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YMMV / My Life As A Teenage Robot S 3 E 10

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"Puppet Bride":

  • Magnificent Bastard: Lil' Acorn was originally a young Nora Wakeman's defense droid she turned into a ventriloquist's dummy, but he grew prideful and blackmailed her for a chance at a solo performance. Booed by the crowed, and running out of batteries after attacking the angry mob, Lil' Acorn seeks revenge in the present after being revived, doing so by stealing Nora's bioprocessors and using them to bring an army of puppets to life. Wanting to make Jenny his bride, Lil' Acorn and his puppets manage to knock her out so he can unveil the wedding ring—one of the bioprocessors, which would give him total control over her—and he holds Nora back with "The Song That Goes On Forever" as a last resort. Despite his villainy, Lil' Acorn's yearning for a bride eventually convinces Nora to make one, for which he sincerely thanks her.
