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Characters / Dragon Quest Builders

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The Builder

    The Builder 
  • Back from the Dead: Literally resurrected by Rubiss to save Alefgard.
  • Famous Ancestor: Descended from Erdrick/Roto, like many other Dragon Quest heroes—though he's not (supposed to be) a hero.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Can receive inspiration for how to create things from mere vocal descriptions alone.
  • I See Dead People: Possibly due to having been dead himself, or a Rubiss-granted power. It allows him to regain several bits of Lost Technology from the inventors themselves in the form of blueprints.
  • The Muse: Humankind has lost their ability to create thanks to the Dragonlord's curse, but the Builder's ability to do so seems to be able to inspire others to shake off the curse and come up with designs, even building items themselves...provided the Builder makes the rooms where they can.
  • Silent Snarker: The builder speaks to other characters (though the player only has their reactions to go by for what the Builder actually says), however, some characters react to their expression as if the Builder was snarking at them.



The first villager encountered by the Builder, in the ruins of Cantlin.

  • Implied Love Interest: Seems to at least have a crush on the Builder, and at least one resident believes the two of you might be a couple.
  • Lethal Chef: She just crams whatever looks interesting together, and people (usually Rollo) suffer for it. Apparently she improves later.


A boisterous scholar who possesses the Cantlin Chronicle, an ancient historical tome from the days when the Dragonlord first began his rule.

  • Fling a Light into the Future: The Cantlin Chronicle, passed down to him from his ancestors, has detailed information on a great deal of Lost Common Knowledge and Lost Technology written down so that humanity's wisdom wouldn't be entirely lost to the Dragonlord's curse.
  • Great Big Book of Everything: The aforementioned Cantlin Chronicle, which has something on the order of two hundred thousand pages.
  • Hidden Depths: He might seem like kind of a moron, but since part of the Dragonlord's curse involved destroying the literacy of the people, Rollo basically had to teach himself how to read and write AND how to decipher the script within the Cantlin Chronicle, both of which would be difficult enough without having to swim upstream against the Dragonlord's curse of ignorance.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Blows off Larouche's warnings about how restoring Cantlin would anger the Golem and encourages the Builder to keep developing the place. Later he admits that he'd been deliberately ignoring his own concerns for the sake of seeing Cantlin rebuilt.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Takes his ownership of the Chronicle as an excuse to order the others around, which mostly bemuses them, and proclaims himself the mayor shortly after the Builder leaves.


A cynical gentleman who knows more than he lets on.

  • Gadgeteer Genius: Although he doesn't show these tendencies in the Cantlin chapter, Rollo later tells you that Larouche is looking into ways to re-create the Golem of Cantlin as a proper guardian, so he may end up counting as one.
  • Hidden Depths: Once the threat of the Golem has passed, he turns out to be an incredible comedian.
  • Mr. Exposition: He knows the full story behind the fall of Cantlin, but only tells you a snippet at a time.
  • Properly Paranoid: He believes that by rebuilding Cantlin, the Builder will anger the Golem, but Rollo poo-poohs that idea and the Builder keeps on going. Turns out he was right.
  • Sour Supporter: Because of his fear of the Golem's return he tries to dissuade the Builder from building the city up too much. However, he can't help but approve of some of the improvements the Builder's making.


Descended from a long line of Cantlin guards, once he sees that the Builder is restoring the city, he immediately offers his services.

  • The Night Owl: One of Larouche's complaints about Kenelm is that he stomps loudly around the city at all hours of the night while patrolling.
  • Spin Attack: Teaches the Builder how to perform one.


A young man who believes himself to be of little use, but proves instrumental in defeating the Golem.

  • Time Bomb: Teaches the Builder how to make Wrecking Balls.


The descendant of a long line of blacksmiths, who has relearned the art.

