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Characters / Emmy the Robot

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Characters from Emmy the Robot

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    In General: 
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: One of the traits of Outmoded robots is that their behavior often becomes erratic and produces unsatisfactory results to their masters.
  • Fantastic Racism: They’re educated to think that bootleg and outmoded robots are dangerous.
  • Just a Machine: They're generally treated as mere tools by humanity.
  • Ridiculously Human Robot: All the humanoid robots that appeared so far behave almost exactly like humans, complete with mood swings and mannerisms. Even their recharge mode is handled like sleep (with their memory backing up as dreams).
  • Turned Against Their Masters: One of the general traits of Outmoded robots is that they tend to ignore their master's orders.

A line of android nannies that exist to take care of families and children.
  • Blush Sticker: Nandroids all have big red circles on their cheeks.
  • Cute Machines: They are designed to be as pleasant and approachable as possible, so as to appeal to the young children they are made to care for.
  • Eating Machine: Although they lack any form of digestive system, their mouths have sensors that are able to feel shape, texture and temperature.
  • French Maid Outfit: Their uniforms are provided by the Sterling company, and they are discouraged from wearing any other outfit to not give a bad impression.
  • Fem Bot: They are all feminine-presenting robots.
  • Gossipy Hens: This is their favorite hobby when they meet together.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: They all have them.
  • Mama Bear: They are trained to defend the kids of their masters from any danger.
  • Robot Hair: The only way to tell any of them apart is their hair.
  • Robot Maid: Their purpose is to take care of the house and the kids when their masters are outside their home.
  • Taught to Hate: They’re educated to think that bootleg and outmoded robots are dangerous.


Our titular character. A friendly nandroid that works for the Delaire family.

  • An Arm and a Leg: Her original malfunctioning arm ends up being stolen by tiny scrapper robots on the junkyard.
  • Artificial Limbs: She gets a replacement for her stolen arm by courtesy of Darcy.
  • Became Their Own Antithesis: Emmy goes from hating outmodes and denying she will become one to suffering a defect on her arm from an faulty upgrade and running away from her quarantine to escape being shut down, thus being considered one.
  • Break the Cutie: She ruins Madeline's birthday party that she had been working on very hard for weeks because of a glitch, then becomes an accidental outmode and discovers the harsh lives of those living in less pleasant parts of the city, including risking being disassembled for parts and having to deal with a particularly unhelpful police computer. In a more literal example, her arm is stolen and replaced with a much cruder looking one.
  • Heroic BSoD: Has a literal one at the junkyard when she realizes she's far away from home and that the Delaires may think she ran away on purpose and becomed an outmode.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Has this reaction upon realizing that her malfunction ruined Madeline's birthday.
  • Nervous Tics: Whenever she gets overwhelmed by emotions particularly fear and anxiety she freezes and her eyes turn blue. Darcy suggests it's an update issue. She says it is common for older models, aka 5 years old.
  • Nice Girl: She's as sweet as can be.
  • Oh, Crap!: She has this reaction when she hears that her holding unit is locked, she's outside it and knows that she can be shut down permanently if the doctors find her out.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Emmy has this reaction upon noticing that her hand is malfunctioning at the worst possible time before losing control and accidentally ruining Madeline's birthday.
  • Younger Than They Look: Because she's a robot Emmy's only 5 years old. Which apparently is old for a nandroid.


A nandroid that works for the Khatri family.


A nandroid that works for the Spiegel-Pryce family.


A nandroid that works for the Flagg family.

  • Late for School: Franny struggles with getting the twins to the bus on time and has to walk the herself frequently.


A nandroid that works for the Mendenhall family.

  • Ambiguously Evil: Out of all the nandroids, she is the only one who shows some hints that she isn't nearly as nice as the rest of them, giving a scowl toward Emmy during a conversation, convincing the other nandroids that Emmy is the only one among them who is faulty, and seemingly having a breakdown when they consider what to do if another proves faulty.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Maybe? She gives some Alpha Bitch vibes, but her concern for Emmy after the Cake accident seems genuine.


A robot who claims to have worked for the military.

  • The Gambling Addict: Dennis has a habit of gambling and frequently losing. This habit has gotten him in big trouble quite a few times.


A former demolitions robot up until he was retired. Now deemed an outmode.

  • Gass Hole: His whole schtick was eating toxic waste and scrap metal which he provides a demonstration of, delivering a big burp afterward. Given Darcy's reaction, he does this all the time, and she loves it.

A former sports robot. Due to constant blunders, she was thrown out and called an outmode.
  • Epic Fail: What got her removed from what she was built for wasn't because she didn't score at all. It was that she managed to score... for the opposing team.
  • Gentle Giant: She's a very buff robot and former Rocketball player, but she's the most understanding of Emmy's mental state.
  • Nice Girl: A very kind robot girl. She persuades others to be nicer to Emmy after she's back
  • Not So Above It All: while she tells others to be nicer to Emmy she also partakes in their bet if she comes back. She thanks her for coming indicating she bet on her return.

