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Disproportionate Retribution / Kaeloo

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  • Mr. Cat does this all the time. If somebody does something that even slightly annoys him, he'll pull out a weapon and threaten to use it on them.
  • In the episode "Let's Play Ecologists", when the gang finds out that Quack Quack has been eating yogurt from non-environment friendly containers, Mr. Cat suggests tying him up in a sack full of rats and setting it on fire.
  • Also in "Let's Play Ecologists", Bad Kaeloo, a Nature Lover, sees a piece of garbage on the floor next to Mr. Cat and Stumpy and assumes that one of them must have dropped it. Mr. Cat even offers to pick it up and throw it away, but she picks them both up and throws them in a dumpster.
  • In Episode 55, Olaf blows a hairdryer in Kaeloo's eyes, causing her to scream in pain. Mr. Cat decides to avenge Kaeloo... by trying to shoot Olaf with a bazooka.
  • In Episode 82, Pretty starts her own fashion line and refuses to accept Kaeloo as a model, and she insults the way she looks. Kaeloo's response? Teaming up with Mr. Cat and getting Pretty humiliated on the news.
  • Downplayed in Episode 134. When Stumpy asks Mr. Cat to play with him, Mr. Cat shoots him in the face with a bazooka, with all the hurt he really gets being Ash Face. Later in the episode, Stumpy clones himself. He and the clones destroy Mr. Cat's car by crashing a bunch of other cars into it (while he's inside the car), drop a fridge on his head, and ruin his vacation to the beach.
  • In Episode 139, Olaf breaks Kaeloo's headphones. Kaeloo responds by Hulking Out, shoving Olaf inside his own robot and throwing him into space.
  • In "Let's Play Figurines", Stumpy asks his friends if he can play with his figurines. They refuse. What does he do to them? He makes a Deal with the Devil, becomes a witch doctor, learns voodoo magic and then uses it to force them to become his slaves.
  • The plot of Episode 118 revolves around the main four having a feud with Pretty where each vengeful act is worse than the one that prompted it. The feud starts when Pretty puts embarrassing pictures of them online. They retaliate by doing the same thing to her, which would have been fine if it wasn't for the fact that Stumpy decided to humiliate her by putting what are implied to be fake photoshopped nudes of her up on the internet where anyone could see them. Then, Pretty goes on TV and reveals a few of their embarrassing secrets to the public. After this, they decide to sue her for "slandering" them, and put her in a Kangaroo Court where she is given a sentence of "community service for life", and Kaeloo, who has Super-Strength, beats her up. She then writes a tell-all book with all of their embarrassing secrets in it and publishes two million copies of it. At this point, the main four decide that things have gotten out of hand and decide to go home.
  • The tea party episode has Mr. Cat try to strangle Stumpy because Stumpy blamed Mr. Cat for something that he did, making him look bad in front of Kaeloo (who he has a crush on).
  • One episode has Kaeloo literally set Mr. Cat on fire for looking at inappropriate pictures in a magazine.
  • In "Let's Play Danger Island Survivor", Mr. Cat tells Kaeloo to her face that he hates her (incredibly lame) game show and tries to make it more fun. Kaeloo beats him up with a flaming torch for having the audacity to defy her.
  • Also in "Let's Play Danger Island Survivor", Quack Quack saves Kaeloo from getting hurt and she calls him her "best friend". Mr. Cat gets so angry at Quack Quack for "stealing" his status as Kaeloo's best friend that he not only causes a rift in their friendship, but also makes him suffer the pain of falling into a precipice and getting attacked by hungry alligators.
  • In Episode 139, the narrator continuously refers to Stumpy's superhero alter-ego, Ratman, as "the world's worst superhero". Stumpy gets Mr. Cat to murder the narrator.
  • While browsing the internet, Stumpy finds an unboxing video made by Quack Quack, his best friend. Stumpy hates unboxing videos, so he beats Quack Quack with a stick.
  • In one episode, Stumpy goes inside Mr. Cat's head and finds some rather unsavory thoughts he's been having, and says he's going to tell Kaeloo. Mr. Cat responds by threatening to rip his tongue out so he can't tell her, attempting to cut him up with a chainsaw (which only failed because Mr. Cat misplaced his chainsaw), and slapping him in the face with a pair of underpants.
  • Lavanade is often shown summoning ghosts to attack people for petty reasons, like when Kaeloo calls her powers "strange" or when Nombril bumps into her while running.