  • The Blacksmith: Taught himself how to forge metal and was imprisoned by the Darklord's monsters for it.
  • Famous Ancestor: Descended from the famed blacksmith Magog, who hid Erdrick/Roto's armor from the Dragonlord's forces.



A slime who likes humans, whom you rescue from his peers.

    The Golem 

Once the protector of the city, this creature turned against its creators and became a fearful destroyer.

  • Boulder Bludgeon: Throws massive rocks at your base to try and destroy it.
  • Exact Words: He was created with the directive of protecting Cantlin, but not (as as his creators intended) the people within it. The Builder is tearing down the ruins of Cantlin with the intention of rebuilding and repopulating them. The Golem has issues with that.
  • Spin Attack: After you use Cantlin Shields to block three of his boulders, he gets angry and performs one of these, dizzying himself and becoming vulnerable to wrecking balls.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: The Golem was designed to protect Cantlin. However, as things got worse and worse under the Dragonlord's rule, the people of Cantlin became violent and cruel toward each other, and the Golem came to believe that the people of Cantlin had become a threat to the city of Cantlin, and ultimately went on a rampage that drove the survivors away.



A kindly nun of Rubiss, who is inspired to aid the Builder in curing the many ills of Rimuldar.

  • Crisis of Faith: With no sign of a cure for the plague, Elle briefly wonders if it might not be more merciful simply to kill those suffering from it.
  • Good Shepherd: Dedicates herself to aiding the people of Rimuldar, encouraging the Builder in his efforts to save the plagued and taking care of those in her infirmary.
  • Howl of Sorrow: After three of her patients transform into zombies, Elle is said to spend the night wailing in despair.
  • Relative Error: One of the villagers notes that while she and Gerontius are often at odds, there are times when they seem to be quite close and wonders if there's something going on there. It's not what he thinks: Gerontius is actually Elle's grandfather.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Taking care of plague victims all day and night isn't a particularly healthy thing to do, and Elle soon becomes infected with the zombie plague.
  • Warrior Monk: Elle goes right out and fights monsters alongside the Builder, hucking throwing stones.
  • Zombie Infectee: After catching the plague which turns people into zombies, Elle begs the Builder to kill her to protect the others. Fortunately, it doesn't come to that.


A plague survivor whom the Builder finds and helps to recover. He inspires the Builder to build a fishing rod and make some catches.

  • Big Eater: Most of his conversations revolve around food.
  • Lovable Coward: Although the "lovability" part is a little in question, he claims to want to help the Builder in combat, but just can't make himself do it.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: He seems to like fish best, given some of his comments. A note in the second game mentions someone names Nosh as being a famous fisherman.


A renowned researcher and herbalist who once sought a cure for the blights of Rimuldar.

  • A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil: Was the teacher of Illius, and recognizes the fingerprints of his old student in the zombie virus.
  • Badass Bookworm: A brilliant healer who isn't afraid to sally into battle with the whippersnappers.
  • Determined Defeatist: Comes to believe more and more that perhaps fighting against the plagues of Rimular is a pointless effort and that nature should take its course...until Elle becomes ill with the zombie plague and he refuses to let her die, pleading with the Builder to seek out the Holy Sanctuary and the Transmutation Table within.
  • My Greatest Failure: He comes to accept that Illius' drastic experiments would never have happened if Gerontius had been there to guide him, instead of breaking off their mentorship over their differences.
  • Relative Error: One of the villagers notes that while he and Elle are often at odds, there are times when they seem to be quite close and wonders if there's something going on there. It's not what he thinks: Gerontius is actually Elle's grandfather.
  • That Old-Time Prescription: Although he was incapable of creating complicated medicines thanks to the Dragonlord's curse, he still developed a reputation as a skilled herbalist and healer. After meeting the Builder, he becomes capable of more complex medicines.
  • When Elders Attack: Goes out and fights monsters alongside the Builder, wielding an oaken club. He's not very good at it, but nevertheless...


A plague survivor whom the Builder finds and helps to recover.

