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Awesome / VeggieTales

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  • Where's God When I'm S-Scared?:
    • In their cover of the Daniel story, the wisemens' series of proposed ways to get rid of Daniel Including sending him to Ur on a runaway camel, tossing him in the Tigris River to be eaten by a crocodile, doing a Jonah and have him swallowed by a whale, and using "his body as a table to play Scrabble on". Granted they do the lion thing, as true to the Bible, but still.
    • Heck, just "Daniel and the Lion's Den" in general. After being preceded by a simple story about Junior being scared of a Frankenstein's Monster expy and Archibald's Soapbox Sadie activism regarding the Water Buffalo Song, the pilot closes things out with their first Bible retelling. Not only do they go really dang hard on the soundtrack for their first outing ("Oh No" being the obvious highlight), but despite the limited 3D animation, they make a surprisingly breathtaking sweeping shot of the area surrounding Babylon. This was definitely one sign that VeggieTales wasn't just going to be your average biblical edutainment show.
  • In King George and the Ducky, though the whole affair is obscenely creepy, what with what happened in the original text and how utterly disturbing it is to see Larry be so awful, hearing that Thomas (played by Junior Asparagus), after being sent to the front lines of the great pie war, wound up single handedly winning the entire war at the cost of his own sanity is just absolutely amazing.
  • Rack, Shack & Benny:
    • The boys standing firm, refusing to sing a song they have issues with morally. When Nezzer threatens them because of their refusal to sing the song, they sing a child's lullaby instead.
    • When Rack, Shack and Benny are about to be sent to the furnace, Laura tries to rescue them in a sequence that's a shout-out to Star Wars. When taking them away in a truck doesn't work, she immediately goes to unplug the machines. Her efforts ultimately didn't work, but that she tried at all, let alone how hard she tried, was definitely awesome.
    • The sheer fact that Laura stood up to Mr. Nezzer in and of itself is insanely awesome, considering that she's doing what could be roughly described as the equivalent of Daniel standing up to King Nebuchadnezzar after the latter had sentenced Radshack, Meshack, and Abed-nego to death and doing everything in his power to make sure that they escaped their fiery demise. Good Lord, that girl has balls.
    • And then there's the boys' salvation:
    (entire room goes dark, and the fiery red furnace instead glows bright white)
    Mr. Lunt: ...Hey Boss... how many guys did we throw into the furnace?
    Mr. Nezzer: Uh... three?
    Mr. Lunt: Well it looks like four guys in there now, and one of them's reeeeeal shiny.
    (Mr. Nezzer stares at the glowing furnace in terrified awe)
    Mr. Lunt: ...One more thing boss... They ain't burnin' up!
  • Dave and the Giant Pickle:
    • With God's Help, Dave triumphs over a giant boxing pickle with only a stone and sling. And Dave's speech as he stood up to a big guy that no one else was brave enough to fight. With God's help This boy has the nerve to fight someone much bigger than he is despite those around him belittling him, even his earthly father.
  • Beauty and the Beet had the moral of unconditional love. Since it's based on Beauty and the Beast, one could expect them have the Belle stand-in fall in love with the Beast stand-in. However this is completely averted, instead having Mirabelle and Mr. Beet develop an Intergenerational Friendship, something that you likely wouldn't expect to see in a story based on a fairy tale with a plot that requires romance to resolve.
  • Josh and the Big Wall!:
    • The transition from the countertop to the desert is elaborate, with hurricane-strong wind that devastates the countertop to reveal the desert where the Israelites in Joshua's time were located. This is probably one of the best transitions ever shown in the series.
    • The awesome choir cover of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" that is sung during the scene where God's directions to conquer Jericho are being revealed to Joshua, followed by his speechless reaction.
    • Junior's speech to put sense in the Israelites, followed by a reprise of "The Lord has Given" sung by Junior. Not to mention his following words to motivate the Israelites to go to Jericho and enter the Promised Land once and for all.
    • The collapse of Jericho. First off, the French soldiers' epic Oh, Crap! reaction to their city collapsing, followed by an awesome majestic shot of God himself dismantling the gong tower of Jericho as the walls collapse. The music most certainly helps.
  • In "Larry-Boy! & the Fib from Outer Space!", when the Larry Mobile transforms into a plane.
    • And the awesome choir music.
    • Even though Larry-Boy didn't stop Fib from causing trouble, at least he tried to do so before Fib held him hostage.
