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Live Blogs Valiona's Stalker Diary of The Stalking Zuko Series
Valiona2015-10-12 20:45:20

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NSZ Chapter 46, Part 2: Separation Anxiety

The airship lowers to the main boulevard, and its passengers descend using ropes, Hakoda's first, and he runs toward Katara before giving her "a big snuggly dad hug," and they both shed Tears of Joy at the reunion, and the hope that they'll never be separated again. Meanwhile, Suki greets Zuko and gives a Stage Whisper commenting how Water Tribe people always greet each other that way. Suki gives Zuko a hug while avoiding his wound, and he expresses respect over her badassery. Hakoda and Suki then break off to tie the airship down.

Aang is the first out of the airship, before it's even secured, and practically hurls himself around her; Katara's narrative tone seems to indicate that we're meant to see him as overzealous, impatient and blind to the fact that this is a Zutara fic. She says that he did so "like we were the best of friends and he hadn't disappeared when I needed him the most," as though it's not true, but decides to put off the scolding until later and act happy that he's back.

First, it's always somewhat obnoxious when people sarcastically talk about something that could legitimately be true(as Katara was canonically happy to see Aang again, after he saved the world) as though it's patently ridiculous. It's one thing to disagree with an idea, but another to suggest that one could only have it if they were ignorant, stupid, not in their right minds or anything else of the sort. Unfortunately, since Aang is not portrayed as very intelligent in this fic (ignoring all the growing up that, contrary to the author's assertions did happen in canon), and almost never makes points that the others consider very wise, it's easy to see that the author is bashing Aang's ignorance of Katara's feelings without considering that Aang, having defeated the Fire Lord and saved the world, is glad that everything worked out well and his friends are unharmed, and doesn't expect Katara to second-guess him on the job that he successfully did without any of her help.

Second, this sort of interaction is more characteristic of Aang and Katara's relationship in this fic than the author would like us to think (as far as I can tell, while the author doesn't think much of Aang and Katara's viability as a romantic relationship, she wants us to think that Aang let Katara down, and for us to sympathize with Katara when she channels the author's frustrations with Aang). Katara's always been keeping her true feelings inside, particularly when she disapproves of what Aang says, does, or believes, compared to the rest of the Gaang (Katara isn't always honest about Zuko, but she did confess to him once, and tends to have the most meaningful conversations with him. Since Katara's been together with Zuko for several chapters, it's less noticeable.

Toph earthbends a ramp to allow Sokka and Teo- crutch and wheelchair users, respectively- to get down. Aang relinquishes Katara to allow Sokka to hug her, before Sokka then hugs Zuko in an awkward way due to his injuries. Katara then gives Suki a hug, thanking her for bringing everyone back to her, and Suki reminds Katara that Toph's had "a big fright" before pushing Toph forward. Unlike with Aang, Katara does not think about her being angry with Toph for telling her father about their relationship.

Toph, despite usually being standoffish when it comes to affection, hugs Katara and is quite affectionate to her, even admitting to missing Katara. Toph tries the same with Zuko. Toph tries to hug Zuko, but accidentally hits his lightning wound, resulting in Toph apologizing and Katara scolding her. Toph wryly notes that he really did get hit by lightning and "look(s) like hell," a joke that takes him a few seconds to get.

Aang's nervous around Zuko, asking how mad he is on a scale of 1 to 10 (knowing the author, it's out of a desire to confirm that he's not in trouble). Zuko's confused, but says he's not mad, resulting in Aang hugging him and accidentally hitting his lightning wound.

Chit Sang, Haru, Teo and The Duke are out of the airship, and greet everyone, with The Duke wrapping himself around Zuko's legs. Zuko's getting tired of all the affection, even though, as Katara notes, he wouldn't admit it(I may not be there, so am I; this scene is one of those that goes on for too long as a result of Katara's need to chronicle everything that happens.) Katara wants to set Zuko up in a comfy chair and give him tea and cookies.