  • Gadgeteer Genius: Devises the Ballista and describes it to the Builder, allowing him to create them.


A plague survivor whom the Builder finds and helps to recover.

  • The Blacksmith: Trained with Magnus for a bit and learned some techniques she teaches to the builder.


A plague survivor whom the Builder finds and helps to...yeah.


A plague survivor whom the Builder finds and...blah blah blah yakity schmackity.

  • Prone to Tears: It's a little hard to blame him, given his best friend transmogrifies into a monster and has to be killed, and the lady he has a crush on falls ill with the same disease.
  • Hopeless Suitor: It's not clear if nuns of Rubiss can marry, and in any case she only sees him as her spiritual son, so his crush on Elle is a no-go.


The former apprentice of Gerontius, he and the old man parted ways over their scientific and philosophical views.

  • Gone Horribly Wrong: His attempts at making mankind immortal lead to a zombie plague.
  • Immortality Seeker: Despairing of finding a cure for the blight, he instead sought a way to conquer death itself.
  • Mercy Kill: The Builder is forced to do this to many of his subjects as well as Illius himself after they completely turn into zombies. Illius expresses his gratitude in his final moments.
  • Parasite Zombie: Sick people came to him for a cure and ended up trading one plague for another and becoming infectious zombies thanks to his experiments. One of his test subjects talks about worms crawling all over his body and into his brain, which (if not a delusion) may lend some insight into Illius's methods.
  • Posthumous Collaboration: His notes prove essential in aiding Gerontius's own research into the blight.
  • Tested on Humans: Sent word for infected people to some to him for a cure to the blight, even though there were still a few kinks to work out.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Resorted to some pretty horrible methods in an effort to grant people immortality.

    Hades Condor 
  • Hope Crusher: Becomes offended when the builder's efforts start bringing hope back to Rimuldar, calling them out angrily for it.
  • Plaguemaster: Responsible for the disease-carrying rain which spreads pestilence all over the realm.
  • Trick Boss: A little. The townsfolk tell you you'll need to build a ton of ballistae high above the city. Figuring out how high requires noting how high the Condor is above the city when it summons monsters in previous waves. Oh, and make sure those ballistae are inside city limits or they're wrecked.

Kol and Galenholm


The first citizen of the area whom the Builder encounters.

  • Cowardly Lion: He's a friendly guy, but when it comes to leaving the city to fight monsters, he claims to have a wealth of physical issues which suddenly flare up when the time comes for action—it ain't 'cause he's scared, or so he says. Nevertheless, he will nervously accompany the Builder if asked, and participates in battles to defend the city.


  • Off the Wagon: Burley has attempted to stick to a vegetarian diet in imitation of Barbella, but given in to his desire for meat thirty-seven times.


  • Expecting Someone Taller: He's very impressed by the Builder's work in restoring Cantlin and Rimuldar, but he's shocked to see that what a beanpole they are in person.


  • Badass Bookworm: Easily the equal of any of the burly men of her town in combat, Barbella has also traveled extensively, picking up what knowledge remains in the world after the Dragonlord's curse of ignorance.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Student and lover of Galeleo, she became a skilled inventor in her own right.
  • Kill the Ones You Love: After Galeleo made a deal with the Dragonlord, she had to stop him from becoming a monster and turning his brilliant mind toward evil, and she couldn't talk him out of it, so she killed him while there was still something of the man she loved left.
  • Mentor Ship: She wasn't just Galeleo's apprentice...
  • The Promise: She and Galeleo swore that they'd never fall to the monsters, but Galeleo forgot and accepted a deal from the Dragonlord, transforming into a monster in the process.


A strange apparition who claims that Barbella murdered him.

