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Characters / Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels

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    Captain Caveman 
Voiced by: Mel Blanc

  • Flight: He can use his magical club to fly by saying a chant.
  • Hammerspace: His hollowed-out club will carry a wide variety of gadgets for fighting crime.

    Brenda Chance
Voiced by: Marilyn Schreffer
  • Butt-Monkey: Brenda is always getting the short end of the stick and captured by the villains. Plus, she's picked on by her friends because of it.
  • Nervous Wreck: Brenda is timid and nervous, but also very sweet.

    Dee Dee Skyes
Voiced by: Vernee Watson
  • Black and Nerdy: She is black and the smartest of her group.
  • Dub Name Change: In the Brazilian Portuguese dub, she was renamed as Sabina, to sound closer to Sabrina, a member of the Charlie's Angels. Although she's physically different from Sabrina, she fits the same role, being the leader and the brains of the trio. She was even voiced by Sabrina's voice actress, Sumara Louise.
  • The Leader: She's the one in charge.
  • Token Minority: The only minority on her team.

    Taffy Dare
Voiced by: Laurel Page
