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Fanfic / Quirk: Magical Girl Mascot

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A My Hero Academia AU by Emma Iveli.

Izuku Midoriya has a rather interesting quirk. First off it turns him into a strange animal and thankfully he's able to turn back human. But there's also the fact that he's able to bond with people, doing so gives that person special armor that powers up their quirk along with a special weapon. Said armor takes the form of a frilly dress and the weapon is a magical wand.

In other words, Izuku is a magical girl mascot.

Now with his best friend and magical girl partner Katsuki, he goes to UA, the top hero school in Japan, where he will make new friends, bond with more magical girls, and fight villains.

It can be read and Archive of Our Own.


  • Adaptational Name Change: Both Izuku and Katsuki's hero names. Izuku goes by Artemis while Katsuki goes by Bombshell.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Downplayed; Katsuki is this, thanks to her bond with Izuku, however she's still very much a hothead.
  • Berserk Button: It's mentioned a few times that Katsuki really hates it when someone says she isn't a real girl.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Both Izuku and Inko. Izuku ends up ripping out part of the Nomu's brain at the USJ while Inko slaps Endeavor after discovering the abuse he put his family through.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Izuku in animal form vomits rainbows and has sparkly blood.
  • Brick Joke: During the Cavalry battle, Katsuki yells at Kaminari that "He knows what he did" (which was often leer at Inko) much to his horror and confusion. Several chapters later when they finally properly introduce Inko to the rest of the class, Kaminari says "Oh...that's what I did"
  • Delayed Reaction: It takes Tenya a minute to realize that Tensei told them that he was once turned into a giraffe.
  • Emergency Transformation: After reciving a fatal wound from Stain, Tenya bonds with Izuku in order to save their life.
  • Fuzz Therapy: Attempted by Katsuki and Izuku after Shoto's gender-bend by trying to get Shoto to pet Izuku in his mascot form. However, Shoto was just confused by what they were doing.
  • Gender Bender: Any male who bonds with Izuku will permanently turn into a girl as is the case with Katsuki, Shoto, Tenya, and All Might.
  • Gravity Master: Ochaco using her wand can also increase an object's gravity as well as removing it.
  • In Spite of a Nail:
    • Izuku still trips at the school entrance with Ochaco saving him.
    • Izuku still gets elected and gives up the position to Iida.
    • Everyone ends up in the same locations at the USJ.
    • The matches are the same as canon for the Tournament (with the lone exception being Tsuyu taking Sero's place).
  • Like Brother and Sister: Izuku and Katsuki, with Katsuki often saying that he's like a brother to her.
  • Little Bit Beastly: Izuku in human form as he still has his rabbit ears and dog tail. He can also add Tsuyu's quirk to the mix. Later he can use his wings.
  • Loss of Identity: Shoto after switching genders and losing their scar.
  • Magical Girl AU: Thanks to Izuku's quirk. So far the magical girls include: Katsuki, Inko, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Shoto, Tenya, Toru, Melissa, All Might, and Eri, with Tensei set to join the team at a later date.
  • Mama Bear: Inko who slaps Endeavor after learning about his abuse.
  • Mix-and-Match Critter: Izuku's mascot form is this having rabbit ears and a dog tail he also later gains a pair of wings. When Monoma briefly copied his quirk, he had fox ears and a cat tail.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • Whatever happened the first time Katsuki used her strongest attack.
    • When Aizawa says that with everything going wrong, it's not the worst Sports Festival that UA ever had. Present Mic shudders and says "So many badgers".
    • Rei mentions that Endeavor was once hit by a strange quirk. She doesn't go into details but says that he gained a hatred of unicorns because of it.
    • Tensei was once turned into a giraffe for 12 hours.
    • In his hero career, All Might was transformed into a vampire, a puppet, an eagle, a rabbit, a deer, and a candelabra.
  • Not Quite Flight: Ochaco in Magical Girl form, she's able to manipulate her gravity to seemingly fly around.
  • Official Couple: Ochaco and Izuku get together after the final exam.
  • Point of Divergence:
    • Due to the bonding, Izuku and Katsuki are much closer than canon.
    • Izuku is never attacked by the Sludge Villain. It's said that All Might was able to capture him without any problem.
    • Izuku does much better in the Quirk Assessment Test.
    • The Heroes VS. Villains exercise goes much differently, with Izuku pulling a Stealth Run, Katsuki staying with the bomb due to this, and Ochaco knowingly acting as a distraction.
    • Thanks to the telepathic bond, Izuku is able to get his mom to call the school and tell them what's going on at the USJ, sparring Aizawa and Thirteen from their injuries and having All Might and the rest of the teachers arrive much earlier.
