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bioyugi Since: Aug, 2009
08/15/2011 21:57:13 •••


This show is one of my favorites I've seen on tv. First I have to mention the humor. Between Petes epic ability to Shout Out to anything, Claudia's tech talk, Artie's oddball behavior and newcomer Jinx's naivite to the whole warehouse thing, I pretty much am laughing every minute. This ties in to how well developed the characters are. They all have different personalities and play off each other really well. When they bring out their inevitable tragic backstories it's easy to feel a twinge of regret for them.

The artifacts are all really unique and not typical of what you would expect of them, and they manage to pull out really obscure items for use as artifacts, which adds to the mythos. Most of the time one of the agents get in trouble because of them, and even though you know they won't kill off a main character in episode 2, it's still effective. Even more effective is when the myth arc for the season starts up. It really manages to stay tense and climactic throughout the finales. The special effects do range from good to heh but that adds to the tongue in cheek attitude they have about the whole thing. Highlights of this show include the recent "Stuck in a game" episode, the second to last episode of Season 2, Petes aforementioned Shout Outs, and the way it builds up over time, referencing other artifacts and building up conflict for the finales.

All in all, a really great show. Easy to watch in reruns, and you could probably start in the middle and still get a lot of enjoyment from it. Highly recommended.

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