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[001] Arivne Current Version
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Removed the following {{Natter}} from \'\'Film/TheIronGiant\'\' example in the {{Film}}s - Animation folder.
Removed the following {{Natter}} from \\\'\\\'Film/TheIronGiant\\\'\\\' example in the {{Film}}s - Animation folder.

** If the Iron Giant had been a bit more familiar with Earthling technology, he might have realized that it would be possible to cripple the missile from a safe distance with a long-range weapon like a laser -- instead of ramming into the missile head-first in a self-sacrificing kamikaze attack. But, obviously, that would\\\'ve been emotionally anticlimactic.
*** It\\\'s not explicit, but it is strongly implied he doesn\\\'t have conscious control of his weapon systems (like his laser), so the above solution wouldn\\\'t be viable.