So Katara declares, in a "bossy" voice, that they're going back to the house. Much to her horror, she discovers that Iroh and Hakoda have suddenly become "the best of friends" after a short conversation. Katara fears what this means for her and Zuko, and that fear is reinforced when Hakoda laughs uproariously at one of Hakoda's jokes.

Toph's glad to see Iroh again, and Iroh introduces himself to everyone who doesn't know him yet, with Chit Sang being a bit formal toward Iroh, bowing in greeting. Meanwhile, Hakoda awkwardly tries to make small talk with Zuko, who calls him "sir" a lot. From what I've heard, most boyfriends call their girlfriends' fathers, "Mr. (last name, which isn't common in the Avatar-verse)" or "sir" while they're dating, and depending on the culture, their first name or "Father" after marrying the girl.

Iroh wants everyone to get settled before they turn their attention to Ozai. Iroh has the girls make up some rooms, and opens up three residences to the Water Tribe and Kyoshi warriors. Iroh separates the Kyoshi warriors not for their modesty but everyone else's safety. He'd heard from the Iron Cove warden that the Water Tribe men say sexist things, resulting in fights between them and the Kyoshi Warriors, which the guards bet on. Usually, the latter group comes out on top, and the losers are mocked for losing to girls (There's no desirable outcome when facing a weaker opponent; either you're picking on the weak, or you're incompetent enough to lose to a weakling), and Suki mutters approval for her warriors under her breath. Hakoda and Suki thus will stay with their people, since while they don't want to be separated from their friends (what is with the Gaang and separation anxiety?)

Iroh says that once everyone's settled, he, Hakoda, Suki and Toph will go to let Ozai out. Toph inches closer to Katara, who remembers that she's mad at her, but feels concern. Toph asks if she has to escort Ozai to prison, evidently not wanting to be anywhere near him, but Iroh says she only needs to remove his shackles, since she metalbended them onto him. Aang, by contrast, is apparently quite eager to go as part of his Avatar duty, and Iroh, while reluctant to let "a kid" go to prison, acquiesces.

Everyone's unpacking, and some of them- such as Toph, Sokka and Chit Sang- want snacks. Lenka lays out a spread for people, and they enjoy tea and fireflakes while talking with each other.

Hakoda and Iroh take the opportunity to talk with people about arrangements. People will have to share rooms because of limited space. Katara and Toph will share a room(giving Katara an opportunity to scold Toph), Sokka will share with Haru and the Duke will share with Teo. The arrangements are temporary, and some will move in with their fathers. Meanwhile, Chit Sang has his own room due to being "the size of six people," and Aang gets his room as the Avatar. Sokka, through enough pleading, swaps rooms with Aang, quite possibly so that Suki can visit him. Meanwhile, Suki and Iroh have rooms at their respective houses, so they can manage their people's health and make arrangements for transport, particularly two Kyoshi warriors who are sick with the summer fever. Iroh heard about it from a "friend" at the prison, prompting Katara to wonder whether he has friends everywhere.

Iroh says they can stay as long as they want. He says that the nations used to have embassies in the Caldera, and now that he hopes to re-establish inter-nation cooperation, they'll start up again. Speaking of the distant past, he recalls that the villas are leftovers from when the royal family was larger, and now, with only four accounted for and two criminally insane, it's best to use them for a good purpose.

Katara's glad that the Gaang can stay together as long as they want, but is worried about how long that will last. She realizes, from what she heard, that Suki will be going back to Kyoshi Island some time soon, and wonders why (It's not as though she's leader of the Kyoshi warriors, with a responsibility for those under her command). Katara's also worried about what Suki and Sokka will do regarding their relationship (They really should talk about this at some point, preferably soon).

This is one downside to mixed couples- you never know where you'll be able to live. Aang is something of an exception, as since his home's been destroyed, he can settle down with his partner, and work rebuilding the Air Nomads around that.

