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Fanfic / Cracked Glass

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Cracked Glass by marysuofyay is a My Hero Academia Fanfic.

Aizawa prepared himself for the combat he was certain was about to take place. Some kind of villains were about to come through that portal; perhaps more Nomu, perhaps a whole new group not affiliated with the League. He was prepared for this. Everyone on staff were, to protect their students.What he was not prepared for was the rush of children that came through. He was certainly not prepared for the first one; the blonde that was an exact duplicate of Bakugo Katsuki, wearing an asylum-white uniform and terror on his face.

The Promised Neverland AU Crossover that nobody asked for or wanted. You don't need to know anything about The Promised Neverland for this.

Take the popular Crossover premise where characters of franchise A open a portal to the universe where franchise B live and travel through. Mix in an Alternate Universe Fic slash Transplanted Character Fic with the entirety of Class 1-A transplanted into the world of The Promised Neverland. Add Fusion Fic where Quirks exist in the Promised Neverland Franchise. The result is Cracked Glass, a story that begins with alternate-universe counterparts to Class 1-A traveling through a portal into the heart of UA in an attempt to escape the farm they were being raised in before anyone else gets eaten.

Note that due to half the cast being alternate-universe counterparts of MHA characters, the fic uses last name/first name for different characters depending on which universe they come from. As characters from the Promised Neverland inspired world are "orphans" and have no last names, they are referred to by their first/only names. Characters from the main-MHA universe are referred to by their last names or hero names, depending on which is used more often in canon.

For another work by the same author, see Exoteric.

This fanfic provides examples of:

