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Reviews VideoGame / Fallout 4

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Tempus22 Since: Jan, 2015
01/17/2016 07:20:49 •••

A Mixed Bag

The Good:

Gameplay is adequate. It feels a lot smoother than in FNV and F3 and I actually like that the VATS doesn't stop time completely. Same with the visuals, although I guess nowadays that's not much of a milestone.

The radiation system is also a nice touch, and impacts the gameplay nicely.

The Mixed:

The Companions. It's good that this time around the Companions will sometimes actually say something appropriate in certain situations, and during dialogue with other characters. Although it's a little ridiculous that certain characters will fawn over you just because you managed to hack enough computers. Personally though, I just didn't find them as interesting as the Companions in FNV.

The romance part. All in all, it can range from heartwarming to awkward, depending on how long you've known the Companion in question before romancing them. There's also the whole thing where they will romance you regardless of your gender. Some call it fine, as it doesn't limit the player's freedom. I call it lazy. In FNV your companions include a gay man and a lesbian, and with certain perks you could be either of that, bisexual, or straight. In Fallout 4 you only get the straight perk, and it doesn't even give you specific dialogue options this time. All of that is very annoying for people who want to play a gay character.

The Bad:

The dialogue system. People often say it's bland, unoriginal, and dumbed down. And, well, it is. Funny or quirky dialogue options are very rare, and especially the 'Sarcasm' choice is ridiculously ambiguous, as it ranges from being playful to being a complete asshole.

Roleplaying. From the start of the game you're given a spouse and a baby and the game forces your character to care for them regardless of what you want. Gameplay and Story Segregation is in full effect when your character acts as if though finding their son is the most important thing to be done, yet nothing stops you from dicking around in the Wasteland doing nothing for a month in-game time. The drama just fails if you don't ignore all that. And if you don't give a damn about your son to begin with, it falls even flatter.

But, with all that said, it's still great fun and worth giving a try. Now, if only they let Obsidian do the story and characters it might have been perfect.

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