Katara's thoughts turn to her family, and how her father arranged transport back to the South Pole. Much to her surprise, she's horrified at the prospect of going "home," particularly since she doesn't know if it will be home with everyone else there, particularly not Zuko, whom she can't bring with her, and Katara's only comfort is that they won't be leaving for a while. (It's really been a long time since "The Boy in the Iceberg," when Zuko still wanted to capture Aang, and he and Katara first met as enemies). This seemed like a bit of a wasted opportunity for Katara to reminisce on how much the journey has changed her, particularly in being forced to fight for her life and be exposed to many places outside her homeland, but it mainly came off as an excuse for Katara to angst about her and her brother being separated from those they love. It's also hypocritical given how much she detests Aang being motivated by his unrequited love for her; how would Zuko feel about this?

Iroh and Hakoda are getting ready to go. As Sokka feasts on fireflakes, Katara tries in vain to heal his leg, and as he tries to reassure her that he's used to hopping around the place, Katara laments that she's still Incompletely Trained. Luckily, unlike with her woes about being separated for the others, she has a solution- leave Sokka to Dr. Yang for now, and (possibly) learn what she needs to.

In Zuko's room, Aang, Suki and Sokka are trying to explain what happened with their group, and Aang keeps mentioning the turtles, much to Zuko's confusion (Have I mentioned that the author really dislikes the lion turtle teaching Aang energybending?). Katara tells them all to get out- Iroh needs to go soon, and Zuko needs his rest- and they comply, although the injured Sokka initially thinks himself exempt from this. It's also noted that Sokka and Zuko miss each other in a "manly" way, want to gossip have manly chats about manly things, and exchange dares, such as Sokka drinking the vile concoction. Sokka declares it worse than licking cave walls, Zuko says he has to drink that four times a day, and Katara reminds Zuko why he has to do so.

Toph approaches Katara in the kitchen, and says she wants to talk with her about something, but when Katara scolds her for telling Hakoda that Zuko's her boyfriend, Toph says it's not about that. Katara, seemingly ignoring Toph, then launches into her rant about Toph saying such a thing, even though she can't actually deny that Zuko's her boyfriend in the presence of Toph, who sardonically points out that her "assumptions" aren't as "baseless" as Katara thinks. As Katara tries to resume her rant, Toph tells Katara that she didn't come here for a lecture (Honestly, Katara should have put aside her grievances with Toph long enough to listen to what she had to say), but Toph says that Katara should forget it. Perhaps Katara should have listened to Suki and taken Toph's "scare " into account.

Toph asks Katara if she wants to come with her when she releases Ozai, thinking that Katara might like to have a rant at him. Katara refuses, noting that in spite of her reputation, she only likes giving bossy rants to people who will listen, and would rather spend time with Zuko, not wanting Toph to get "ideas" (of course, she could emphasize the fact that Zuko's a patient and needs her to look after him in a pinch). Toph looks disappointed and Katara realizes that Toph needs her, as she's scared of Ozai. While that's an insightful deduction, if Katara had listened, she'd have found this out earlier.

Katara agrees to go with Toph, because she's "a giant sap and an idiot," who hates the thought of Toph being scared of anything. Katara then gives Zuko his concoction and holds him to their earlier deal, while also forbidding Zuko and Sokka from doing anything like sparring or eating too many fire flakes while she's away.

I'll leave off here for now. I've noticed that the last four chapters of Not Stalking Zuko seem especially long, and this one's longer than the last few ones, so I may have to make this and the ones after it four-parters.

What I liked

  • Unfortunately, I'm drawing a blank again here.

What I didn't Like

  • The hugging and greeting went on for too long.
  • The Gaang's separation anxiety seems overplayed.
  • Katara angsts about romance when she should be pondering how much she's changed.
  • Katara doesn't seem interested in listening to Toph.

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