  • Adaptation Deviation: Played With, due to half the cast being Alternate Universe Counterparts to MHA characters.
    • Adaptational Heroism: Tenko, ie AU Shigaraki, is sane, collected, mature (if slightly insecure), and is being groomed as the next leader of the human resistance.
    • Adaptational Villainy: AU All Might, as well as every Demon-Universe user of One For All, as the Quirk's torchbearers hold a relatively high rank in "Demon" society as the Grandfather/Grandmother.
    • Adaptational Nice Guy: Katsuki, due to having lots of pseudo-siblings who wouldn’t put up with his shit, and eventual guilt over having been so cruel to Izuku before his "adoption", plus being expected to help care for the youngest kids.
    • Spared by the Adaptation: Inverted, played straight, and zigzagged. Some of Class 1-A don’t have counterparts who cross over as their alternates in the Demon Universe were already killed and eaten. There's also DNA evidence that characters who don't exist in the Hero Universe were born into the Demon Universe thanks to the Tangled Family Tree this has resulted in, and finally Demon-Universe Hana Shimura is still alive, and part of the human resistance.
  • Ascended Extra: After being captured by Shota in the first chapter, Ojiro plays a huge role in the story both from his experience in the Demons world and the plans and attempts to rescue him.
  • Badass Boast: Ojiro gives one to Vidame Tosk and Naomasa on behalf of his dimension, in an attempt to intimidate them into dropping their invasion plans.
    Ojiro: Back home, they built a giant glamorous island out of pretty much nothing where the smartest people build the most insane technology just because they can. Millions of people in one place, working to make the billions of everybody else stronger, faster, and better. They can replace whole internal organs. Can you do that?
  • Big Damn Heroes: At the Tiafari, Shigaraki and police Helicopters show up via portal to rescue the rescue team.
  • Boomerang Bigot: The Grandfather has this in spades, thinking of farm-living humans as "lesser humans" despite having come from one himself.
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: Ojiro gets impaled, hospitalized, and nearly killed while hitting The Grandfather a.k.a. Yagi hard enough to put him out of commission for the rest of the fight.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Subverted. Shota makes a very badass Breaking Speech against the demon captured by the LoV, but it's his Tranquil Fury that intimidates those around him more than who he gives it to.
  • The Dog Bites Back: After being thoroughly traumatized in discovering the truth, Kyouka kills the demon that came to UA for negotiations with nothing more than a knife and determination.
  • Do Not Go Gentle: Toga is insistent on doing this, and she convinces Ojiro to do the same.
  • Enemy Mine: In the face of the invading demons, the League of Villains agrees to work with Pro-Heroes in order to rescue one of their own. Later Toga and Ojiro join forces while held captive together, and after the invasion is announced temporary laws are passed saying that even villains will not be persecuted or arrested if they stop to help fend off invading Nomu.
  • Exact Words: When Ojiro has to explain to Sensei Ken how he got to be so good at fighting when Mashirao clearly isn't, he gives some vague facts about Bakugo and lets Ken fill in the blanks. Likewise, the two of them never claim to be twins- they just let everyone else assume that.
    • Also when Naomasa helps interrogate Ojiro. While Ojiro starts off trying to give Exact Words to be as misleading as possible, he changes tactics and instead leaves out details on quirk licensing to make the Hero Universe sound as intimidating as possible.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: The Grandfather is totally baffled that a team from the Hero universe helped assault the Tiafari just to rescue one person, and calls them naïve for doing so.
  • Fantastic Racism: Obviously the Demons have it in spades towards humans. Semi-justified, as it’s implied that any Demons who don’t view humans as animals starve themselves into madness by not eating human flesh.
  • First-Name Basis: Justified, as almost all the humans from the Demon universe were raised as orphans and have no last name. Eventually the initial batch of escapees are given the surname Yamada, but they still go by their first names for simplicity's sake.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: Toga to Ojiro, when he starts having a panic attack while they’re trapped together and going to be eaten alive at the Tiafari.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Attempted at the sensei training facility during the rescue break-in. When the hero rescue team thinks they can only get a limited number of prisoners/students out, the remaining students start arguing over who should go and begin nominating one another for rescue.
  • Hope Spot: Hooray, the rescue party found Ojiro! They have everything they need for a rescue, and the teachers are even cooperating! Wait… why is the Vidame coming back?
  • How We Got Here: The fic begins midway through story of the Demon-universe counterparts for class 1-A. Flashbacks and in-universe exposition is used to explain how/when Mei started working on the portal, how Katsuki and the rest discovered the true purpose of their home, and various other character details.
    • The story of what happened to Ojiro after winding up in the Demon-universe gets told in Chapter 8, covering several weeks at once.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Deconstructed and exploited, as this mindset is what enables the demons to control human intermediaries such as the sensei.
    The Grandfather: Your kind is going to have to learn… When to make the right sacrifices.
  • I Know You're Watching Me: Averted- Mei points out to Katsuki, Shoto, Ochako, and Asui that the glass next to them is a one-way mirror when they start talking too much. She thought they already knew.