  • In the opening of Larry Boy and the Rumor Weed, Percy Pea and Li'l Pea are leaving a cinema in a Shout-Out to the opening of the above episode, and are stalked by a mysterious figure. When they go down an alley, they are suddenly confronted by the figure, who turns out to be a scallion. He asks them to spare a nickel. The peas tell him they shouldn't talk to strangers, and that they don't have any money. The scallion tells them they have a dollar and twenty-eight cents. The peas are startled, as that is the amount of money they have. The scallion explains he has been watching the boys for ages, and knows exactly how much money they have. The peas, frightened now, say that that is their milk money. Cut to the scallion getting away across the rooftop, and the following is epic.
    Scallion: Ha ha! See ya later boys! Hope you like water with your lunches!
    (The scallion starts to run off, laughing. He stops, seeing something offscreen.)
    Scallion: Huh?
    (Cut to a silhouetted Larry Boy against a billboard. He turns to the scallion, who backs up, and Larry Boy comes into the light.)
    Larry Boy: I believe you have something that belongs to those boys.
    (Larry Boy is coming closer, causing the scallion to back up.)
    Scallion: Well, I...
    (Scallion has been backed up to the edge of the roof top. Larry Boy is right in front of him, face to face.)
    Scallion: Who are you?
    Larry Boy: I'm Larry Boy.
    (Larry Boy grabs the scallion with his super suction ear, and jumps onto the edge of the roof.)
    Scallion: What are you going to do?
    Larry Boy: It's not nice to take people's milk money!
    (Larry Boy flips the Scallion upside down. The two peas are down below, watching everything.)
    Scallion: Hey, take it easy pal...don't do anything crazy.....
    (Larry Boy starts shaking the scallion about, causing the milk money to fall in front of the peas the scallion screaming all the while. Once the money is returned, Larry Boy turns the scallion back upright.)
    Scallion: I don't feel so good.
    (Larry Boy takes off with the scallion, who is yelling in protest.)
    • Well, long story short.....the Milk Money bandit is handed over to the police.
    • "Rumor Weed" also has an awesome moment in the song the titular character sings where she states that a rumor can be based on true information; it's the spreading of the message and the hurt it causes that makes it a rumor, not whether the original message was false or not.
  • At the end of Jonah, where Khalil gets tired of Jonah's self-righteousness and Moral Myopia and finally tears into him.
    Khalil: Would you look at yourself?! You care more about that weed than about all the people in Nineveh! Why are you here now, instead of back in the belly of that whale? Because God is compassionate—he wanted to help you! And because he is merciful—he gave you a second chance! Has it ever occurred to you that maybe God loves everybody, not just you? That maybe he wants to give everyone a second chance? He saw that those people needed help! That they didn't know right from wrong! And he wanted to help them! And that is why he sent you! And when you told them what they were doing wrong, they said they were sorry! They put down their mackerels and their halibuts and they asked God for a second chance! And by golly, he gave them one! Don't you see? God wants to give everyone a second chance. And so should we.
    • The wording he uses also serves as a Shout-Out, almost certainly intentional, to the first verse of the Fatiha ("In the name of God, the compassionate and merciful..."), which adds another dimension to Khalil's character.
  • Minnesota Cuke has many Indiana Jones references beyond the title, including a shout-out to the propeller boat chase from The Last Crusade.
  • Esther...The Girl Who Became Queen has the titular Esther having trouble standing up for herself. Until the end, when she reveals to King Xerxes that Haman is planning to banish her cousin Mordecai (who Xerxes just gave a parade to) to the Island of Perpetual Tickling. Cue Haman getting sent to the Island of Perpetual Tickling instead. Mordecai even gets his job.
    Esther: Mordecai is my cousin! His family is my family!
    Xerxes: You had me banish the man who saved my life and my own queen?! For your punishment, Haman, you are to be sent to The Island of Perpetual Tickling, along with anyone else who dares scheme against my queen, and her family!
    Narrator: (after Haman is banished to the Island) So Haman got what was comin' to him, and then some!
    • Despite being in the background for most of the story, Mordecai gets some awesome moments. First, he keeps the Peaoni brothers from escaping after their failed assassination attempt with nothing but a stern, angry scowl. Secondly, when Haman approaches him (after Esther's first dinner attempt to tell the king the truth failed) and smugly offers to get the king to renounce the banishment if Mordecai bows to him, and even saying he could work something out for his whole family (even though he's likely lying). Mordecai doesn't even acknowledge Haman at first, but after that thinly-veiled threat against his family, Mordecai finally snaps and lets loose a very angry reply (lifted from a very poignant verse!):
    Modercai: Arrogance is not fitting for a fool, Haman! Much less is lying fitting for a right hand man! I'll never bow to you!
  • Lord of the Beans references many iconic scenes from the three lengthy movies in the Lord of the Rings trilogy in one short video along with references to Elvis Presley and the Keebler elves, and it works.