A quirky little robot that no one knows where it comes from or which was his original purpose.
  • Baby Of The Bunch: He is the smallest of the outmodes and very childlike.
  • Creepy Child: Likes burying mannequins in the front yard. He doesn't say why.

A former robot dancer. She was retired after the novelty of having robots as showgirls faded.

An outmode who serves as the butler for Ginny.
  • The Heavy: How Darcy describes him to be for the outmode house, being the biggest one among them and acting as an enforcer of sorts.


     Mr Delaire
The patriarch of the Delaire family

     Mrs Delaire
The matriarch of the Delaire family

     Madeline Delaire
The Delaire family’s young daughter.
  • Adorably Precocious Child: Everyone from her neighborhood sees her as this.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Madeline is normally a nice child, but she gets into a fight Corbin when he suggests the idea of Emmy being faulty which she takes personally.
  • Birthday Party Goes Wrong: Despite having an overall nice party, when the time of cutting the cake comes, Emmy's arm is triggered by the candles, releasing blasts of foam that ruins the cake.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Her parents are quite well-off and give her many things an average kid would envy, but Madeleine is as sweet as can be.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Despite being 8 years old she often proves to be very insightful.

     Corbin Mendenhall 
The Mendenhall family's son.

     Dr. Ron Bennet
The head doctor of the Sterling robotics hospital.

  • Bald of Evil: Well, ambiguously so on the "evil" end, but he’s a balding jerk who ignores the concerns of his assistant and treats robots like disposable objects.
  • Just a Machine: He’s adamant that automatons are only capable of producing the illusion of life and thus sees no problems with having them scrapped if they don't function as intended.
  • Morally Ambiguous Doctorate: He disregards the Delarie's family worries about Emmy's update and treats robots as just objects. He also refuses to listen to his assistant's legitimate concerns over Emmy's update glitches. He later outright tells Dr. Webb that he's more concerned with the company's bottom line than actually properly assessing the robots they oversee.
  • Selective Obliviousness: He would prefer to shut down or even dismantle a perfectly healthy robot rather than investigate the update glitches that Emmy is suffering.

     Dr. Marcus Webb
The assistant of Ron Bennet.
  • Androids Are People, Too: Unlike his boss, he treats Emmy respectfully.
  • Black and Nerdy: Is a tall black man and a scientist.
  • Fatherly Scientist: He prefers to look at Emmy as an independent being with her own identity rather than just a disposable product, which is why he argues that her update glitches be looked into. He's also compassionate towards the Delarie's regarding their worries about Emmy.
  • Ignored Expert: Unlike his boss Ron, he wants to look into the update glitches, and even seems to get the approval from the Sterling directors, but his superior doesn't want to let him do it and forces Marcus to just follow his orders.
  • Pungeon Master: He makes one upon introducing himself to Emmy. Judging by Ron's annoyed reaction to it, it's implied he does this a lot.

     Darcy Boyle
A poor girl who sells contraband fireworks.
  • Disappeared Dad: It's implied that her father died and she was forced to move out with her aunt.
  • Child Prodigy: She has knowledge in repairing robots since she could walk, and was diagnosed as a gifted child by a school specialist.
  • Homeschooled Kids: She used to be homeschooled by her dad until she moved out with her aunt.
  • Kids Driving Cars: Despite her age she’s able to drive a motorbike to save Emmy from a gang of scrapers.
  • Lovable Rogue: She prefers to see herself as this trope.
  • "Oh, Crap!" Smile: She spots one of these when she's discovered by the security guard of the school, before being kicked out of there.
  • Persona Non Grata: She's banned from entering school, not allowed to be near within 20 feet of school property.
  • Street Urchin: She's a poor girl trying to survive by selling illegal contraband fireworks to bullies, even referring to herself as an adorable street urchin.
  • Tsundere: she has a rough exterior but quite quickly warms up to Emmy. She even begrudgingly offers to fix her. Next page, she asks if her owners would be willing to repay her work, indicating her kindness stem from self-interest. Her blush, on the other hand, indicates genuine help.
  • Wrench Wench: She's pretty handy with robots. She manages to install Emmy a new arm on the fly and maintains her robot friends at her place.

     Mrs. Hackle 
Darcy's (sort of) aunt.

    Upper-Upper Management 

The supposed current head of Sterling Robotics.

  • Ambiguously Human: Although presented among humans, his introduction actually makes it vague if he actually is.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: He reveals to know that Emmy fell into the garbage chute and opts to cover up her presumed death by firing the quality assurance team and wiping the memory of the custodian bot.
  • The Voice: His introduction has him speaking through a teleprompter to Ron Bennett and never showing his face.


Darcy's cat, who has a tendency to vomit on things.