  • Ambition Is Evil: Over time, he became so obsessed with creating the perfect weapon that he completely forgot his goal to defeat the Dragonlord with it. So, when the Dragonlord came a knocking with an offer he couldn't refuse...
  • Deal with the Devil: Frustrated over his inability to progress further with his inventions, one day he was approached by the Dragonlord who offered him knowledge beyond human comprehension in exchange for his services. Galeleo accepted.
  • Evil Laugh: After he makes his Deal with the Devil he actually writes his evil laughter down in his notebook.
  • Faceā€“Heel Turn: Selfishly accepted a deal with the Dragonlord after opposing him for years, and would have created all manner of inventions to torment mankind if Barbella hadn't put him down first.
  • Famous Ancestor: Descended from Galen the Bard from the first game, and a skilled bard in his own right.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Fought hard against the Dragonlord's curse, and became a skilled inventor in spite of it. Alas, there was only so far he could go before said curse limited him.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: His genius incorporates everything from electronics to music to inventing the automobile (basically).
  • Was Once a Man: His deal with the D.L. transformed him into a monster, according to Barbella's account, and she had to kill him to save what was left of him. since his ghost is normal person, it looks like she was successful.





A wise old man who has been waiting for the Builder in what remains of Tantegel for centuries

  • Canon Immigrant: Kind of. A wise man named Mutsuketa (Myrlund's Japanese name) is mentioned in the Japanese manual for the first game, but this game is the first time he's actually been seen in the flesh.
  • Mission from God: Rubiss herself told him to sit tight and guide the Builder should he return.
  • Older Than They Look: He looks old, but he doesn't look several centuries old.
  • Seers: He can see the future (once the Banner of Hope clears his mind) and advises the builder. Rubiss also talks to him.

    The Princess 

The original princess from Dragon Quest I.

  • Despair Event Horizon: Seeing the man she fell in love with and trusted to save the world betray it instead made her so sad she literally turned to stone.
  • Rescue Romance: Rescued by the Hero from the dragon, she fell in love at once.
  • Second Love: Once in love with the (fallen) hero, she seems to fall for the Builder once awakened.
  • Taken for Granite: Transformed into stone by her Despair Event Horizon, 'til the Builder's arrival brings her hope again several hundred years later.


  • Brutal Honesty: He expresses his relief that the scrawny kid before him is the Builder and not the destined Hero. To the Builder's face.
  • Taken for Granite: Turned to stone like the princess for several centuries.



A monster in human guise who can be recruited as a guard for Tantegel Castle.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: Rejected by other monsters for liking humans.
  • That One Sidequest: Androo can show up in several random locations, it seems, so you'll either be lucky to run across him in a cave or unlucky and have to bomb/tear up every cave around. Look for a speech bubble.

    The Fallen Hero 

  • Deal with the Devil: He agreed to the Dragonlord's offer for half of the world and got a castle called Half of the World.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: It's known that he accepted the Dragonlord's offer, but it's never revealed why. Those who become aware of his choice can only speculate.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: Once the hope of all mankind, now he's just an insane hoodlum who seems incapable of even understanding the enormity of what he's done to the world.
  • Karma Houdini: Being transformed into a delusional monster and stuck in a shack for hundreds of years might just be considered too good for a guy whose decision killed untold numbers of humans and doomed the rest.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: In this universe, at least, he's mentioned as having demonstrated a rather cynical and contrarian disposition on his journey.
  • Screw Destiny: Elle speculates that perhaps the Hero, after being told his entire life that he was destined to fight the Dragonlord, wanted to see what would happen if, just once, what would happen if he did something different. Well, now he knows. Or he would if he was sane.

    The Dragonlord 

  • Stupidity-Inducing Attack: After the Hero was no longer an issue he laid an curse upon Alefgard which robbed those within of their ability to create as well as gradually destroying their literacy. Although it's not perfect, with some retaining or regaining a degree of ability, it's still ongoing, and causes people to struggle to even create so much as a fire.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He claims the curse that wiped out man's ability to create was a blessing intended to protect them from the dangers of rampant creation and totally not a means to keep them oppressed. Mm, yeah, sure.
