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YMMV / Oceano

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  • Audience-Alienating Era: Incisions. Fan opinion is that while they deserve at least some credit for trying to experiment, it's still a badly-written, overly long album with a lot of ideas that should have stayed on the drawing board that is made worse by a shitty production job. The band has been happy to abandon the album, as they have not played anything from it for over a year, and Adam Warren has expressed his dislike for the album to individual fans.
  • First Installment Wins: The fanbase can almost unanimously agree that Depths is still their best album.
  • Nightmare Fuel: All of Depths; there's something incredibly unsettling with the music, and the lyrics filled with violence and torture don't help with its dark and misanthropic atmosphere.
  • Replacement Scrappy: Andrew Holzbaur was not well-liked by the fanbase, who felt that he was sloppy live and had a generally formulaic and unimaginative playing style, and his difficulty with reliably hitting higher tempos pushed many fan favorites off the setlists. Triumphantly averted with Matt Kohanowski, who is universally beloved by fans and generally held to be their best drummer ever, and the inclusion of "Viral Re-Animation" and "Slaughtered Like Swine" (neither of which had been played with Holzbaur in the band) on their first tour with him won back a lot of older fans.
  • Signature Song: "District of Misery" and/or "Dead Planet".
  • Vindicated by History: While Depths got them some press in their initial run, it also wound up being overshadowed by the bigger acts at the time, and after Contagion, they largely plateaued and had a less-than-stellar return from their hiatus with Incisions. Come the mid-2010s, and it was obvious that Depths had foreshadowed a lot of major musical trends in newer deathcore acts, and that, coupled with no small amount of adoration from younger fans of the genre, was enough to give them a massive boost.
  • Win Back the Crowd: While Ascendants is still somewhat divisive among older fans, the general consensus is that it was still a major step up from Incisions and put them back on the radar of a lot of people who were turned off by that album, as well as putting them on the radar of a lot of younger fans.
