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Characters / Dragon From Ash

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The Dragonborn's party

    Velandryn Savani 

Velandryn Savani, Anointed of the Temple, Dragonborn, Thane of Whiterun

  • Blessed with Suck: His opinion regarding his newfound destiny. Being the Dragonborn isn't so sweet when faced with racism, the eventuality of losing your mind to your draconic essence or the obligation to face a fiery demise by multiton flying lizard.
  • Curiosity Is a Crapshoot: He enjoys nosing around Daedra summoning, decides to take a vampire back to her home merely he wants to know more about her coven, and it's strongly implied Hermaeus Mora wants to rally him to its cause for this.
  • Curtains Match the Windows: A redhead with red eyes.
  • Expecting Someone Taller: A scrawny Dark Elf who worships Daedra is not how the Nords pictured the prophesied Dragonborn.
  • Fantastic Racism: Both on the giving and receiving side.
    • On the giving side, he loathes the Imperials for almost cutting his head in a truly unfortunate Miscarriage of Justice, maintains the Nords are nothing but smelly brutes, believes the only good vampire is a dead one and verbally lambasted an outlander Dunmer for having the gall to adress him.
    • On the receiving side, more than a few people in Skyrim deride his religion, refuse to adress him by his name and constantly call him "elf", and of course the Imperials didn't bother with verifying if he truly deserved to be executed because c'mon, he's only a Dunmer.
  • Fiery Redhead: Velandryn tends to be rather controlled, but can verbally explode and rant at someone when he feels insulted.
  • Fish out of Water: Being an Anointed of the Temple, Velandryn knows everything about the Saints and the House of Troubles, but he has no idea whatsoever about how to deal with Nord culture, even less this Dragonborn business.
  • Heroic Bastard: He casually reveals he's the product of an affair between an Ashlander and a more settled Dunmer who promptly dumped him at the Temple to be raised.
  • Interspecies Romance: So far, he slept with human shopkeeper Camilla and shows interest for the human High Queen Elisif and the vampiress Serana Volkihar.
  • Logical Weakness: As Dunmers originate from the volcanic Morrowind, Velandryn is very sensitive to cold.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: His Ashlander mother slapped him with Veloth-Alandro-Dravyn at birth, after the legendary prophet, a great Dunmer hero renowned for fighting the Tongues and one of his ancestors. He prefers to go with the shortened Velandryn.
  • Older Than They Look: Being a Dunmer, he really doesn't look like he's forty-seven years old.
  • Perma-Shave: His being a Dunmer means he only needs to shave once a week, and still it's the slightest scruff.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: The narration often notes he's scrawny and rather petite, barely reaching Lydia's chin. Since he's the Dragonborn, he also has the potential to grow into an invincible demigod.
  • Playing with Fire: A racial trait. It allows him to wield fire magic and to endure hotter temperatures and open flames without a complain. Still, even he is wary of exposing himself directly to dragonfire.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: The Legendary Dragonborn has red eyes courtesy of being a Dunmer, for which it's a racial trait.
  • Resigned to the Call: He really, really thinks he's the worst possible choice to become the prophesied Nord hero-messiah, but since everyone wants for him to fulfill this role, this is what he's going to give them.
  • Stepford Smiler: Mainly a Depressed type, as he's genuinely terrified and dismayed to have been acknowledged as the Dragonborn. On the other hand, his expressions are artificial because he genuinely needs to think about it before emoting — the Dunmer favoring Windows of the Soul over facial expressions.


Lydia, Housecarl

  • Bodyguarding a Badass: Theorically, her serving the Dragonborn as his housecarl would be that. Practically, Velandryn is far away from being a full-flegded badass when she enters his service.
  • Butch Lesbian: Her main attribute is being an Action Girl, she often wears pants and sees no appeal into men.
  • Fish out of Water: When Velandryn sends her to Blacklight in Morrowind, she becomes a Nord lost in front of the Dunmer culture.
  • I Owe You My Life: Part of the reason why she volunteers to serve Velandryn as his housecarl, as he rescued her from being burned alive by Mirmulnir when the dragon attacked Whiterun.
  • Mentor Archetype: She instructs her thane both in swordsmanship and Nord culture.
  • Sword and Sorcerer: Lydia is firmly on the physical side of fighting, contrasting with her mystically-leaning thane.
  • What You Are in the Dark: Following Mirmulnir's attack, she got a promotion to serjeant as she long dreamed and could have walked away from this weird little elf and his insufferable pride. Then she saw all her fellow guards refusing the post of housecarl merely because of Velandryn's race, and she remembered how he saved her life in spite of being obviously terrified by the dragon, and she volunteered for the place.

    Serana Volkihar 

  • Cursed with Awesome: Remembering how she was turned into a vampire gave her lasting trauma but she positively relishes the perks coming with it.
  • Daddy's Girl: Her father positively doted on her when she was very young. Their relationship splintered and frayed after becoming vampires, and was ultimately broken when Serana fled from her own will.
  • Defector from Decadence: After coming back to the Volkihar fortress, she gradually understands she cannot stand her father's mad plans and run away.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: She lived before the establishment of the Tamrielic Empire by Alessia, when the Dunmer were still the Chimer and the Dwemer hadn't disappeared. Needless to say, she has a lot to catch up.
  • Friendly Neighbourhood Vampire: Compared to her more bloodthirsty and ambitious brethren, Serana at least shows genuine curiosity and respect towards men and elves. She also tries to not indulge her thirst too much, or to target reprehensible people who won't be missed.
  • Rape as Backstory: She really, really doesn't want to remember how Molag Bal made her into a Daughter of Coldharbour.
  • Really 700 Years Old: She's older than the Empire as an institution, making her four thousand years old at the strict minimum.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: They mark her as a vampire from the Volkihar strain. Velandryn cannot help but find them strangely compelling.
  • We Can Rule Together: As she grew attached to Velandryn's friendship on the way back to Harkon's fortress, Serana started to entertain the idea of turning him to not lose him. Due to Velandryn's potent loathing towards vampires, the offer wasn't accepted.
