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[001] lu127 MOD Current Version
Changed line(s) 5 from:
* Happens near the end of \'\'TheSevenSamurai\'\' between Katsushiro and Shino.
* Happens near the end of \\\'\\\'TheSevenSamurai\\\'\\\' between Katsushiro and Shino.
* Happens offscreen with Goku and his wife Chi-Chi right before the Cell Games in \\\'\\\'DragonBallZ\\\'\\\'
* Takamura blames this for [[spoiler:Aoki\\\'s championship fight loss]] in \\\'\\\'HajimeNoIppo\\\'\\\'.
* [[spoiler: Maron and Chiaki]] in KamikazeKaitouJeanne. [[AdaptationDecay Only in the manga, tho.]]
* In the UndocumentedFeatures universe, this trope is responsible for at least half of the \\\"Ragnarok Wave\\\" of second-generation characters.
* Not expressly stated but heavily implied to have happened between Minato and Chihiro in the {{Persona 3}} LetsPlay, MyLifeIsAGoddamnMess.