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Characters / Invasion Of The Gempire

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While likely not having THAT many characters, there's still quite a few to keep track of.

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The once-kingdom of monsters located underneath Mount Ebott, after integrating the remnants of Black Mesa into itself became a technological giant and fearing American reprisal for poaching one of their best contractors a massive fortress as well. Following a short but brutal war between the two nations, Ebott finally fully broke away from under the thumb of Capitol Hill and has been preparing for America's revenge ever since, their leader Director Asriel convinced they'll attack aaaany day now...
     Director Asriel Dreemurr 
     Marshal Undyne 
An abnormally-red pearl kidnapped from a life of servitude by Russian special forces, she was immediately taken under the wing of the stern but caring Director Asriel.
  • Go-Go Enslavement: Standard issue for all pearls, but Asriel is working to invert this trope by liberating her and getting her to wear something sensible instead.
  • Moe: Well, Asriel seeems to think so, given how gentle he tries to be with her.
  • Nervous Wreck: Pretty much everything terrifies the poor girl, given that where she's from she's considered property used to adorn one's home with all of the rights (read: none) that entails. She can barely speak when shown to the UN as proof of the invasion, and when Asriel tells her she needs to learn to fight she starts glitching out.
