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Mr.Movie Since: Feb, 2014
06/05/2015 15:55:33 •••

Goku vs. Superman: Possibly The Greatest Fictional One-On-One Fight Of All Time

A crowning moment of awesome from the first second of the 30-ish minute running time to the last, Goku vs. Superman is without a doubt the crown jewel of Death Battle. Without spoiling the winner, some highlights include:

  • A Beam-O-War between a Super Saiyan 4 boosted Kamehameha and Superman's heat/laser vision.
  • Goku absorbing the energy of a Spirit Bomb
  • A reference to DBZ Abridged and Superman's iconic "car over head" pose (from Action Comics #1)
  • Goku uses the Kaio-Ken technique and all 4 levels of Super Saiyan
  • The fight moving from Metropolis to DBZ-like mountains and then to space
  • Great music throughout the fight
  • Truly nerdy mathematics used to justify the winner
  • A to-the-point yet in-depth recap of both fighters' abilities and histories that builds up to the battle quite nicely
  • And more.

I could go on and on about how great it is, but I must bring up the harsh Fridge Horror: While fans of the winner celebrated with ticker-tape parades and fans of the loser cried new oceans into tubs of ice cream, I just simply watched it again, but then realized that the best is now behind us. No match had ever been as requested, as hyped, as well produced, or as long and epic as Gv S, and it is a solid bet no future fight will even come close. Though the fight was really good, I truly feel that only by being a series finale would the Matchup To End All Matchups be done justice (doing so would also buy time to make the great but not perfect animation better). In its place, Master Chief vs. Samus Aran would have been a great Season 1 finale...

I also feared that a drop in fans would ensue, with the fans of the loser quitting due to rage and fans of the winner moving on to other things now that they're satisfied. I don't have the stats to prove or repress that fear, but I take comfort knowing that the current videos get enough views to justify making new ones, and that the quality of the videos is still decent.

The best is behind us, and maybe a year or two or three from now I will view the series finale of Death Battle. While it will no doubt be something truly special, in the end, nothing can top what is the show's best episode. However, even though I think no future fight will be as good, Goku vs. Superman will always be a fond memory to look back on.

Ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny indeed...

RatSplat68 Since: Sep, 2013
06/13/2014 00:00:00

Nope, they are going to do Godzilla vs Gamera! And even after that, there are still tons of epic battles to do, like Darth Vader vs Doctor doom, Daffy Duck vs Donald Duck, etc...

Mr.Movie Since: Feb, 2014
06/14/2014 00:00:00

^ Don't forget Galactus vs. Unicron, The Hulk vs. The Juggernaut, Astroboy vs. Iron Man, and The Iron Giant vs. the Omnidroid!

marcellX Since: Feb, 2011
06/14/2014 00:00:00

Didn't The Hulk vs Jaggernaut already happen in universe?

Mr.Movie Since: Feb, 2014
06/14/2014 00:00:00

^ Maybe, but just like the TMNT battle and Robocop vs. Terminator and the Pokémon battle, in-universe and crossover combat means nothing: the outcomes of in-universe fights are determined by the will of the writers, which are dictated by things like "the plot", "rule of X" and "not pissing off the readers", not research or calculations.

Demongodofchaos2 Since: Jul, 2010
07/16/2014 00:00:00

Asura vs. the Hulk will be just as good if they do it.

Watch Symphogear
RatSplat68 Since: Sep, 2013
12/25/2014 00:00:00

...Bowser vs King K. Roll, Dracula vs Ganondorf, and Darkseid vs Thanos. Sorry, did I miss anything? ;)

EricW Since: Jan, 2010
06/05/2015 00:00:00

It's true that Goku VS Superman's going to be tough to pass, but pop culture is a big place. I'm sure they'll come up with something else in the future to make it just as awesome.

Lord Eric Wu, Grandmaster of the order of Troping.

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