  • Imperiled in Pregnancy: A rare version where it's the heroes doing the imperiling. The Demon Queen was pregnant during the Tiafari, when Ojiro slashed her throat. It's unclear if she survived, or if she miscarried from the attack. Granted Ojiro didn't know that she was pregnant, but the resistance who planned to assassinate her did suspect so.
  • Inspirational Martyr: A non-lethal example, when the students at the training facility offer to stay behind so that others can be rescued. Since there's no glory or reward for a sacrifice like that, Compress sees the students as examples of the "true heroes" Stain spoke of and pushes himself well past his limits in order to save every last one of them.
  • Invisible Streaker: Hagakure as usual, though notably Tooru doesn't do the same.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler/Summaries Always Spoil: The current fic description makes it clear that Ojiro plays a large role in this fic, but from Chapter 1 to Chapter 7 his survival was questionable, and most characters assumed he'd been Killed Offscreen.
  • Les Collaborateurs: The Grandfather, all the Sensei (albeit without a choice), and by the end Shota work with or for Demons specifically to help keep humanity imprisoned.
  • Locked in a Room: Ojiro and Toga are Locked in a Closet together during the third act, as the two of them need to be "fresh" when they're served to the Queen at the feast.
  • Moment of Weakness: Ojiro's Badass Boast to Vidame Tosk is made half to intimidate the demons into leaving his dimension alone, half because he’s fed up with being helpless and getting caught up in a power trip.
  • More Hero than Thou: When the signal-blocker for the heart implants breaks and it looks like only a limited number of students can escape from the sensei training facility, the students immediately start arguing over which of them would be able to do the most good in freedom, and begin nominating one another for rescue. Compress makes it a moot point by saving them all.
  • Not Blood Siblings: After much angsting about how everyone else at the orphanage/farm views each other as adoptive siblings, Shoto and Mei (AU Todoroki and Hatsume) decide that they see their relationship as more of a Childhood Friend Romance and get together.
  • Promoted to Parent: As there's about fifty kids at the farm, the older kids were naturally expected to help Sensei Shota take care of the younger ones. Once they escape to UA, the teenagers become the full-on caretakers for those children and babies.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Surprisingly, Ken (AU Cementoss) turns out to be one, protecting Ojiro from his superiors as much as he can when he draws the attention of Ken's superiors.
  • Rescue Arc: The second-to-last arc of the fic is centered around the Pro-Hero team infiltrating the Demon Universe to rescue Ojiro and Toga.
    • The last arc is split between several teams, with two different rescue missions in mind: Ojiro and Toga at the Tiafari, and Izuku in the Grandfather's mansion.
  • Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids!: The Grandfather holds this about human resistance, preferring to cooperate with the Nomu and being shocked at the lengths Hero Society will go to save just one person.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Aizawa to the Grandfather during his Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids! speech.
  • Spanner in the Works: Several happen throughout the story, though the audience gets to see the build-up for most of them due to POV characters being the ones acting as spanners.
  • Super Cell Reception: Apparently cell phones can't communicate past dimensional barriers, but once Ojiro and Hagakure are in the same dimension they can still send and receive texts from each other.
  • Sure, Let's Go with That: During the second portal opening, the UA staff figure out that the Demon emissary believes that the Hero Universe is also ruled by Nomu, and that UA is simply an advanced farm. They play along until Shota backstabs it.
    • In the facility that trains sensei, Ojiro and Mashirao are instantly mistaken for identical twins. As they were warned not to tell anyone about the multiverse thing, the two of them roll with it.
  • Tangled Family Tree: Due to the complicated details of some alternate-universe counterparts to MHA characters having more children than their hero-universe counterparts did, several of the OC child-characters who escaped with alternate class 1-A are technically related to Pro-heroes in the Hero universe. Ken (AU Cementoss) and Shino (AU Mandalay) having one kid each foreshadows the fact that they've become Sensei.
    • Endeavor legally adopts AU Shoto as well as the infant with no hero-universe counterpart who is AU-Shoto's biological baby brother.
  • To Serve Man: What the Demons do with humans. The plot kicks off when the alternate 1-A kids find out that their "orphanage" is actually a farm, and as soon as they’re "adopted" out they're actually slaughtered for food.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Since Demons view humans as animals, more than once some of them jump into situations where they're outmatched against humans, even with their amazing strength and powers.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: Downplayed, but Hagakure illegally follows the Pro-Hero rescue team into the demon universe to help save Ojiro.
  • Wham Line: The true name of the "demons" is Nomu.
  • Will Not Be a Victim: A running theme in the story, which is highlighted by the fact that every Spanner in the Works happens because of some characters acting on this viewpoint.
    • The dimensional portal is invented as part of Mei and co.'s refusal to be killed and eaten as livestock.
    • The League of Villains overcame the scout party sent after them and then teams up with Pro-Heroes because they fought back against the scout party sent after them.
    • The attack on the Tiafari succeeds despite the demons knowing about the Resistance's assassination plan because Toga and Ojiro refused to let themselves be eaten.
  • You Said You Would Let Them Go: A variant, when Shota betrays the Resistance he tells Katsuki that he was promised that the children from their farm would be spared.
