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Discussion History VideoGame / KerbalSpaceProgram

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So today I found some evidence that Jerry Pournelle (author of \'\'Literature/TheMoteInGodsEye\'\', among others) [[ is aware of and interested in the game]]. I was going to add him as a BigNameFan, but I haven\'t yet found any evidence that he\'s actually \'\'played\'\' it. Thoughts?
So today I found some evidence that Jerry Pournelle (author of \\\'\\\'Literature/TheMoteInGodsEye\\\'\\\', among others) [[ is aware of and interested in the game]]. I was going to add him as a BigNameFan, but I haven\\\'t yet found any evidence that he\\\'s actually \\\'\\\'played\\\'\\\' it. Thoughts?

EDIT: Alright, BigNameFan isn\\\'t what I thought it was; maybe OneOfUs would fit better (if he has indeed played it, that is).