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Kuraudo Island

Cuvier Family

    In General 
Scientists, Pro Heroes, and creators of Kuraudo Island.
  • Cain and Abel: They are all the Abel to Menagerie's Cain.
  • Family Theme Naming:
    • In honor of their patriarch, there are many Marcuses and Marcelines along their family tree.
    • In a pun-naming way, most of their hero names are a Shout-Out to Jurassic Park.
  • Heroic Lineage: Their family goes to over seven generations of heroes.
  • Original Character: Created specifically for the Jurassic Arc.
  • Science Hero: All of them are pro-heroes and scientists working on Kuraudo Island.

    Marcus Cuvier I 
The founder of the family and the first Jurassic Mark. He had a Quirk that allowed him to bring extinct species back to life. Died after bringing back a population of woolly mammoths.

    Jurassic Mark 

Dr. Marcus Cuvier VII

Current Steward of Kuraudo Island. He directs the island's workers with a firm but soft hand in their care of the animals living within.
  • Cool Old Guy: Old enough to have grandchildren, and still an impressive, nice man who loves meeting people who can appreciate nature.
  • Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: Mark is one of the most kindhearted people in the world, but his villain cousin Dawson is the only person that can make him positively murderous. Since Dawson not only sold endangered species, but also put the island at risk, his hatred for Dawson is completely justified.
  • Friend to All Living Things: He takes care of an island-sized wildlife refuge with animals from multiple eras, and loves all of them.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: His pet is a Hoplophoneus called Nakina.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: He has a photo of himself putting a cave bear in a chokehold.

    Clever Girl 

Susan Cuvier

Marcus Cuvier VII's granddaughter, she's slated to become his successor as the steward of Kuraudo Island.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Her Quirk allows her to control theropods and power them up. Tigre thinks that it’s a situational Quirk that would become next to useless, once she’s off the island... until Susan points out that every single bird on the planet is a theropod, prompting Tigre to revise his assessment.

Nabu Island

    Mahoro Shimano 

Mahoro Shimano

Quirk: Hologram

A young inhabitant of Nabu Island. She butts heads with Izuku several times because she dislikes heroes for some reason.
  • Big Sister Instinct: She wants to protect her little brother from the world outside. Her methods leave a bit to be desired.
  • Prank Call: She calls the island's Hero Agency to claim her brother is in danger, but it's never the case. At another point, she uses her Quirk to "create" a villain. Izuku gently tells her off, because she could have been hurt by that stunt.
    Katsuma Shimano 

Katsuma Shimano

Quirk: Cell Activation

A young inhabitant of Nabu Island.

Tea Spillers

    In General 
A group of vigilantes composed of Mr. Compress, Gentle Criminal, La Brava, and Twice, whose goal is to become famous by exposing corrupt institutions and other criminals.
  • Adaptational Heroism: An Anti-Hero example. While Gentle and La Brava were more Nominal Villains, Compress and Twice were members of the League and partook in several criminal actions starting with the Training Camp attack. Here, they are a vigilante team.
  • Anti-Hero Team: They want to be famous, and choose to do so by exposing corrupt organizations such as the Hero Commission.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: All of them are really eccentric and lovable, often engaging in conversations about classy subjects such as tea quality in their free time. They also are formidable individuals capable of fighting, escaping, and outsmarting Pro Heroes and Commission agents when cornered.
  • Burning the Ships: They decide to do this by sending everything they've found about the HPSC's misdeeds to every news outlet, investigative Hero agencies, and hero school in Japan, as well as the World Heroes Association, knowing that they're putting their lives at risk.
  • In-Universe Nickname: Their team was dubbed "Tea Spillers" by the internet, because of their whistleblowing content as well as their love for quality tea.
  • Nominal Villain: All of them have been ranked as S-Rank Villains, but it is clear this was more done out of an act of pettiness by the HPSC President for making them look like idiots and exposing their secrets than for their actual threat level as criminals.
  • Quality over Quantity: Between La Brava's hacking skills, Gentle's unpredictable fighting style, Compress' leadership and eventually Twice's skills, they make up for their small number and successfully outsmart organizations with far more resources than them.

