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Sculcuvant Since: Jul, 2010
10/24/2011 11:47:42 •••

Season 3

I was originally a bit "Meh" about Warehouse 13, having watched the first two seasons more or less as they were airing and being somewhat underwhelemed but keeping up because nothing else was on at that time. Consequently I decided not to bother with watching Season Three until I had a free weekend with not much to do.

Boy do I wish I'd been watching all along. Season 3 turned out to be a notable bump in quality. Not in a Children Of Earth way, it still felt like good old Warehouse 13, but the episodes were just a little bit more emotionally impressive, the humor was better, the campy qualities were still there but with some more heavy undertones. The Arc Plot was enjoyable and the developments to the mythology were subtle but noticeable if you were paying attention. Steve Jinks was a fun character and I wish we'd seen more of him, partially because he amused me and partially because he was a highly refreshing gay character: They never played it up for gimmicks or cheap laughs but made him a legit character in his own right, and the gay jokes at his expense were often actually funny. While there are always ways it could improve (Effects, maybe some plotting issues, etc) it was a great example of how lower-budget Sci-fi can be done. The cliffhanger ending will definitely bring me back in Christmas and for the next season.

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