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YMMV / The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace

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  • Designated Hero: The Idaten. They are, at best, extremely apathetic towards humanity and admit that their only contribution to mankind's betterment is that they only exist to fight Demons. After that though, they come off as selfish and incompentent, especially Rin and Hayato who are only really concerned with getting stronger and standing guard around the Seal, respectively. At worst, you have Ysley who casually reveals that he spent the first few years of his life torturing and dissecting innocent people to better understand humans.
  • Overshadowed by Controversy: The main reason why people came to know of this series was due to an infamous scene in episode one which features a nun getting raped by soldiers towards the end of the episode. And it's been heavily debated on whether it was done in good taste or not, considering how the episode up until then was mostly lighthearted.
  • Rooting for the Empire: While the demons are pretty repugnant, they're so thoroughly outclassed by the Idaten that you may honestly start to feel sorry for them. Many viewers also liked their designs and interactions with each other more than the heroes.
  • Uncertain Audience: The tone of the series is all over the place. While it initially seems like a lighthearted action-comedy, it quickly and rather jarringly jumps into heavy, disturbing topics such as rape, war crimes, and genocide. On top of this, the story is very absurdist and almost seems like a parody of overly complicated long runners but then proceeds to take itself seriously. This lack of focus almost certainly contributed to to the anime's relative obscurity despite the effort put into it by MAPPA studio.
  • What Do You Mean, It's Not for Kids?: Why it may seem like your standard shonen action comedy at first, and the art style looks cute enough, it features heavy sexual content, such as nudity and a rape scene, which was made a lot more explicit in the remake of the manga. It also featured an onscreen decapitation.
