bedroom window. Reasonably, she freaks out and thinks someone is out for her. She tries to manage her anxiety around it as best she can throughout the day.
  • Pairings: Light Amitie/Sig
  • Comments: A lovely fic about Amitie and her anxiety. The characters are very well-written, and play off each other pretty well. Red Amitie also appears here, with a bit of an explanation on how that happens. It had me intrigued from the first act to the last, and I hope whoever reads this will feel the same!
