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YMMV / Star Trek Voyager S 6 E 17 Spirit Folk

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  • Designated Hero: While Janeway tries to justify her refusal to shut down the Fair Haven program on the grounds that it would adversely affect crew morale, it comes across like she's willing to put the "life" of her holographic boyfriend above the actual lives of Tom and Harry.
  • Hand Wave: It is explained that the crew cannot simply beam Tom and Harry out of the holodeck due to "too many stray photons", whatever the hell that means.
  • Informed Wrongness: When B'Elanna and Seven suggest shutting down the Fair Haven program in order to rescue Tom and Harry, even if it damages the program, Janeway curtly dismisses their suggestion on the grounds that B'Elanna can't be trusted to make an impartial suggestion when her boyfriend is in danger, and Seven doesn't understand the emotional connection the crew has with the Fair Haven characters. This overlooks the fact that the Fair Haven program had already been severely damaged during its debut episode, and judging by what we see here, Tom managed to repair it just fine. Moreover, considering that Janeway's plan to send in the Doctor winds up putting him in danger of being deleted should anything else go wrong, the suggestion to just shut down the program seems like it would have been infinitely more sensible.
