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Fanfic / Ice Cold

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toad eats food
The Summary

Ice Cold is a surrealist Super Mario Bros. Crack Fic by Puddintater. It was published on Jan 10, 2016.

The story is incredibly brief, only 229 words, and has a nonsensical plot following Toad eating a sentient ice cream cone with Tiger Woods/Barack Obama.

Ice Cold provides examples of:

  • Adaptational Villainy: Instead of being heroic, Toad is racist and is fine with eating a sentient being.
  • Alleged Lookalikes: Toad seems to think that Tiger Woods looks just like Obama (probably because they're both black). Later the narrator can't even tell them apart.
  • Ambiguous Ending: The ending reveals that Obama and Tiger Woods were on a drug trip, but it isn't shown how much of the story actually happened and how much was hallucinated.
  • And I Must Scream: The trope namer is almost directly quoted, when Toad licks off the mouth of the sentient ice cream he's eating.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: Toad's ice cream cone randomly grows a face and starts screaming in pain as Toad eats it.
  • Black Comedy: The fic is rather dark and features cannibalism.
  • Crack Fic: The story is extremely strange and nonsensical.
  • Funetik Aksent: Tiger Woods is randomly speaking in a Jamaican accent for one sentence.
  • I Can't Feel My Legs!: Tiger Woods says that he can't feel his hands after waking up from his drug trip, only to discover that Obama ate his arms.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Toad eats a sentient ice cream cone, and later Obama eats Tiger Woods's arms while on drugs.
  • Mind Screw: Everything about this story is confusing. For instance, the ice cream Toad is eating randomly gains sentience but Toad keeps eating it, much to Tiger's horror. Also, Tiger Woods is confused with Obama by Toad, only to be referred to as Obama by the narrator. The fic later has them be two separate characters.
  • Mushroom Samba: Tiger and Obama turn out to have been on drugs for most the story. It's unknown how much of the fic is a hallucination and if Toad was even there.
  • Oh, Cisco!: The story ends with Obama and Tiger Woods saying "Oh you!" to each other after finding out that Obama ate Tiger's arms.
  • Random Events Plot: The plot is mainly made up of random things happening that don't make any sense.
  • Real-Person Fic: Tiger Woods and Barack Obama are major characters in the fic.
  • Surreal Humor: Most of the fic's humor comes from how strange and random it is.
  • Troll Fic: The fic is purposely badly written, nonsensical, and violent.
  • Villain Protagonist: Toad eats an ice cream cone despite knowing that it is sentient and can feel pain.