    Mr. Compress 

Atsuhiro Sako — Mr. Compress

Quirk: Compress

A showman and grandson of infamous Anti-Villain Ori Hajima, The Peerless Thief, Atsushiro is the idealizer and leader of the Tea Spillers.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Swoops in to save Twice from being dusted by Tomura right after the villain steals his Quirk.
  • Everyone Has Standards: He originally intended to have Hawks exposed after getting their hands at the HPSC secret files, but dropped the idea entirely upon finding out that the Winged Hero is as much of victim of the Commission as anybody else.
  • Foil: To Re-Destro. Both are direct descendants of famous villain figures, Atsuhiro is one from Ori Hajima, a Robin Hood like criminal, Re-Destro is one from Destro, the infamous founder of a terrorist organization. Both are also lead their respective organizations, Compress with the Tea Spillers, a small vigilante group seeking fame while helping people, Re-Destro with the Meta Liberation Army, a large Super Supremacist villain group that wants control over society for their own sake.
  • The Leader: Of the Tea Spillers.
  • Villainous Lineage: An Anti-Villain example. His grandfather was an infamous Robin Hood-like thief and he is keeping the family legacy by exposing corrupt organizations while making a name for himself and his comrades.

    Gentle Criminal 

Danjuro Tobita — Gentle Criminal

Quirk: Elasticity

A Gentleman Thief seeking to make a name for himself and his partner, La Brava.
  • Always Someone Better: His former friend Takeshita considered him this, stating in an interview that for all the good he did in his career, Gentle is the one who actually made a difference in the world with his work as a vigilante. Gentle is deeply moved by it.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • He only accepts to work with Compress after the showman promises him that no innocents will be harmed during their enterprise, and that La Brava will stay out of harm's way.
    • He is horrified upon finding out how Hawks has been treated like a slave by the HPSC his entire life.
  • Heartbroken Badass: He is deeply upset upon finding out that his former friend Takeshita, the man who unintentionally helped in driving him to become a vigilante, died amongst the heroes during the MLA Uprising.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: He gets so upset over Takeshita's death, he completely drops his fake British accent and polite speaking pattern for a while.
  • Wicked Cultured: Downplayed, since he is a vigilante, but he enjoys a good cup of tea between jobs.

    La Brava 

Manami Aiba — La Brava

Quirk: Love

Gentle's partner.
  • Generation Xerox: Much like her ancestors, Team Zero, Manami is a vigilante fighting against both corrupt and Quirkist villain organizations. She is even doing it alongside the love of her life (whom she can empower with her Quirk due to her emotions), much like Hitoshi and Shizuku before her.
  • Heroic Lineage: La Brava is Team Zero's descendant.
  • It's Personal: After Skeptic ruins the release of an otome game she highly anticipated, she makes it her personal mission to ruin his cyber attack during the MLA Uprising.
  • Playful Hacker: Her specialty is hacking through complex systems and help leak information. She also helps editing the team's videos.
  • The Smurfette Principle: She is the only female member of the Tea Spillers so far.
  • Spanner in the Works: The MLA attack came on Valentine's Day, just hours before a game she had been looking forward to play was to come out. It takes her one hour to track Skeptic and completely ruin his plans.


Jin Bubaigawara — Twice

Quirk: Double (formerly)

The Tea Spillers' newest member.
  • Bring It: After admitting that the HPSC will really be gunning for the Tea Spillers once their final video ends, his Hyde personality challenges them to do their worst.
    Twice: “Bring it on ya fascist swine! You only live once!”
  • Brought Down to Normal: Tomura steals his Quirk in Chapter 75.
  • Jekyll & Hyde: His text has it where he seems to swing between two different personalities after a sentence or so, with his Hyde personality being identified by emboldened text and a cruder, rougher vocabulary.
  • One-Man Army: He unlocks "Sad Man's Parade" after Hawks injures his leg, allowing to make countless doubles of himself and his allies.
  • Sad Clown: He likes to joke, but Gentle Criminal and La Brava can tell he's depressed.
