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YMMV / Vapor: A Steampunk RP

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  • Designated Hero: As with the villian of the roleplay, who the hero is depends, again, on perspective.
  • Designated Villain: This being a nation-based roleplay, depending on who you are rooting for may change the "villian" of the work.
    • Pavlostani/Khamul: An insane evil nation with extreme genocidal tendencies, or a poor unstable nation who's people just want to make it in life.
    • Servoth: Orchestrates the invasion and oppression of a poor city in an unstable nation, then joins a gang of Imperialists; or attempts to stabalize and protect said city, and later builds a powerful alliance to protect themselves from the Alliance. Most tend to choose the former.
    • Inoroth: Big friendly nation that helps the little guy and tries to keep the peace though a network of allies; or massive powerhouse oppressor that tries to keep any competitors from rising too high by maintaining a myrid of agreements with other powers.