    • After Tsuyu bonds and her quirk is powered up, Tsuyu grabs Mineta and Izuku and is able to run away from the villains. However, this ends up being a bad idea, as they're unable to get past All Might's fight causing the villains to attack them again with Aizawa, Katsuki, Kirishima, and Shoto to help them.
    • Inko gets a job as Nezu's assistant thanks to her role in helping with the USJ.
    • Izuku, Katsuki, Ochaco, and Tsuyu make up a team with the Cavalry Battle, while there is a team made up of Kirishima, Ashido, Tokoyami, and Hatsume, while Sero joins Team Mineta in Tsuyu's place.
    • Due to the delay caused by Shoto's gender bend Iida withdraws from the Sports Festival instead of learning about his brother's attack after getting eliminated.
    • Izuku joins Shoto interning with Endeavor, Tsuyu interns with a group known as the Magnificent Mermaids while Katsuki interns with Mirko.
    • Izuku and Shoto find Iida after he gets a fatal wound from Stain.
    • Izuku and Shoto get permission to use their quirks during Hosu. Which results in the two of them gaining credit for Stain's defeat.
    • Izuku and Shoto switch positions in the final exam with Izuku teaming up with Yaoyorozu to fight Aizawa while Shoto teams up with Katsuki to fight All Might. This leads to the two discovering All Might's injury.
    • It's Izuku who is kidnaped at the camp. Because of this Katsuki is the one who leads the attempted rescue. Also Ochaco, Tsuyu, and Toru join in on the attempt.
    • After Melissa ends up being teleported to Japan during the Hideout Incident, she becomes part of UA's support class and moves into the dorms as well. It should be noted that she's using this to take a break from the controversy her dad has been getting ever since the I-Island incident.
  • Power Copying: Izuku gains a permanent copy of his partners' quirks after bonding with them with mutation quirks becoming a transformation.
  • Power Dyes Your Hair: All of Izuku's partners gain colored streaks in their hair while in Magical Girl form.
  • Power Gives You Wings: Bonding with All Might has given Izuku a pair of wings, he can use his wings in human form, however they take the form of an additional quirk taking the empty slot from bonding with Melissa.
  • A Rare Sentence: Izuku has one when explaining why he's wearing his outdoor shoes after being elected.
    Izuku: Kacchan stuffed me into her backpack so I wouldn't have to deal with the press and only let me out when we got to class and I didn't have time to go back to the lockers and switch out my shoes.
    Jiro: That only makes sense because you're the one saying it…
  • Running Gag:
    • Izuku's tail wagging.
    • Both Izuku and Inko's capacity to cry and the fact that they can and have passed out from dehydration.
    • Inko's mom powers.
    • Women's pants pockets and how much they suck.
  • Secret-Keeper: Iida has this role for the Magical Girls, learning about the gender-bending side effect, Inko's job as Nezu's assistant, and Endeavor abusing his family. However, they lose this role when Izuku bonds with them.
  • Shout-Out: All Might mentions a time when he was transformed into a talking candelabra, and yes, he did sing "Be Our Guest" while in this form.
  • Stealth Expert: Izuku in his animal form thanks to being small.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: At I-Island, a group consisting of Tsuyu, Toru, Mina, and some Pro Heroes go through the air vents. However, unlike most media, which treat this as a good way to move around sneakily, the noise they make climbing through the vents gives them away.
  • Telepathy: Izuku has this with all of his partners. But for the time being, he only knows how to activate it as a group only. It also extends to a form of empathy when one of them feels a very strong emotion and sharing memories.
  • Team Mom: A rather literal case with Inko in that she's Izuku's mom and she's part of the team.
  • This Explains So Much: Tsuyu's reaction upon hearing the way Mitsuki talks to Katsuki.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Katsuki had this reaction when she realized Izuku was pitted against her and Iida in the Heroes vs Villians exercise due to knowing how well Izuku is at hide and seek.
  • Wham Episode:
    • Chapter 16, Shoto forcibly bonds himself with Izuku, causing him to change into a girl and Izuku disqualifies himself after running out of the stadium.
    • Chapter 31, Katsuki and Shoto sees All Might in his true form after Katsuki severely injures him during the final exam.
    • Chapter 50, during the fight with All for One, All Might tries to give Izuku One for All. However, before he could, Izuku assumes he wants to bond and All Might realizes it might be the better option and does so, not only getting healed from the earlier injury but also de-aged.
  • You Know What You Did: Played with. Katsuki accuses this in her anger at Kaminari (who had been leering at Inko since she got her job) during the Cavalry Battle. Izuku points out that he really doesn't due to most of the class being in the dark about Inko being Izuku's mother.
